The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
This. I am disappointed that on a poker forum that has traditionally been obsessed with statistics, we are going with a sample size of two in our determination to prove that women are not electable. That is especially true when Harris was an absolutely awful candidate from the get-go, who was thrust upon all of us because of DNC incompetence. A qualified and charismatic woman wouldn't have a problem getting elected. The problem is that, for reasons that are a complete mystery to me, the Democr
Not only using a sample size of 2, but disregarding all the data that doesn't fit the narrative. A woman just won in Mexico. Ann Richards was the governor of Texas over 30 years ago.
I'd honestly like to hear an explanation of how American culture is more chauvinistic than Mexican, or how the United States of 2024 is more sexist than Texas in 1990.

By the way
You’re actually too dumb to argue with. What % of Hispanic voters have a lineage from illegal immigration? Don’t worry I’ll wait
Do you think that people who have a lineage that connects them to slave owners have to agree that slavery is good? Because that's what you are doing with illegal immigration here.
You can have grandparents that were illegal immigrants, you didn't choose that after all, and profoundly disagree with current illegal immigration
Brother, you said I’m racist for implying that their friends and family will be deported when we know that 25% of current Latin voters have parents who are illegal and it’s >75% of all Latin citizens have an illegal lineage. You are just horribly uninformed on the subject
Joe didn't promise a black woman, specifically. Just a woman.
It started with this:
“Whomever I pick, preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender, but I’m not making that commitment until I know that the person I’m dealing with I can completely and thoroughly trust as authentic and on the same page”
Then evolved to this:
“If I’m elected President, my cabinet and my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will in fact pick a woman to be Vice President. There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow."
At that point the activism/media pressure was on to get him to pick a black woman, but he never came out and said he'd do that. All he did was cite that there were 4 black women on his list of candidates and he'd see where things shook out.
I don't think we ever saw the full list of candidates, so we'll never know if better options were left on the table so he could cave to the demand that he choose a non-white running mate.
None of what happened yesterday was Kamala's fault. She seemed perfectly likeable and reasonable. The 15+ million lefties that stayed home are what created this situation, and I say that as a right-winger who also stayed home because **** Trump and his shenanigans.
This is a serious misdiagnosis imo.
Are there people whose main goal in life is to prove that black people are genetically predisposed to commit crime? Are there people whose main goal in life is to return women to the era of Mad Men? Are there people in life whose main goal in life is to make the world as miserable as possible for transgender people? Yes to all three. And **** those people. There is no way to appeal to them as voters that is consistent with human decency. And on a more p
Not only not appealing to common concerns but actively shaming them for not holding the same priorities as the base when it comes to social issues, as I mentioned before the election. Maybe not as big of a turnoff as the economic fumbling but certainly not helping at all.
I know this is the American election thread but there are striking parallels to German politics. The ruling center left parties have attempted to curb the rising far right by adopting more right wing policies. This hasn’t done anything to stop them from taking a beating in recent state election since what has caused the rise of the far right, the economy, isn’t being fixed.
Do you think that people who have a lineage that connects them to slave owners have to agree that slavery is good? Because that's what you are doing with illegal immigration here.
You can have grandparents that were illegal immigrants, you didn't choose that after all, and profoundly disagree with current illegal immigration
Yeah man, shipping off abuelita back to Honduras is the same as supporting slavery, or something
Who even are you bro? You came around after the election like a coward. Gorgonian has the balls to actually put their opinion out there instead of waiting in the wings like a little goblin, too much of a wuss to actually put their opinion our there to be criticized.
I love that they think I'm devastated that a prediction I made was wrong.
I mean I’m a little salty that tens of millions of American want a lunatic, narcissistic, authoritarian traitor to run the country. But I’m also in the group of people who won’t hardly be effected by his disgusting policies and actions so it’s no skin off my ass.
