Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom

Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom


there is so much out there about this - I don't really need to provide a lot of sources - a quick google search will find you thousands of links

of course there are the climate change deniers

and there are those who say what little we can do won't be nearly enough

just one link:

from the article:

"Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

couldn't resist one more link - story about Siberia, one of the coldest places on earth where there is human habitation - they now face 100 degree days and multiple wildfires caused by them


) 6 Views 6
18 July 2021 at 08:52 AM

1116 Replies


by hole in wan k

Oh sorry I was under the impression you wanted to be taken seriously

They made an effort to shift to green energy. What did they do? How did it work out? Any idea?

If you have a sober take I'd be glad to explain why I think this is an important lesson but if you want to deflect on to buses running on time or whatever, have fun being taken seriously. Might as well start gluing yourself to things as far as I'm concerned

Some people are just here looking to pick fights and pivot from away scientific substance. I have no inclination to engage with people who are not interested in science of some kind. Physical science, behavior science, math, economics ...... those are the levels at which I choose to engage.

Climate change is not an issue of "character." It's an issue of behavioral science.

Like all animals, we are programmed to compete with each other for position, stature, resources and mates. We spend almost every waking moment working to fortify our place in the hierarchy to ensure our survival and longevity. Energy sources which poison the atmosphere and the experience of people in the future provide us a competitive advantage today, Our evolution leaves us ill suited to collectively organize and cooperate for long term benefit. Divided we fall.

Must be your first encounter with formerly banned poster Juan Valdez.

by Luciom k

Anyway the study objectively confirms my claim that warming is *beneficial for european lives*, the only added caveat is "if southern europe installs more AC and the like in the next 50+ years".

So the proper policy response for europe should be to completly stop any emission reduction effort, and subsidize air conditioning installation, maintenance , and other adaptations

Broken YouTube Link

To believe you don’t live on the same planet of others nations u don’t care about and you somehow can shield yourselves just prove are actually disconnected you are ….
You might at first be fine but eventually you will suffer Terribly when you will have worldwide wars fighting for the few area still available to live on, grow food etc .

Obv seem history in Europe ,especially in Italy and about most recently in the last century, isn’t well teach since you cannot considering how it can evolve very badly …

Any climate change alarmist who's number one priority ISN'T promoting nuclear energy is just a grifter and communist in disguise.

Also, please stop saying you care about humanity and the future of your children when you are LITERALLY the same people that don't give two shits about child trafficking at the border, support the war in Ukraine, are pro choice, don't believe in God, and continually vote for anti family globalists.

by Nut Nut k

Some people are just here looking to pick fights and pivot from away scientific substance. I have no inclination to engage with people who are not interested in science of some kind. Physical science, behavior science, math, economics ...... those are the levels at which I choose to engage.

Climate change is not an issue of "character." It's an issue of behavioral science.

Textbook "scientism" cult member. Automatically thinks he has the moral high ground on any subject cuz "data".

"scientism" smh.

by biggerboat k

"scientism" smh.


by BGnight k


I don't know what your babbling on about but if I have to choose between really smart people that have been studying their disciplines their entire lives and drooling idiots that make **** up on the internet, I'll take the scientists.

by biggerboat k

I don't know what your babbling on about but if I have to choose between really smart people that have been studying their disciplines their entire lives and drooling idiots that make **** up on the internet, I'll take the scientists.

you don't, you only take the scientists that agree with you.

You don't give any **** to the opinion of Lomborg for example

by biggerboat k

I don't know what your babbling on about but if I have to choose between really smart people that have been studying their disciplines their entire lives and drooling idiots that make **** up on the internet, I'll take the scientists.

"I listen to what I assume is a purely objective science man who has no agenda and says the world is going to end so I parrot science man and then I scream and call people stupid who question my science man cuz science man spent lots of money on his education so how dare you question someone who dedicates his life to SCIENCE!"

by BGnight k

"I listen to what I assume is a purely objective science man who has no agenda and says the world is going to end so I parrot science man and then I scream and call people stupid who question my science man cuz science man spent lots of money on his education so how dare you question someone who dedicates his life to SCIENCE!"

Well u obviously have no idea how science function .
First off , how dumb would you be to question 1+1=2 for years ?
Second , science is ALL ABOUT questioning and doing incessantly experiment to try to disprove or confirming theories .
Thirdly , when science comes to a consensus it’s because the vast amount of data confirming something vastly exceed the data of disproving a theory (by using statistic ….).
Fourthly, scientist keep disagreeing and arguing all the time lol, but they do it on thins that are consensus because again they know , it’s useless to argue 1+1=2 or the earth is flat like you love to do ….

by Luciom k

you don't, you only take the scientists that agree with you.

You don't give any **** to the opinion of Lomborg for example

Climate science and science in general is not about "opinion".

Climate deniers try to sow doubt. They create noise with rhetorical loopholes in order to distract from the simplicity of consensus science which provides a perfectly cogent explanation for what we are observing.

Deniers like you don't care about making sense. You care about making noise to distract from math which is pretty straight forward.

You weren't honest earlier Luciom. You said you didn't care about anyone else.

