Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33193 Replies
maybe you dont read my posts. I dont think Israel is leaving.
Dunyain will return to us in one week
Israel shot and wounded civilians at a funeral in South Lebanon. mourners claimed they had permission from UNIFIL and Lebanese Army.
they also rolled tanks and bulldozers into 2 villages they were unable to take previously, Khiam being one of them. they are employing the Palestine doctrine and destroying all structures and agricultural infrastructure in the South making the area unlivable.
Israel shot and wounded civilians at a funeral in South Lebanon. mourners claimed they had permission from UNIFIL and Lebanese Army.
they also rolled tanks and bulldozers into 2 villages they were unable to take previously, Khiam being one of them. they are employing the Palestine doctrine and destroying all structures and agricultural infrastructure in the South making the area unlivable.
You should probably do something about that!
Jewish student suffers anti Semitic attack in Dublin nightclub.
The young man, who asked not to be named due to safety concerns, was wearing a necklace depicting the Star of David. He said at around 2am three men followed him into the bathroom and asked him if he was Jewish, and that when he said that he was they started to attack him.
“I took multiple punches to the back of the head and back of the torso,” he told The Irish Times.
He said during the attack his knee gave out, causing him to collapse on the ground.
“I stumbled out of the door and hit the ground,
Security intervened and stopped the attack, he said, before bringing him to another area of the bar. Gardaí turned up a few minutes later and began taking witness statements.
The young man said one witness told gardaí it was an unprovoked assault. He said that as gardaí were speaking to people, another person, who had not witnessed the incident, interrupted and said: “The Jews in Amsterdam – they got what they deserved.
But it's all about teh Zionism and is not anti Semitic because reasons and excuses and moar reasons.
Except no one is saying that's not antisemitic. You seem to have a problem with definitions.
necklace depicting the Star of David
is that the symbol that genocidal Israeli soldiers have been carving all over Gaza and Lebanon?
is that the symbol that genocidal Israeli soldiers have been carving all over Gaza and Lebanon?
That sounds like you're implying the student deserves to be attacked. Or that it wasn't really anti Semitism, as the star rightly inflamed the attackers, due to Israel bad hence their carving. Sorry, Evil carving, I meant to say.
Neither explanation puts you in a good light.
However, you always vehemently deny whatever anyone ever infers from your musings and accuse everyone of reading comprehension issues, so I'm just gonna ask: What precisely do you mean with your question? Just elaborate on it please in very clear simple easy to understand no room for doubt or misinterpretation English, thanks.
we just had pages of discussion on if Israel's actions are causing a rise in antisemitism.
we just had pages of discussion on if Israel's actions are causing a rise in antisemitism.
Vic? Remember what I asked you?
Just elaborate on it please in very clear simple easy to understand no room for doubt or misinterpretation English, thanks.
Don't get all cryptic with me, just spit it out. Are you implying it's Israel's fault a Jewish student in Dublin was attacked for being Jewish? That Israel caused this via their actions?
it sounds like he was attacked for wearing a symbol that Israel has now made suggestive of supporting the extermination of people.
it sounds like he was attacked for wearing a symbol that Israel has now made synonymous with extermination of people.
You really like to skate right up to that line and dance about it a bit, with your extermination comment, dontcha?
But okay. So Israel's fault that a Jewish student in Dublin was subjected to a hate crime? Is that what you're saying?
Also considering "he was attacked for wearing a symbol that Israel has now made synonymous with extermination of people"...does this mean that you don't regard this as anti Semitism? Seeing
as the Star of David is now (in your universe anyway) a symbol of extermination? Was it just the symbol they were attacking? And their asking him if he was Jewish was just a coincidence?
well rereading the article, there a number of red flags with the one-sided account given to the paper. not that I trust police very much, but I would wait on the investigation at least.
bc really, it just sounds like the only real fact is that the dude got in a fight at a club at 2am.
well rereading the article, there a number of red flags with the one-sided account given to the paper. not that I trust police very much, but I would wait on the investigation at least.
bc really, it just sounds like the only real fact is that the dude got in a fight at a club at 2am.
Yeah I've seen lots of night club fights being started by asking someone if they're Jewish.
So what brought this change of mind on?
Cuz earlier- as in just a couple of minutes earlier- you said
it sounds like he was attacked for wearing a symbol that Israel has now made suggestive of supporting the extermination of people.
Now it's just a regular fight in a nightclub? Which is it?
And you haven't flat out answered my questions either- was this anti Semitic and if so is it Israel's fault?
Also please specify on these numerous red flags and whaddya mean one sided? You want the attacker's accounts also?
Yeah I've seen lots of night club fights being started by asking someone if they're Jewish.
Ive seen a lot of fights, esp when drunk, where people lie about what happened
So what brought this change of mind on?
I reread the article. you should reread my post bc I specifically said that.
Now it's just a regular fight in a nightclub? Which is it?
seems most likely it was. theres lots of reasons people get in fights at night clubs at 2am.
Also please specify on these numerous red flags and whaddya mean one sided? You want the attacker's accounts also?
the red flags are that it was a single account from a clearly biased party. and that his story doesnt even make sense. like, why would they ask him if he was Jewish? were they going to let him go if he said he wasnt?
like I said, I think we should wait for the investigation. and yes, it would be nice to get accounts of all involved including who witnessed it.
