Trump 2nd term prediction thread
So, looks like Trump not only smashed the electoral college, but is looking on track to win the popular vote, which seems to be an unexpected turn of events, but a clear sign of the current temperature in the country and perhaps the wider world.
Would be interested to hear views on how his 2nd term will pan out from both sides of the aisle - major happenings, what he's going to get done, what he's not going to get done, the impact of his election on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, whether his popularity will remain the same, wane, or increase, etc.
A bit of an anemic OP, I know, just interested to hear people's thoughts now that the election uncertainty is over.
Will you be joining the military to help overtake those areas, or are you too much of a pussy to put your ass where your convictions are?
Sort of a non-sequitor. Someone can believe that something will happen without any desire themselves to make that thing happen.
Person A: Everyone is going to die someday
Person B: Why don't you kill everyone then, pussy.
There will be no military actions to conquer new states or territories.
They will be done via negotiation.
Greenland/Denmark may agree to something.
Canada is not agreeing to anything. This will not happen.
Panama Canal a little more interesting. Legal language could lead one to believe US should control it.
Will you be joining the military to help overtake those areas, or are you too much of a pussy to put your ass where your convictions are?
What areas? I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Are you saying I'm a pussy, because I should go to war and fight the Canadian military to take over their country?
I said "the 51st state" meaning if there ever was another state, it would be Canada. I'm not saying it's a closed deal, even though I know some ppl who do think that. Who gives a ****? Is that what got you all butthurt?
If you're referring to taking over Canada by force, the president never alluded to any of that. Take off your tinfoil hat, these are baseless conspiracy theory claims.
President Trump isn't an idiot like you and all the other clueless trolls seem to be. When asked by a reporter if he would rule something out while talking about the relationship between two countries, why on earth would he tell them yes or no, no matter what it is, and give our enemies free information they could use against us?
He was asked by a reporter if he would ever rule out using congress or the military in some way and he gave his standard, strategic answer which he's always done throughout his political career, which was "No, I wouldn't rule anything out". He didn't threaten to take over another country, so relax, chill out and stop believing in these baseless claims and conspiracy theories such as "he's hitler and a threat to democracy" which is actually being said by the people who are hitler and a threat to democracy.
Nothing more Republican than trying to add a welfare state to the country. Has anyone even looked into the economy of Greenland?
Hilarious that we have a trade deficit with Canada that Trump thinks is a subsidy and Greenland literally exists because of subsidy
The areas you listed in the post I quoted of yours. Wtf?
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Are you saying I'm a pussy, because I should go to war and fight the Canadian military to take over their country?
I said "the 51st state" meaning if there ever was another state, it would be Canada. I'm not saying it's a closed deal, even though I know some ppl who do think that. Who gives a ****? Is that what got you all butthurt?
If you're referring to taking over Canada by force, the president never alluded to any of that. Take off your tinfoil
Didn't you post a video of Trump saying that military coercion is not off the table?
President Trump isn't an idiot like you and all the other clueless trolls seem to be. When asked by a reporter if he would rule something out while talking about the relationship between two countries, why on earth would he tell them yes or no, no matter what it is, and give our enemies free information they could use against us?
There is no need to say you don't rule out military coercion when it's not an area of conflict. What enemies are going to use that information against us and how?
He was asked by a reporter if he would ever rule out using congress or the military in some way and he gave his standard, strategic answer which he's always done throughout his political career, which was "No, I wouldn't rule anything out".
Against Greenland and Panama, not NK, Iran, etc. Maybe you should look up the word tacit. Words matter.
Lol @ "his standard answer" when he said that if Kim launches another missile they would see "fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen before."
Then Kim responded by launching another missile and Trump did nothing just like the paper tiger Kim knew he is.
But anyway, I can see it's going to be four years of twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to justify everything Trump says/does.
I don't think Trump, Kim, anyone, will actually do anything like launching missiles or invade other countries, but they will threaten it, a lot, because it makes both look good: Kim looks good for picking a fight with the US, his public enemy, most powerful military in the world, and Trump looks good for dealing with Kim and keeping the peace, so it's profitable for the images of both to keep this game of appereance without anything actually happening.