But that not's true. You have a dark and bitter heart and you are actively seeking to make others miserable. You're a sadist. Like the Joker character played by Heath Ledger. You want to see the world burn.

When you encounter people who are kind and compassionate to others and care about the experience of people outside their own circle ....... do you wonder if there something missing in you ? Are you bitter because you don't experience that and taking out your bitterness on the world ?

It's terrible to imagine a human being who only gets one life to live and that lifetime is spent attached to a dark heart. Sorry dude. It's not everyone else's fault that you were born that way.

It’s also possible he was born relatively balanced but his response to events or circumstances turned him into this monster.

Crazy no one has acknowledged nuclear energy. Just keep ignoring the only tangible solution to this "crisis".

Let's grant that all the climate alarmists are correct (in reality all their predictions have fallen short over the last 4 decades but let's ignore that), what is the solution and why is it that powerful globalists are so eager to use the "climate crisis" to push veganism, taking away property rights, 15 minute cities...basically anything and everything to enslave people into a dystopian technocracy while they all get richer? Do you really think the NGO think tanks and politicians care about humanity?

Keep ignoring that the Arctic icepack is stronger than it has been in decades and that we just had the coldest January in the past 30 years.

With all these "looming disasters", what in the actual **** is your real world solution? What legislation or law is going to magically keep forests from burning and hurricanes from happening? Obviously it's not about temperature anymore. CA for example has had multiple record winter snowpacks in the last decade.

by BGnight k

Crazy no one has acknowledged nuclear energy. Just keep ignoring the only tangible solution to this "crisis".

Let's grant that all the climate alarmists are correct (in reality all their predictions have fallen short over the last 4 decades but let's ignore that), what is the solution and why is it that powerful globalists are so eager to use the "climate crisis" to push veganism, taking away property rights, 15 minute cities...basically anything and everything to enslave people into a dystopian

Because they are evil marxists.

But to be honest, technocratic centrists preoccupied with climate change DO PUSH for nuclear a lot. That makes them 1) credible 2) honest at least on these topics

The real world solution is to ban the raising of livestock and the internal combustion engine.

Unfortunately, beef is delicious and those engines make the world go round.

So instead, the strategy we've gone with is to make passive aggressive comments at anyone who wants to enjoy the luxuries of modern civilization and accuse them of killing Mother Gaia with their hubris and excess. Bonus points if you infer shortcomings in their mental capacity while you do it. Extra double bonus points if you somehow work a jab at religion into it.

Technology got us into the situation we find ourselves in, and if it's truly problematic, technology will get us out.

Give the eggheads some time to stop bitching and get to work on sorting out economical carbon capture.

by Inso0 k

The real world solution is to ban the raising of livestock and the internal combustion engine.

This is why you people cannot be taken seriously. The fact you believe this shows how dangerous and violent your worldview is. The two things you proposed have ZERO science backing it and would absolutely destroy society if they were somehow implemented. You climate cultists area danger to humanity. "Gaia" is a mythical pagan deity.

I'm all for being a steward of the world that God created for us in TANGLIBLE, real world ways. Not legislating carbon...we're carbon based lifeforms ffs. Instead of starting from local, on the ground environmental solutions, you kooks want to focus on an invisible gas that is a fundamental and necessary component to life on earth. It's insanity. Banning meat and CO2 is not a solution to anything except fulfilling the agenda of technocrats.

NORMAL ****ing people care about the health of their loved ones and being able to pay their bills and you're preaching about carbon dioxide. And you wonder why no one gives two shits about your "carbon capture" schemes. Go down to your local homeless encampment that is strewn with trash and excrement and try explaining to them about how cow farts and ford pickups are their biggest worries.

by BGnight k

This is why you people cannot be taken seriously. The fact you believe this shows how dangerous and violent your worldview is. The two things you proposed have ZERO science backing it and would absolutely destroy society if they were somehow implemented. You climate cultists area danger to humanity. "Gaia" is a mythical pagan deity.

I'm all for being a steward of the world that God created for us in TANGLIBLE, real world ways. Not legislating carbon...we're carbon based lifeforms ffs. Instead of

Congratulations. You are now the world record holder of the most stupid crammed into two paragraphs.

by BGnight k

Not legislating carbon...we're carbon based lifeforms ffs. Instead of starting from local, on the ground environmental solutions, you kooks want to focus on an invisible gas that is a fundamental and necessary component to life on earth. It's insanity. Banning meat and CO2 is not a solution to anything except fulfilling the agenda of technocrats.

NORMAL ****ing people care about the health of their loved ones and being able to pay their bills and you're preaching about carbon dioxide. And you wo

This must be performance art.

by biggerboat k

Congratulations. You are now the world record holder of the most stupid crammed into two paragraphs.

No you are even MORE stupid. Got 'em.

You're basically a child screaming "nuuuuhh uuuuhhh!!!"

by jalfrezi k

This must be performance art.

"I can't defend my position so I'll just post a snarky one liner." Keep losing.

Well for one you do realise that human beings and all life forms are carbon-based, which is not the same as the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, don't you? There's even a clue in the word "gas".

BG, inso is one of us, you answered his post only reading the first line lol