What makes you think the student is lying?
I reread the article. you should reread my post bc I specifically said that.
Okay quote specifically from the article what made you change your mind and explain how a guy being asked if he's Jewish and attacked when confirming it, is a regular club fight and not a hate crime, thanks.
seems most likely it was. theres lots of reasons people get in fights at night clubs at 2am.
See above particularly the whole being asked of he was Jewish thing
the red flags are that it was a single account from a clearly biased party.
How specifically was the party biased?
and that his story doesnt even make sense. like, why would they ask him if he was Jewish? where they going to let him go if he said he wasnt?
He was wearing a star of David, maybe that's why they asked him?
like I said, I think we should wait for the investigation. and yes, it would be nice to get accounts of all involved including who witnessed it.
You appeared to initially imply it was deserved, or he was attacked due to a Star of David being an extermination symbol, in your (very) subjective humble opinion.
Now you're saying it was just a regular fight and the victim is biased, for some reason you haven't specified. Can you specify?
What makes you think the student is lying?
I dunno, maybe watched too many House shorts lately.
Okay quote specifically from the article what made you change your mind and explain how a guy being asked if he's Jewish and attacked when confirming it, is a regular club fight and not a hate crime, thanks.
it is in no way confirmed that he was "asked if he's Jewish". I am a little skeptical of that part and really all parts.
How specifically was the party biased?
you dont think the guy is biased towards...himself?
He was wearing a star of David, maybe that's why they asked him?
see this is the weird part to me. do non-Jews regularly wear stars of David? seems there was no need to ask.
lets check google.

oh maybe they were making sure he wasnt repping Mesopotamian antiquity.
You appeared to initially imply it was deserved
r he was attacked due to a Star of David being an extermination symbol
thats still possible!
Now you're saying it was just a regular fight and the victim is biased, for some reason you haven't specified. Can you specify?
people are generally biased in their own favor. maybe its different for young Dublin clubgoers at 2am.
Could you do me a favour and stop being coy and be so kind as to answer my mfn question? Why do you think he's lying, vic?
it is in no way confirmed that he was "asked if he's Jewish".
Victim confirmed it.
I am a little skeptical of that part and really all parts.
Why?What makes you think the victim is a lying liar who lies, vic?
you dont think the guy is biased towards...himself?
Eh? Tf does that even mean? How is the victim a biased liar? Specifically?
see this is the weird part to me. do non-Jews regularly wear stars of David? seems there was no need to ask.
lets check google.

oh maybe they were making sure he wasnt repping Mesopotamian antiquity.
Stop taking the piss yeah? You seriously telling me some dumbass bigot with drink taken might not demand to know after seeing the Star of David? Or a woman with a hijab? Or a gay couple walking hand in hand? Again don't take the piss bruv.
Oh I beg to differ I would say a big ass yep- you did state the Star of David has become a symbal of extermination, hence the attack before changing it to nah, regular club dust up.
thats still possible!
So then it wasn't anti Semitic?
people are generally biased in their own favor. maybe its different for young Dublin clubgoers at 2am.
What do you mean in their own favour? Be specific. He stated he was attacked for being Jewish. Why do you think he's lying?
All people lie. Well maybe except young partygoers at 2am in Dublin I dunno.
Well I see you're unwilling to honour my request to explain what you mean in clear simple English or properly address the questions put to you.
In other news, if they ever make mental gymnastics an actual sport, I look forward to you representing Russia at the next Olympics or Iran if Russia are banned.
If I may corpus ?
I think you rightly say that being Jewish shouldn’t be a justification enough to be attacked like a girl in a mini skirt walking alone at 2 am in a street and she get rape because she’s wearing a sexy mini skirt like a prostitute right ?
And you still can be Jewish , proud of being Jewish and still be against Israel actions and yet been attacked freely just because you are a Jew by others who don’t know better ?
That is wrong also despite what Israel are doing .
I agree too but victor doesn’t seem so .
Okay. I mean no offence but I honestly find your posts difficult to make out what you actually mean, so I'm gonna bow out here. Not even sure what you're on about sorry, as your post seems to be "Hey $hit happens due to those inevitable consequences, whaddyagonnadooo, eh?"
And I just think that's a pointless observation that doesn't actually mean anything. Assuming that's what you meant, you never can really tell with you so again gonna bow out here, cheers.
Bow out if you like but it's quite clear I mean that we should be making decisions to avoid/minimise/resolve horrific situations.
That is one of the key roles of politics.
I don't think anyone itt has said that the Palestinian people are responsible or deserve to die
Some have blamed them. We had posts on how they voted for hamas etc
Moving past that. I'm happy we agree they are innocent victims. I dont accept that 'military target' is near sufficient justification for destroying inncocent people. I also think there's a stretching of military objectives and I'm very dubious that sufficient care is being taken. I believe this is why netanyahu is so damaging to israels standing in the world and why so many object. It's not antisemitism - it's horror that a democratic ally can behave this way and fear this will become the new norm.