The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Unsatisfactory answer to your exaggerated claim.

Do better

edit: sickening that you invoke *when I talk about America, it also includes South America *

That is pure rubbish from you and your past alias'.


Tell me what's the number of homeless in the USA right now?

Take a guess. I already told you there are no reliable numbers.

What u want me to do!? Not make up numbers?? Lol

This is pointing to not allowing this poster to EVER post. Paraphrasing "My junk is made up junk."

by rickroll k

i think a big reason for my relative indifference to the buffoon is i think the others are just as bad as him but actually care about obscuring that whereas trump lays it all out there in the open

Do you think that Kamala believes she is a buffoon? Do you think that Trump believes he is a buffoon?

Agreeing a bit with DS here.... my wife is fond of saying "most doctors don't graduate at the top of their class"

However..... his claim that most doctors in Vegas* (anywhere) are Flounders is lol,sample,of,one bad.

No that sample of one has peers that's he talks to and is up to date.

It's not one person in a vacuum like you would like it to sound like, or as u believe, it's not.

They are talking for a whole group of people of their profession.

Question, Why is PA so important? It's only one state!

Whats all that talk about PA? Trump has every other swing state under wrap right now.

PA which he probably wins as well btw, shouldn't even matter now.


Tell me what's the number of homeless in the USA right now?

Take a guess. I already told you there are no reliable numbers.

What u want me to do!? Not make up numbers?? Lol

Wait because we don’t have exact numbers of homeless people you think that justifies making numbers up? You realize why that could be a difficult number to tamp down on, right?

For one thing, the definition of homeless is really difficult. Does it count people who live out of their van that they paid 100k+ to deck out so they can travel around the country? Does it count people who have a consistent place to sleep in temporary shelters? Does it count people who are living outside of a hotel? Does it count people who are living on their couch? Does it count people who were recently evicted so they move in with family temporarily? Does it count people who have been evicted but because of state or local laws they are able to remain in their apartment for a few more months?

Have you even really thought of why different places might report different statistics for homeless people, or are you thinking the only thing that counts as homeless is literally living on the street? (And if it does count that do they become no longer homeless if they are arrested for a crime?)


They 're guessing 3.5 M homeless children in 2014 btw

And tahts just a a guess. The real number is probably 10-100 times higher.

Wait. You think there are 35-350 million homeless children? In America or what???

No the def on homeless is simple. Its not having a steady place to sleep.

By that def everyone who travels around in their car ie. Without a home, Is homeless,

U know how many fly under the radar here? Millions...

Every kid that sleeps one week at their grand parents one week here and the other there is homeless.

All I'm saying isnu don't know..


They 're guessing 3.5 M homeless children in 2014 btw

And tahts just a a guess. The real number is probably 10-100 times higher.


If I remember correctly, you said that 190 million in the U.S. had lost their homes in the last few years. That's 55% of the U.S. population. That would be extremely noticeable, especially in major cities. It simply didn't happen. You made that statistic up out of thin air.

We don't have to know the exact number to know that the number you cited is obviously wrong.

by King Spew k

Agreeing a bit with DS here.... my wife is fond of saying "most doctors don't graduate at the top of their class"

However..... his claim that most doctors in Vegas* (anywhere) are Flounders is lol,sample,of,one bad.

No one is claiming that all members of any profession are competent. I know some truly terrible lawyers and relatively few exceptional ones.

by Rococo k


If I remember correctly, you said that 190 million in the U.S. had lost their homes in the last few years. That's 55% of the U.S. population. That would be extremely noticeable, especially in major cities. It simply didn't happen. You made that statistic up out of thin air.

There are 500 million homeless in NYC alone. I have confirmed this by thinking about it.


No the def on homeless is simple. Its not having a steady place to sleep.

By that def everyone who travels around in their car ie. Without a home, Is homeless,

U know how many fly under the radar here? Millions...

Every kid that sleeps one week at their grand parents one week here and the other there is homeless.

All I'm saying isnu don't know..

If you really cared about this issue you wouldn’t commit yourself to an epistemology where you can make stuff up because you think it will help your point.

By the way, most people wouldn’t consider the homeless person with mental illness and a drug addiction to be in the same position as rich hipsters with 50-100k vans working remote from national parks even though they can buy a million dollar house if they wanted to and neither are in the same position as a kid that moves around a little because their parents are divorced or something. Anyone who takes this position is just doing it so they can pump up the numbers of homeless in the country for cynical political reasons most likely.

