Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

15036 Replies


by bahbahmickey k

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

That's how all religions work. Predict Y will happen, if Y happens take credit. If Y doesn't happen make excuses for why the prediction wasn't wrong.

by microbet k

This story spans the whole beach of LA county. Seal Beach is just south of LA county. Dockweiler is by El Segundo, about half way. The fight in Point Break was in Malibu at the North end.

Surfing is hard... Way harder than skiing or snow boarding or water skiing... Other balancing kind of activities like that.

Yeah i never bothered to check and it looks like is wasnt but i remember believing her at the time.

by ecriture d'adulte k
by bahbahmickey k

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

That's how all religions work. Predict Y will happen, if Y happens take credit. If Y doesn't happen make excuses for why the prediction wasn't wrong.

And fortunately with the modern Republican we know already the excuses will be at least one of: migrants, liberals or DEI

And any or all of them will need to be defeated so america can be great again

by bahbahmickey k

You’d probably be surprised how many repubs knew cutting the size of govt is great for long term growth, but there would be pain short term.

Can you put a finer point on it like getting rid of x guys/bureaucrats will translate into this result down the line? How many trump voters do you think interact with federal bureaucrats regularly or even at all really?

Is that trickle down thing going to kick in eventually or do we need to wait for several more decades for the magic to happen?

by formula72 k

Yeah i never bothered to check and it looks like is wasnt but i remember believing her at the time.

Also if you do that again, surf South of dockweiler in Manhattan or Redondo. Water quality is often terrible at dockweiler. The waste treatment plant, oil refinery, ballona wetlands, and the marina all cause some problems at times.

by GTO2.0 k

This might actually be correct, I dunno.

What I do know is that no political campaign, left or right, has ever said upfront that it’s gonna suck for a year after you elect us but it’ll be worth it in five.

And I know for damn sure that is not what Trump 2024 campaigned on.

There was and is absolutely no reason for the Trump administration to crater the American economy and go into recession, projections of negative growth, economic instability, alienate economic partners and create a hopeless mess of a government cuts program that is carried out with lies and incompetence.

This is just hopeful hot takes invented on social media and served up by pundits there and elsewhere, an eco-system that for a near decade has taken every turd Trump and his lackeys produce and polished it for the public.

The American economy prior to the Trump administration was somewhat of a miracle on the macro-level and invited a lot of investment. This ship has likely already been capsized.

What one could criticize was the American economy for a lot of the populace that is lower middle-class or below socio-economically. There is nothing from the Trump administration or GOP in congress that will change this. They might be able to change people's perception of it, like they have in the past... but I have my doubts, at some point an empty wallet can't be ignored.

by jchristo k

Not totally clear to me how cutting out a bunch of a middle income government jobs is good for the economy. Seems like one of the few avenues of wealth redistribution happening in a time when exponential inequality and stagnant wage growth are core issues. But right its that the oligarchs and corporacracy were being choked by middle class bureaucrats.

Post tax income Gini has been stable for decades only growing very slowly (and very stable last 20-25 years), "exponential inequality" is only happening in your heads

Now I understand you a bit better.

You have a model of the world which is utterly false in objective terms and move from there.

So anything you come up with on the topic will be objectively trash.

by Luciom k

Post tax income Gini has been stable for decades only growing very slowly (and very stable last 20-25 years), "exponential inequality" is only happening in your heads

Now I understand you a bit better.

You have a model of the world which is utterly false in objective terms and move from there.

So anything you come up with on the topic will be objectively trash.

Well pretty much only the US trending higher and it’s interesting that the line start at about 1980 -> reagonomics/tatcherism , trickle down economy ….
and has tax going ever lower , inequalities (and debts) goes ever higher since then ….
It never seem to trickle down and it never seem to pay itself (tax cut) in the long run ….

by Montrealcorp k

Well pretty much only the US trending higher and it’s interesting that the line start at about 1980 -> reagonomics/tatcherism , trickle down economy ….
and has tax going ever lower , inequalities (and debts) goes ever higher since then ….
It never seem to trickle and it never seem to pay itself (tax cut) in the long run ….

Doesn't matter, fact is income inequality is the same as 5, 10, 20 years ago, anyone claiming it is rising is either completly ignorant of factual reality, or completly in bad faith and claiming that falsehood to justify various horrendous policies he wants to implement , based on his lies.

by Luciom k

Doesn't matter, fact is income inequality is the same as 5, 10, 20 years ago, anyone claiming it is rising is either completly ignorant of factual reality, or completly in bad faith and claiming that falsehood to justify various horrendous policies he wants to implement , based on his lies.

The data isn’t hard to find .

by Luciom k

You have a model of the world which is utterly false in objective terms and move from there.

So anything you come up with on the topic will be objectively trash.

p r o j e c t i o n

Gini flat recently because the financial crisis erased a lot of rich people money and then there was a lot of redistribution with COVID money.

As with most things to do with economics, there is more than one way of looking at it:

by Luciom k

Doesn't matter, fact is income inequality is the same as 5, 10, 20 years ago, anyone claiming it is rising is either completly ignorant of factual reality, or completly in bad faith and claiming that falsehood to justify various horrendous policies he wants to implement , based on his lies.

