Trump 2nd term prediction thread
So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.
Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.
A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.
Seriously, isn't their whole spiel that experts know nothing, colleges are leftist indoctrination centres, education rots the mind, any dumbass off the street knows better than the experts especially if he's got a famous surname etc. etc.? I think it's a bit optimistic that he's going to listen to any experts, or even Dr. Oz. He did his own research on the internet while taking a dump, I'm sure.
Whew... didn't want you to lose any fingers.
I get it though. You're Asian (I'm assuming), and you took offense that MSG was on that list, and lost sight of the argument.
To clarify again though, I agree with what you're saying, and I stand corrected. It shouldn't be on the list.
honestly, i'm very interested to see what happens
the one and only time he said anything that i agreed with and resonated strongly with was his rant against processed foods - which i think are legit one of the biggest problems facing america
yeah seems like something that only becomes obvious in hindsight. i can understand the violent reactions to his vax rhetoric, but the left going hard against his "remove dangerous artificial additives from food" strikes me as TDS-by-proxy. if michelle obama advocated for it as part of her health campaign i feel like roles would've been flipped and dems would've been behind it 100%. liberals are quick to point out how far we lag behind EU regulations in so many fields, but suddenly yellow #20 dye is an american staple you can pry from our cold dead diabetic fingers
Seriously, isn't their whole spiel that experts know nothing, colleges are leftist indoctrination centres, education rots the mind, any dumbass off the street knows better than the experts especially if he's got a famous surname etc. etc.? I think it's a bit optimistic that he's going to listen to any experts, or even Dr. Oz. He did his own research on the internet while taking a dump, I'm sure.

yeah seems like something that only becomes obvious in hindsight. i can understand the violent reactions to his vax rhetoric, but the left going hard against his "remove dangerous artificial additives from food" strikes me as TDS-by-proxy. if michelle obama advocated for it as part of her health campaign i feel like roles would've been flipped and dems would've been behind it 100%. liberals are quick to point out how far we lag behind EU regulations in so many fields, but suddenly yellow #20 dye
Read this thread, and you can watch it happen in real time.
I'm to the left of left, pro-vax, science, etc.. but the one point I'm good w/ on RFJ jr. is going after food additives and preservatives. I don't need a food that last 30 years, just so a corporation can make more money. Make less of it, in smaller batches, with higher quality.
yeah seems like something that only becomes obvious in hindsight. i can understand the violent reactions to his vax rhetoric, but the left going hard against his "remove dangerous artificial additives from food" strikes me as TDS-by-proxy. if michelle obama advocated for it as part of her health campaign i feel like roles would've been flipped and dems would've been behind it 100%. liberals are quick to point out how far we lag behind EU regulations in so many fields, but suddenly yellow #20 dye
perfectly stated
Seriously, isn't their whole spiel that experts know nothing, colleges are leftist indoctrination centres, education rots the mind, any dumbass off the street knows better than the experts especially if he's got a famous surname etc. etc.? I think it's a bit optimistic that he's going to listen to any experts, or even Dr. Oz. He did his own research on the internet while taking a dump, I'm sure.
They are anti-expert. I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic on this one though, because it's the only thing I got in this sht show. I'll wait to see what he actually wants to do, and then evaluate from there.
honestly, i'm very interested to see what happens
the one and only time he said anything that i agreed with and resonated strongly with was his rant against processed foods - which i think are legit one of the biggest problems facing america
Eventually processed foods will be viewed the same way smoking is now. And oh yeah, doctors used to endorse cigarettes. Sometimes trusting the experts and following The Science can lead to cancer.
So the party of freedumb is gonna start banning stuff that some conspiracy nut thinks is unhealthy?
You're damn right fatty. RFK is personally going to pry those Doritos out of your cold dead hands.
They are anti-expert. I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic on this one though, because it's the only thing I got in this sht show. I'll wait to see what he actually wants to do, and then evaluate from there.
I understand the desire for optimism, I really do. On this one, though, there is little hope other than hope he doesn't eff it up too badly and then fix it when he gets his stupid ass thrown out in 4 years.
Haha... sorry to spoil the news. You have two brothers.
Obv I meant... to you brother.*
Yeah, listen, no hard feelings. I get where your coming from, I just get annoyed by the poisoned food supply narrative because it's filled with disinformation and just isn't true. Sure there are some places it could be tightened up, but most people have no idea what they are. They aren't things like potassium bromide, MSG, or aspartame like most people think. And overall the food supply in the US is surprisingly good. I was pretty annoyed that you just assumed I was Asian and have a bur up my ass about MSG, though. I literally just picked the most illustrative example that most people are familiar with from your list.
Ugh. "Processed food" is another pet peeve of mine. Just slicing ham makes it processed, for example.
There is no need to remind everyone that a dog's tail tends to follow the dog around.
The economy is fine in the same way a car crash survivor feels fine despite broken bones as long you feed them pain killers. However, at some point you have to fix broken bones and get them off the pain killers. That is what trump is attempting to do - heal the economy from the broken bones (gov't policy to shut down the economy for so long and incentivizing people not to work too much for too long and print to
no bahbah. the economy is actually fine. I say that from the right of where you sit