Here's the quote


U should tell that to the 190 million Americans who lost their homes due to what exactly in the last 3 years?!

Go figure! Yeah figure that out..

Please provide the cite to 190 million Americans so that we can see North and South included. or Bye Bye

by Rococo k

No one is claiming that all members of any profession are competent. I know some truly terrible lawyers and relatively few exceptional ones.

Well, my reading of the DS post is that he doesn't see any competent doctors..... not simply that some are bad,,,, or even most are bad.

edit.... my wife CERTAINLY agrees that some doctors are not very competent, most of those are simply gate keepers trying to move problems on to the next doc.

by checkraisdraw k

Anyone who takes this position is just doing it so they can pump up the numbers of homeless in the country for cynical political reasons most likely.

He's got a thing about how Democrats used homeless people to commit voter fraud and steal the election from Trump. I had even spent some time thrashing out the details with him for how I could turn this into a business model and how much I would be able to charge the DNC per homeless vote delivered. There was also the issue of illegal immigrants just strolling across the border to vote by mail, but we never did get to the bottom of why they'd need to actually cross the border to do that or the exact mechanics of how it all worked.


They 're guessing 3.5 M homeless children in 2014 btw

And tahts just a a guess. The real number is probably 10-100 times higher.

There’s 35 million to 350 million homeless kids in America?

That’s wild bro. How is nobody talking about this

by lozen k

I complained about Federal Employees not provincial which covers doctors . We need more doctors and nurses

And its just not a reality were I live its across Canada and its not going to get better . Between Seniors and obesity and Fentanyl were screwed


I never said its problems free but it ain’t 5-7 years either .
Once u get a personal doctors it’s much better too .
I would never exchange US for Canada lol.
Unless I’m a millionaire and don’t give a fack about anyone but myself .

by King Spew k

Well, my reading of the DS post is that he doesn't see any competent doctors..... not simply that some are bad,,,, or even most are bad.

edit.... my wife CERTAINLY agrees that some doctors are not very competent, most of those are simply gate keepers trying to move problems on to the next doc.

What he actually said was the doctors are not smart.

by Rococo k

Yeah. It sounds like you are just handy and inclined to do your own basic repairs, which is cool. But you probably know some very smart people who you wouldn't trust to change a bicycle tire. I know I do.

Sure. Definitely more of a confidence /exposure thing. I think all the smart people I know could either do a basic home repair like installing a new garage door motor or mistakenly think they can’t do it but if you sit down with them and go over the manual, point out where everything is they realize they can do it. Don’t think I know anyone smart that would just assume they can do it then not be able to with access to the instructions 😀

by ecriture d'adulte k

Sure. Definitely more of a confidence /exposure thing. I think all the smart people I know could either do a basic home repair like installing a new garage door motor or mistakenly think they can’t do it but if you sit down with them and go over the manual, point out where everything is they realize they can do it. Don’t think I know anyone smart that would just assume they can do it then not be able to with access to the instructions 😀

I agree that it isn't hard to follow a youtube video if you have the proper tools.

by d2_e4 k

105? What a bunch of dumbasses!

Does it have stats for the average 2+2 P&S poster? I'm pretty sure if we cut a little bit (well, a lot) of dead wood, we'd at least beat out MIT.

by Rococo k

Do you think that Kamala believes she is a buffoon? Do you think that Trump believes he is a buffoon?

kamala is a buffoon but thinks she's smart

trump knows he's a buffoon and thinks that is advantageous

by rickroll k

trump knows he's a buffoon

Strong disagree.

by Rococo k

Strong disagree.

lol for sure. Trump literally thinks he's a genius while being one of the stupidest people I've ever seen, and I've been in the covid thread a lot.

by Rococo k

Strong disagree.

in fire and fury they deal with this extensively about how despite all his flaws, he's aware of who he is at heart

like he will proudly refer to melania as his trophy wife without any thoughts to the fact that it paints him in such a negative light - he is a fat old man and she is the younger beautiful woman who married him for his money - he knows what it is and says so out loud

another anecdote is that they are flying over some trailerparks and someone refers to white trash living there, when a euro model asked him what white trash was, his response was "like me but without money"