With Trump threatening mass deportations and his droolers frothing at the mouth over the idea of a whites-only USA, I predict brown people are going to be harassed at a level not seen since the 60s. Trumptards are going to let their combination of stupidity and mindless bigotry plunge the US into a grotesquely dark time.
With Trump threatening mass deportations and his droolers frothing at the mouth over the idea of a whites-only USA, I predict brown people are going to be harassed at a level not seen since the 60s. Trumptards are going to let their combination of stupidity and mindless bigotry plunge the US into a grotesquely dark time.
quick reminder that Biden deported more people than Trump

wonder what Obama did?

Breaking news: white guy from Ohio says you’re no better
With Trump threatening mass deportations and his droolers frothing at the mouth over the idea of a whites-only USA, I predict brown people are going to be harassed at a level not seen since the 60s. Trumptards are going to let their combination of stupidity and mindless bigotry plunge the US into a grotesquely dark time.
Started ramping up immediately post election.
So what? We’re talking about making brown people feel scared and threatened, not deported. Trump didn’t even build a wall, but his supporters ultimately don’t care. If there were no immigrants these *******s would have no one to hate. They NEED illegal immigrants to make them feel better about their shitty existences.
Are brown people more scared with Biden as POTUS or Trump? If the answer is Biden, Trump voters are going to be furious. They voted Trump for the hatred and bigotry he brings into the mainstream. Otherwise they’d have chosen a different GOP candidate. Trump checks the “racist *******” box they require in a leader.
rather than perception as driven by the media, I prefer to look at objective and measurable things. as such, if you are talking about which one
hecks the “racist *******” box
then Biden wins hands down.
rather than perception as driven by the media, I prefer to look at objective and measurable things.
No, you don’t. You think you do, and you parade around here like a self-righteous prick who is the only one with the facts. But you’re just as clueless and driven by propaganda as you claim everyone else is. So, save your sanctimonious bullshit.
I love that an effective border policy that deports people that came into the country illegally immediately is being compared unfavorably to desperation attempts to raid cities searching for brown people and threatening to remove their birthright citizenship. Man, I hope Trump doesn't accidentally break the record for effective border patrolling with his xenophobia and fascism that still counts as deporting even though it's a fundamentally atrocious approach that tears apart families that have been here for decades and entire industries that the country relies on!
The pretending that "deporting people" is the offensive thing here is disingenuous, and everyone knows it. Most people just ignore it when you spew that crap because they see right through it and aren't sure enough that you'd even understand the difference if they tried to explain it to you. Just in case you thought you were being too clever for everyone.
You aren't.
I predict that George Carlin will be proven to be the most honest and forthright American in our history.
There's a club and we ain't in it.
I feel bad for the people who have been duped to believe that Trump is some kind of messiah figure. That authoritarian bully who is going to look out for THEM so long as people are loyal to him.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a partisan and Obama certainly was nothing short of a masterful charlatan. A great actor with an attractive wife and a black identity that insulated him from criticism on the grounds that such criticism would be taken as racist.
Trump is a wonderful performer. He absolutely loves the attention and adulation. But he's also a grifter and a liar just like Obama. He is getting national security advice on a regular basis which outlines the serious threat of rapidly advancing climate change. His approach to the public is to distract us from it while the powerful people try to explore their private exit strategy.
I don't for a second believe that he isn't well advised about the problem and understands it well enough to know that we're ****ed.
There's absolutely no diplomatic way to announce to the world that we're heading for a significant involuntary population reduction. It begs the question .... how do we decide who lives and who dies ???? There is no honest way to answer that question and maintain public order. No one is going to volunteer to be in the sub-group that doesn't make it.
Unconsciously, that's why people like Trump. They know that he has the personality to oversee an involuntary population reduction. That's a shitty job that almost nobody wants. He's willing to do it and people think if they're loyal to him, then he's going to protect them.
Sorry .... you ain't in the club. Neither am I.
George Carlin .... now there was an honest and intelligent man. We could use someone like him running the show. At least he would make us laugh and not try to make us hate each other.