Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33724 Replies


The activist kid is being brought in by his mossad handlers. Obvious to anyone who isn’t brainwashed by Zionist msm slop.

by gotwoot k

Here you go

Israel is a democracy, apparently. Or maybe the N is silent.

Is it because of life and death that your fascist overlords jail 12 year old children for drawing Palestinian flags?

gotwoot, any information about this case?

by Dunyain k

OK. I read the AP story. Sounds like the ICE agent the lawyer talked to didn't really know exactly why he was being arrested. Which happens often. I wouldn't read too much into that. The agents are just there to execute the arrest warrant; they aren't lawyers. So whether he was a student or on a permanent green card isn't really relevant.

According to the AP story, The Department of Homeland Security clarified it was due to his activism. I honestly dont know how many countries in the world

Ice agents often arrest people without knowing why? What do they tell the suspects? "You're under arrest you're just under arrest".?

Surely any LE officer, state or Federal needs to know on what charge they're arresting suspects on?

the only case of a 12 years old that was held in detention in Israel I could find on the legal search engines is from 2016, of a child that tried to stab Jews.

Moreover, there is no law that prohibits the usages, drawing, or waving of the Palestinian flag. I have yet to hear of anyone who was detained just for waving the flag (the only "similar" case was a young man that was arrested for waving the flag and chanting, and the judge ordered to release him and to pay him compensation for a wrongful arrest).

As I mentioned before, there is no report of this case, and no one seems to have heard of it.


the only case of a 12 years old that was held in detention in Israel I could find on the legal search engines is from 2016, of a child that tried to stab Jews.

Moreover, there is no law that prohibits the usages, drawing, or waving of the Palestinian flag. I have yet to hear of anyone who was detained just for waving the flag (the only "similar" case was a young man that was arrested for waving the flag and chanting, and the judge ordered to release him and to pay him compensation for a wrongful

You must be new here. Jalfrezi, Gotwoot, Victor, et. al. post lots of tweets of questionable veracity. Coincidentally, they all are very negative towards Israeli/Jews. Never goes the other way around. You can draw your own conclusions what is going on.

90% of the stuff I post is directly from Israeli media

Israel has opening an official office of ethnic cleansing logistics.

[B]Israel’s far right says new off...

Seems like a couple people in here didn’t quite grasp what electing DT meant for the Gazans.

Don’t get all ****ed up by disinformation next election Billy boy.

right, bc students were not beaten and incarcerated en masse under Biden. oh wait.


there is no law that prohibits the usages, drawing, or waving of the Palestinian flag.

This is so disingenuous. You know perfectly well that the flag attracts bullets, both rubber and lead. And simple assault, such as when the IDF molested the flag-drapped coffin of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Seems like a couple people in here didn’t quite grasp what electing DT meant for the Gazans.

Don’t get all ****ed up by disinformation next election Billy boy.

I gather you are imagining that I wanted the toad to win. Not even close. And of course, you can't name the disinformation that I supposedly believed.

by Bill Haywood k

I gather you are imagining that I wanted the toad to win. Not even close. And of course, you can't name the disinformation that I supposedly believed.

You intentionally or unintentionally supported the narrative that got the toad elected. You believe any disinformation that’s presented to you, the only prerequisite is that it’s anti-Israel. Hats off.

Another funny thing to note is this Columbia activist kid is one of the whitest looking Israeli or Palestinians I’ve ever seen.

Honest question. If Israel killed 800+ Syrian civilians in a few days, how much would we hear about it?

They're covering it. But the lack of coverage elsewhere is amazing.

According to a March 9 report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), at least 1,311 people have been killed as of Saturday evening – some 830 were civilians, 230 security personnel from various branches, and about 250 armed fighters.

830 civilians killed by Jews in a few days, it would be EVERYWHERE.

You may be right, but that post would be a lot more justified if all the negative coverage of Israel were about hundreds or a few thousand people in Gaza being killed in the last year or so instead of 100000 or so.

by rafiki k

Honest question. If Israel killed 800+ Syrian civilians in a few days, how much would we hear about it?

This has been explained to you over and over. If the U.S. government is not doing it, we have less responsibility and less interest.

I have read of the oppression of the Alawites and it is horrible. But it's not being done with U.S. made bunker busters.

Some attribute the fall of Assad to the U.S. If so, we should pay more attention to what's going on.

Convenient. No Jews, no news. Carry on.

its getting a ton of attention and condemnation from the tankie and pro-Palestinian world.

Not even on the front page of the BBC

You can search and find the little article they ran:

"At least 1,000 Alawites – a minority sect of Shia Muslims from which the Assad family, which led the old regime, originate – have been killed over the past few days"

I mean, that's literally religious killings. No tears shed. Same as it always was!


If any 1st world democratic country was executing 100's of civilians in the streets it would make plenty of news. What if Iran was doing it? Would bet plenty of money the news would be spamming it to grow the war base.

I checked the Palestine reddit page, and there isn’t a single post about Syria in sight. Lots of posts about evil Jews and Israel though.

Going to file this one as another DEBUNKED claim.

by rafiki k

Honest question. If Israel killed 800+ Syrian civilians in a few days, how much would we hear about it?

They're covering it. But the lack of coverage elsewhere is amazing.





etc. etc.

by Dunyain k

According to the AP story, The Department of Homeland Security clarified it was due to his activism. I honestly dont know how many countries in the world would allow a foreign resident to engage in years of highly disruptive activism supporting a proscribed terrorist organization for committing an atrocity like 10/7. But for good or bad, you can clearly check the US off that (probably very short) list, at least under the current administration.

In what other areas of life do you presume a total disregard for context? Like when the weather is warm would you go into work wearing a just a speedo and and flip flops and when someone questions you about it you accuse them of hating summer?

If you're not posting from some institution I have to think you selectively choose when to ignore context. So how do you decide when to ignore context? Is it just when you want to justify the absolute most evil things people can do, such as what we've seen Israel do, the mass slaughter and torture of children?

I just want to follow in your footsteps and free myself of the constraints of context, of the obvious implications of recent and relevant history. Right now I'm pretty confined. There is something holding me back and forcing me to be rational and communicate in good faith. If I wasn't so beholden to obvious realities I think I could be freer like you are. Does it feel good to be able to just say anything?

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

I checked the Palestine reddit page, and there isn’t a single post about Syria in sight. Lots of posts about evil Jews and Israel though.

So you sought out a Palestinian reddit page and are shocked that it's about Palestinians?

Here's an Alawite's reddit page.

Trolly everyone did a little article they buried. You had to go google to find them. You didn't land on them in the peak of the news cycle, front page like Israel gets. I know you know this. And it's certainly not getting broad coverage on TV.

Every news company has more journalists in Israel than all the other Middle East countries combined typically. That was revealed a few years back. For the reasons I'm explaining here.

lol the CNN article you linked to snuck in at 5pm on a Sunday, and is about "‘A battle for purification"

That's world news if the Jews are in a battle for purification. Not a sneak into the Sunday night edition.