I mean I’m a little salty that tens of millions of American want a lunatic, narcissistic, authoritarian traitor to run the country. But I’m also in the group of people who won’t hardly be effected by his disgusting policies and actions so it’s no skin off my ass.
Oh for sure. I'm pretty disgusted with the result for sure. But dfs like that guy don't bother me. I'm man enough to show up here and admit when I was wrong, unlike those guys. I mean it was a prediction, and I'm not exactly a political scientist, I'm a laboratory scientist.
The knee jerk reaction to seeing a black woman run for president was to call her a DEI whore. On a line for line basis you are twisting yourself up 5x more than me friendo
Keep playing that fake victim card and ignore what a horrible choice she was.makes sense.
Biden:I'm picking a black woman
Picks a black woman who was grossly unpopular.
People:she was only chosen bc she's a black woman
You:wow you guys are so racist and sexist!
Give me a break you sound pathetic right now.
I didn't twist anything. Biden said he was gonna do it,then he did it.
Keep playing that fake victim card and ignore what a horrible choice she was.makes sense.
Biden:I'm picking a black woman
Picks a black woman who was grossly unpopular.
People:she was only chosen bc she's a black woman
You:wow you guys are so racist and sexist!
Give me a break you sound pathetic right now.
I didn't twist anything.
twisted up 8x more now
Keep playing that fake victim card and ignore what a horrible choice she was.makes sense.
Biden:I'm picking a black woman
Picks a black woman who was grossly unpopular.
People:she was only chosen bc she's a black woman
You:wow you guys are so racist and sexist!
Give me a break you sound pathetic right now.
I didn't twist anything.
well, she isn't *that* unpopular, most of her unpopularity is because she was biden's vp and not enough people supported the biden presidency
everyone else people would've preferred lose at least the EC as well obviously
Kamala Harris has called Donald Trump to concede the election, the BBC's US news partner CBS says, after Trump's historic US presidential victory
Inb4 late-night TV hosts spend every monologue cracking jokes about Trump and mocking his supporters, having learned nothing.
I don't really get the point of these posts. There are 342 million people in the USA. How does posting random people saying horrible things mean something more than random individuals saying horrible things?
Is it horrible? His boss who is a muslim and sounds like 2nd gen refugee is laughing about Trump winning. Sounds like venting/hoping for an ironic ending.
I just spent about thirty minutes looking at the exit polls (as reported by the Washington Post) for 2020 compared to 2024. Here are the things that jumped out at me:
Kamala lost 12 percentage points compared to Biden among Hispanic/Latino voters and 18 percentage points among male Hispanic/Latino voters. This is a huge shift, and I would be curious to see more granularity on these numbers. I don't think Hispanic/Latino voters are culturally homogenous enough to constitute a single demographic (which is related to the point that DonkJr has been making). Just by looking at the voting results in Miami-Dade, I think we can be relatively confident that Kamala went off a cliff with Cuban-American voters.
Kamala lost 11 percentage points compared to Biden among Catholic voters and 7 percentage points among white evangelicals. I assume that a good chunk of this swing is attributable to voters showing their appreciation for a conservative Supreme Court. This shift suggests that Dobbs was not the practical political disaster for Republicans that I hoped it would be. In short, Kamala's modest improvement over Biden among female voters was entirely offset by losses among Catholics and evangelicals.
Kamala lost 9 percentage points compared to Biden among people who identifiy as religious, but not Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish. This isn't a huge group, but to a considerable degree, I assume this shift is attributable to Muslim voters who were unhappy with the Biden administration's position on I/P.
Kamala lost 7 percentage points to Biden among people who earn <$50K, and 10 percentage points among people who earn $50K-$100K. This shift is striking and really speaks to my earlier point about how the Democratic brand has deteriorated among wage earners and people living on the margins of the economy.
I don't really get the point of these posts. There are 342 million people in the USA. How does posting random people saying horrible things mean something more than random individuals saying horrible things?
not random

and imo, they are a very good representation of the middle class, middle aged, liberal mind.