Is this the real life?

by Luciom k

Doesn't matter, fact is income inequality is the same as 5, 10, 20 years ago, anyone claiming it is rising is either completly ignorant of factual reality, or completly in bad faith and claiming that falsehood to justify various horrendous policies he wants to implement , based on his lies.

Isn't the graph you posted showing it is growing?
Like 30% since 1980?
Or am I missing something here?

by Luciom k

Post tax income Gini has been stable for decades only growing very slowly (and very stable last 20-25 years), "exponential inequality" is only happening in your heads

Now I understand you a bit better.

You have a model of the world which is utterly false in objective terms and move from there.

So anything you come up with on the topic will be objectively trash.

Hello Luciom and thanks for posting so often. To be honest, it is difficult to keep up with everyone's posts in this thread.

Taken from the site you are linking the graph from there is this little snippit here:

So, on the same site you are linking to this "gini coefficient" to help state that there is less inequality than people think, on the same page it literally says:

"[. . .] the steep rise of inequality in the United States is well-known [. . .]"

Keep in mind the person you're quoting specifically said inequality was increasing and not specifically income inequality. There are also some issues with even utilizing this variable as a good indicator for describing income inequality to begin with from what I can tell. Two of the main ones being that it ignores debts and as far as I can garner income is not properly defined--does it include assets or capital gains? Those would seem quite important for describing income inequality since a large portion of income for wealthy individuals is from assets increasing in value (land/houses/crypto/stocks/etc). This is also only really for income inequality and obviously is not taking into account many other variables which would be useful in determining if actual inequality as a whole is increasing or decreasing.

by weeeez k

Isn't the graph you posted showing it is growing?
Like 30% since 1980?
Or am I missing something here?

Lol, also yes--this. Actually looks like the US is the only one increasing on the graph here actually going from just over ~0.3 to ~0.4 over this period.

Not only that, but other sites post quite different looking Gini charts.

by Brokenstars k

Hello Luciom and thanks for posting so often. To be honest, it is difficult to keep up with everyone's posts in this thread.

Taken from the site you are linking the graph from there is this little snippit here:

So, on the same site you are linking to this "gini coefficient" to help state that there is less inequality than people think, on the same page it literally says:

Keep in mind the person you're quoting specifically said inequality was increasing

Yep some people can be so blinded by ideology not to understand which data they produce.

OR, he wanted to claim that vs 1960 post tax income inequality increased (true, but that stopped decades ago), OR he wanted to claim that with no taxes income inequality would be a lot higher (true).

If you have a better indicator of income inequality than post tax Gini feel free to tell me which one it is.

Also keep in mind that basically the ENTIRE increase in inequality sinche the 1960, and more (post gini would be LOWER THAN IN 1965 if people were married as much as in 1965) , is fully explained by lower marriage rates and increasing divorce rates (inequality is always between households), and by increasingly intermarrying uppermiddle class members.

So even if you consider lower inequality like in the 1960s a preferable option for society, you should uniquely focus on marriage.

What kept inequality lower was a far higher propensity of upper middle class men to marry lower class women (think physician and the secretary, it almost never happen these days), higher marriage rates sooner (2 low income singles married make up a normal income household), and lower divorce rate (single women with kids are disastrous for inequality)

by weeeez k

Isn't the graph you posted showing it is growing?
Like 30% since 1980?
Or am I missing something here?

You are missing that it completly stopped growing a while ago, so there is no trend toward higher inequality, certainly not "exponential".

the USA are structurally more inequal than in the 1960 income wise post tax, but that ENTIRELY HAPPENED decades ago, and things have been stable on that topic for decades. Nothing is "increasing".

by jalfrezi k

Not only that, but other sites post quite different looking Gini charts.

Because that's the post-tax Gini, the only one which matters.

by microbet k

Gini flat recently because the financial crisis erased a lot of rich people money and then there was a lot of redistribution with COVID money.

18 years ago "recently" lol

by Luciom k

If you have a better indicator of income inequality than post tax Gini feel free to tell me which one it is.

It is not something I've extensively educated myself on. I would also be interested in other metrics used to define inequality as a whole (not just income). The above was my first post in this thread as I usually just read along every once in a while... and as I said... it is very difficult to keep up with the amount of posting in most of the main threads on this subforum.

by Luciom k

Also keep in mind that basically the ENTIRE increase in inequality sinche the 1960, and more (post gini would be LOWER THAN IN 1965 if people were married as much as in 1965) , is fully explained by lower marriage rates and increasing divorce rates (inequality is always between households), and by increasingly intermarrying uppermiddle class members.

So even if you consider lower inequality like in the 1960s a preferable option for society, you should uniquely focus on marriage.

What kept inequali


by Luciom k

You are missing that it completly stopped growing a while ago, so there is no trend toward higher inequality, certainly not "exponential".

the USA are structurally more inequal than in the 1960 income wise post tax, but that ENTIRELY HAPPENED decades ago, and things have been stable on that topic for decades. Nothing is "increasing".

stable for decades??
I mean ok buddy you can keep living in your la la head, you are completely demented old man.

by Brokenstars k

It is not something I've extensively educated myself on. I would also be interested in other metrics used to define inequality as a whole (not just income). The above was my first post in this thread as I usually just read along every once in a while... and as I said... it is very difficult to keep up with the amount of posting in most of the main threads on this subforum.


Lucy has about 150 posts/ day average in this forum.
And it's not the only place he frequents.
Now let that sink in...
