The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


No empathy. They can be trans all they want, I don't care. But we have to as a society kill off this pronoun business. he / him, she / her, they / them needs to be abolished.

We need this Capital gains tax killed off as soon as possible. CRA is still trying to collect taxes at the increased rate of capital tax and the proposed policy most likely dead in a few months. Too many Investors are waiting on the sidelines watching what happens with this tax.

I hope Carney wins the liberal leadership and announces this tax will be dead on arrival under his leadership so CRA can change course.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

where is the conservatives have no platform nonsense coming from. My friend keeps spouting this because I guess that's what he hears. So i just linked him the 50 page party platform. Over under if he reads a single page?

It's a liberal / NDP fictional echo chamber.

Repeat it to each other enough times so they all go around saying conservatives have no platform.

by Tien k

No empathy. They can be trans all they want, I don't care. But we have to as a society kill off this pronoun business. he / him, she / her, they / them needs to be abolished.

This doesn't make much sense. If someone is trans and identifies as a female, you think it should be "abolished" to refer to her as a her? What does "abolished" mean as a practical measure, like what specific thing are you proposing is banned here?

by Tien k

It's a liberal / NDP fictional echo chamber.

Repeat it to each other enough times so they all go around saying conservatives have no platform.

Um, Poilievre has been VERY closed lips on what his actual plans are for as prime minister. Note there is an important distinction between the types of documents that get adopted at CPC conventions and what that actual platform of the leader is. So far we have three main pledges:

1) cancelling the carbon rebate that helps 8/10 canadians
2) cancelling the housing accelerator fund that invests billions into new housing
3) cutting capital gains taxes on the rich

I'll give some basic examples of things we have no idea on. We don't know if poliievre plans to cancel the industrial carbon tax - shocking for a "carbon tax election". We don't know if he plans to lower income taxes. Or lower the GST. Or whether he will have any climate plan at all or some minor pretend one. We don't know much of anything about healthcare. There is basically no details on the housing plans, some vague insinuation of threatening municipalities but no details. etc etc etc

At this point in the cycle we know less about future plans than almost any comparable situation I can recall.

Fair enough. Seems like the strategy since he is not even in an election cycle yet tho. No reason to tip your hand and lock into a strategy better to be flexible if things change. Are you old enough to remember if Justin met your standards 1 year before he won his first election. i imagine its just the correct pollical play. Open to be proven wrong

by MoViN.tArGeT k

Fair enough. Seems like the strategy since he is not even in an election cycle yet tho. No reason to tip your hand and lock into a strategy better to be flexible if things change. Are you old enough to remember if Justin met your standards 1 year before he won his first election. i imagine it’s just the correct pollical play. Open to be proven wrong

Well yes it’s a strategy, and probably an effective one as bleating axthetax endlessly for two years has clearly been effective even without telling basically details like whether it includes the industrial carbon tax. But I think our politicians should be MUCH more upfront with what they actually plan to do so people can make informed decisions, and it is a loss when a politician hides their plans.

And yes Trudeau in 2015 was much clearer about his plans back then. Not everything turned out, of course, but a surprisingly large amount did.

I actually have a prediction. Freeland and carney will both come out against the consumer carbon tax but keep the industrial one. And only then will poilievre tell us he is against the industrial one too to position himself as the anti-carbon tax person once again. He don’t have to do that before.

by uke_master k

Um, Poilievre has been VERY closed lips on what his actual plans are for as prime minister. Note there is an important distinction between the types of documents that get adopted at CPC conventions and what that actual platform of the leader is. So far we have three main pledges:

1) cancelling the carbon rebate that helps 8/10 canadians
2) cancelling the housing accelerator fund that invests billions into new housing
3) cutting capital gains taxes on the rich

I'll give some basic examples of things

Yet the latest candidate Freelance will cancel the carbon tax as well

The housing accelerator fund hadn’t built one house

Justin Trudeau had a pretend climate pan why can’t Pierre . Both plans will have the same exact effect on climate change

by lozen k

The housing accelerator fund hadn’t built one house

I don't think you understand how the fund works. It doesn't directly build homes. Instead, it provides financial incentives to local governments to address barriers to housing development and speed up housing approvals. There's been 170+ agreements with municipalities across Canada, including in conservative ridings where conservative MPs tepidly disagree with poliievre about cancelling the funding.

So for example in just one, calgary we got a recent report:

The disbursement of HAF funding depends on The City meeting the overall Housing Growth Supply Target of 41,858 units by October 27, 2026. This chart shows that we are on track and have achieved 24,408 units compared to the target of 12,782 units as of October 2024.

So no, the HAF didn't directly build one house, but it IS clearly having a positive influence.

by uke_master k

I don't think you understand how the fund works. It doesn't directly build homes. Instead, it provides financial incentives to local governments to address barriers to housing development and speed up housing approvals. There's been 170+ agreements with municipalities across Canada, including in conservative ridings where conservative MPs tepidly disagree with poliievre about cancelling the funding.

So for example in just one, calgary we got a recent report:

So no, the HAF didn't directly build o

So Freeland says no carbon tax what will you do if Carney says he will cancel it as well will you be voting NDP ?

The question will be
Carbon tax Carney or not

Carney will oppose the consumer portion as well. It’s very disappointing, but understandable. The policy is objectively great at a technical level. However, it is clearly out of political favour and both probably do the same calculation they can’t win with the policy. Poilievres deception hammering away at this policy was extremely politically effective, and the time for calmly explaining why the policy is effective is over. Instead, both are likely to turn to policies that fight climate change but don’t directly cost consumers. They of course will indirectly cost consumers - likely more than the carbon tax- and that is regrettable but still better than doing nothing.

In Ontario the $200 checks are going out. In BC the checks might be paused as eby is waiting to see what happens with tariffs. Good example of how three parties all did the same rebate check trick but only really Trudeau picked up flack for it, a sign of the political climate.

I take it all comedy in Kanada has become non-existing...

by uke_master k

Carney will oppose the consumer portion as well. It’s very disappointing, but understandable. The policy is objectively great at a technical level. However, it is clearly out of political favour and both probably do the same calculation they can’t win with the policy. Poilievres deception hammering away at this policy was extremely politically effective, and the time for calmly explaining why the policy is effective is over. Instead, both are likely to turn to policies that fight climate change

by uke_master k

In Ontario the $200 checks are going out. In BC the checks might be paused as eby is waiting to see what happens with tariffs. Good example of how three parties all did the same rebate check trick but only really Trudeau picked up flack for it, a sign of the political climate.

No the issue is the liberals sold it poorly. They stated that 80% of folks get more back than they pay excluding BC and Ontario which is a sizeable amount of folks. Though no one could answer honestly how they calculated that. It was easy to figure out how much each individual got back but they never disclosed how they calculated how much on average each individual paid. From a government that had no problems lying to use no one believed them accept the diehard liberals like you . I even personally sent e-mails to the PBO and Environment minster with no replies asking this question

Add in cancelling the carbon tax for Atlantic CDN"s to buy votes did not help

Also were does this leave the Environment minister as he stated he would not stay if the carbon tax is cancelled

by uke_master k

I don’t understand what you are asking me. Someone who identifies differently from their sex is trans by definition, no? What do you mean?

The non binary none sense , “they” , etc …

It’s so mess up , when you ask someone to define a woman if it’s not by sex , they just can’t do it…
Even worst some decides that no, im neither ….

And afterwards go believe treating someone being a woman or a man is an insult ?

Again , it’s like calling a white man a white man would be an insult because the guy feel he wants to be a Chinese guy …

At some point , some need to grow up and accept reality and how society needs to work …

A parent kidnap his child , but the parent is non binary so -> we search nor a male or female kidnap his child … good luck with that .
And that is one example on how ridiculous we could find ourself in for emergency situation …

Describing a person by its physicality when you we live in a physical world and Linking it to being discriminatory is just nonsense .

Like any anorexic person thinking they are big .
How we know something is wrong if it’s not by their physical attributes .
Are we to say today calling someone anorexic is discriminatory because they don’t want to be called like that , they don’t feel like it and they feel they are fat ?

Ps: seem some people being a woman is like gaining some title …
It’s like it’s funny how appropriate culture is wrong but not when u appropriate sex.

by lozen k

No the issue is the liberals sold it poorly. They stated that 80% of folks get more back than they pay excluding BC and Ontario which is a sizeable amount of folks. Though no one could answer honestly how they calculated that. It was easy to figure out how much each individual got back but they never disclosed how they calculated how much on average each individual paid. From a government that had no problems lying to use no one believed them accept the diehard liberals like you . I even persona

It’s already been proven .
You just don’t listen …

Many receive checks not knowing what it really was lol.
But of course , it’s for those that actually are legit and fill up their tax income ….
If you don’t , u won’t receive rebate too .

by Montrealcorp k

It’s already been proven .
You just don’t listen …

Many receive checks not knowing what it really was lol.
But of course , it’s for those that actually are legit and fill up their tax income ….
If you don’t , u won’t receive rebate too .

Proven by whom ? And if its proven why not tell us how you came to that the formula

The most information I could find was that they think its based on the average family owning one car and driving 15,000 kms a year . I could find nothing on the average heating and electrical bill and source

Here is an article why investment $$ are just not coming into Canada under a law implemented by the Trudeau Government

Since its adoption in 2019, approval for large infrastructure projects, like energy projects, has slowed to a crawl. Only a single project, Cedar LNG, has been approved in a process that took three and a half years. In comparison, 17 major projects were approved in the first five years under the previous law.

While that legislation focused solely on evaluating a project’s environmental impact to minimize its negative effects, the new law attempts to integrate assessments of a wide range of other factors — social, health and gender impacts, among others — into a single process. And this is just one of the many bureaucratic steps necessary before shovels can hit the ground.

by lozen k

No the issue is the liberals sold it poorly. They stated that 80% of folks get more back than they pay excluding BC and Ontario which is a sizeable amount of folks. Though no one could answer honestly how they calculated that. It was easy to figure out how much each individual got back but they never disclosed how they calculated how much on average each individual paid. From a government that had no problems lying to use no one believed them accept the diehard liberals like you . I even persona

What on earth are you blabbing on about. That 8/10 Canadians get more back - direct AND indirect - fiscally from the carbon tax was established by the non-partisan armslength PBO. We've talked about the report ad nauseum. Is this some conspiracy theory where you don't believe the report?

by Montrealcorp k

The non binary none sense , “they” , etc …

It’s so mess up , when you ask someone to define a woman if it’s not by sex , they just can’t do it…
Even worst some decides that no, im neither ….

And afterwards go believe treating someone being a woman or a man is an insult ?

Again , it’s like calling a white man a white man would be an insult because the guy feel he wants to be a Chinese guy …

At some point , some need to grow up and accept reality and how society needs to work …

A parent kidnap his chi

Some people don't feel they fit into a neat gender binary and prefer using they/them pronouns. That's fine. We can still hire these people and treat them with respect. You don't have to personally believe the exact same things they believe to do that.

by uke_master k

What on earth are you blabbing on about. That 8/10 Canadians get more back - direct AND indirect - fiscally from the carbon tax was established by the non-partisan armslength PBO. We've talked about the report ad nauseum. Is this some conspiracy theory where you don't believe the report?

Yet no one can tell me how they calculate the number. Its a lie a flat out lie . If its such a great policy and true why would the two liberal candidates that will win get rid of it?

Why because CDN's know justin is lying and the carbon tax cost them more

lol so you don't believe the PBO report? Based on...uh....your feels?

Get a grip man.

Like one can have a reasonable discussion about the political ramifications of the policy, but if you can't even accept the basic facts as reported by the PBO then it's just angry men yelling at clouds.

Lmao which of you paid for the rolls Royce limo to shop up at carneys campaign launch to try and make him look out of touch, but it had nothing to do with him😃

by uke_master k

lol so you don't believe the PBO report? Based on...uh....your feels?

Get a grip man.

Like one can have a reasonable discussion about the political ramifications of the policy, but if you can't even accept the basic facts as reported by the PBO then it's just angry men yelling at clouds.

The PBO says that it actually costs CDN's more when you factor in everything . Again he is using averages to calculate this

by uke_master k

Lmao which of you paid for the rolls Royce limo to shop up at carneys campaign launch to try and make him look out of touch, but it had nothing to do with him😃

Yeah I saw that and thought is Jagmeet there?

How about them issuing press credentials to two individuals than calling the police on them to have them removed.

Liberals up 9 points in the polls with Justin gone

by lozen k

The PBO says that it actually costs CDN's more when you factor in everything . Again he is using averages to calculate this

Stop this BS. You can't launch a massive conspiracy theory about the PBO being "lies" and how you are starting a failed email campaign about it - and then turn around and try and quote them. We all know the difference between fiscal and economic effects of the report. You've never characterized them correctly, but whatever. However, what you just tried to do was claim that the fiscal part - the 8/10 Canadians are better off fiscally part - was a lie.

Do you accept the PBO report as broadly accurate or do you think it is a lie?
