Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Yeah we should have chosen an American language like Lakota or something.
Ukraine exists now because Zelensky and other Ukrainian patriots have been on the front line fighting for their country, and the world watches with bated breath because anyone with a brain knows that the fight between Russia and Ukraine is a fight between authoritarianism and freedom. People like you who support M4A because white people in Alabama have bad teeth and coal miners in Virginia have cancer from coalmining may just see it as another “forever war” but we are not at all talking about Am
This is a fantastic post, and incredibly accurate. Only the most naive believe that Russia would stop with Ukraine. Every year of peace that Europe enjoys after this war ends is due to the sacrifices made by Ukrainians.
Ukraine is providing incredibly important intel to Europe and USA, they are weakening the world's greatest antagonizer (China hasn't replaced
Russia yet), and Ukraine is not just defending itself: it is reshaping Europe’s security. By the time this war ends, Ukraine will have the strongest, most battle-hardened military in Europe, and be the nation most capable of deterring future Russian aggression. Not understanding the importance of this is leading to major blunders which will have major long term consequences for global security that everyone should be worried about. Of course that is for people who aren't swayed by the numerous moral reasons for helping Ukraine.
"America First" from the 1930s is the exact same mistake being made now. They wanted to align with Hitler in order to avoid war, much as Trump seeks to align with Putin now. Both fail to recognize that these aggressors aren’t just after a quick plundering spree, they are seeking long-term dominance. Putin straight up says he wants to get back to the Warsaw Pact days, if you look at a map now it's pretty clear what that means. He seeks control over those territories so he will have the power to blackmail, destabilize, and militarily threaten the West.
If Ukraine falls, it would mark the first time a Western ally has been overtaken by an invading dictator since Hitler (in the largest invasion launched since Hitler). Just as Hitler did not stop, Putin would use this victory to further militarily pressure the West. Poland, Moldova, the Baltics are already threatened, and will be increasingly so if Putin succeeds in Ukraine. The Russia-China alliance is already in motion. If Russia succeeds in Ukraine, China will see it as proof that the West is too weak to stop military aggression. Taiwan, and other regions, will be next.
Delaying aid hands a victory to dictatorships. The fall of Ukraine would be a modern-day France 1940, and history shows us what happens when democracies fail to act in time.
you don't live in a world with actual constraints and boundaries and will imagine any scenario that fits your confirmation bias
ukraine is nothing to the united states government, a minor partner we only paid the slightest attention to simply because of russia - you treat them like our greatest ally on par with england and france in wwii
you have no interest in facts and accuracy, you're a zealot who'll find any interpretation to "prove" the validity of their absurd claims
In fairness, Ukraine has been important to the US political class, if not the US people. Mainly because it is an extremely corrupt nation with natural resources that has been aggressively lobbying for non Russian foreign intervention to counteract all the unwanted Russian foreign intervention. I suspect Hunter Biden/Burisma was the tip of the iceberg as far as US politicians currying favor with Ukraine goes.
This is a fantastic post, and incredibly accurate. Only the most naive believe that Russia would stop with Ukraine. Every year of peace that Europe enjoys after this war ends is due to the sacrifices made by Ukrainians.
Ukraine is providing incredibly important intel to Europe and USA, they are weakening the world's greatest antagonizer (China hasn't replaced
Russia yet), and Ukraine is not just defending itself: it is reshaping Europe’s security. By the time this war ends, Ukraine will ha
I am not saying there aren't valid geopolitical reasons to support Ukraine, but calling Ukraine a US ally is kind of stretching it. I doubt most Americans could have found Ukraine on a map or even knew they were a sovereign nation (as opposed to part of Russia) 3 years ago.
Also, I dont think there is any evidence Russia was planning on invading Europe if Ukraine had gone better. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. But this rhetoric that we need to hold the line agains the inevitable Russian invasion doesn't seem warranted.
And it certainly seems implausible now anytime in the near future, given how poorly the Ukraine invasion went. I think we should continue to provide aid while looking for a reasonable end to the war, but the alarmism in this post doesn't seem warranted.
I am not saying there aren't valid geopolitical reasons to support Ukraine, but calling Ukraine a US ally is kind of stretching it. I doubt most Americans could have found Ukraine on a map or even knew they were a country 3 years ago.
Three years ago Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine and things changed drastically.
Also, I dont think there is any evidence Russia was planning on invading Europe if Ukraine had gone better. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. But this rhetoric that we need to hold the line agains the inevitable Russian invasion doesn't seem warranted.
If you had answer yes or no, do you think that if Putin succeeded in taking Ukraine on day 1 that he would have stopped there?
In the future when USA pivots to the Pacific, do you think Putin or his successor will be more or less likely to invade another country than now?
Yes, there's some uncertainty in global affairs but I think you have a pretty good idea of what is going on here, much more than you're letting on with your Tuckeresque "maybe it's that way maybe it isn't". And if not, then if there were ever a situation where you should not gamble, it's probably here. Trusting the person who launched the largest invasion since WW2 to stop here is definitely a gamble.
And it certainly seems implausible now anytime in the near future, given how poorly the Ukraine invasion went.
Well yes, because he would still need to take Ukraine... Which is why we should support Ukraine.
If you had answer yes or no, do you think that if Putin succeeded in taking Ukraine on day 1 that he would have stopped there?
I could be wrong, but no I don't think he was going to invade further West if Ukraine had gone better, especially after seeing how Israel made a joke of Russian air defense systems in Iran.
Look up what is happening in Georgia, it's pretty much the exact same as Ukraine. If they don't give up their democracy, Russia will invade it. Luka showed a map which showed that Putin planned to invade Moldova. Putin does not plan to stop at Ukraine.
I told myself 10 posts though, and I'm already over, so I'm out. Always a pleasure even if we often disagree.
I am not saying there aren't valid geopolitical reasons to support Ukraine, but calling Ukraine a US ally is kind of stretching it. I doubt most Americans could have found Ukraine on a map or even knew they were a sovereign nation (as opposed to part of Russia) 3 years ago.
Also, I dont think there is any evidence Russia was planning on invading Europe if Ukraine had gone better. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. But this rhetoric that we need to hold the line agains the inevitable Russia
This is like someone who is in remission from stage 4 cancer because of cutting edge radiation therapy and surgery thinking cancer isn’t that scary because they are still alive.
We performed international triage and huge sacrifices were made by many people for this to be possible.
Look up what is happening in Georgia, it's pretty much the exact same as Ukraine. If they don't give up their democracy, Russia will invade it. Luka showed a map which showed that Putin planned to invade Moldova. Putin does not plan to stop at Ukraine.
I told myself 10 posts though, and I'm already over, so I'm out. Always a pleasure even if we often disagree.
He doesn't plan to stop with ukraine but he cannot touch us. What would change for me and my family if Georgia and Moldova and Ukraine are like Belarus, russian satellites? what's the damage i will suffer in that scenario?
He doesn't plan to stop with ukraine but he cannot touch us. What would change for me and my family if Georgia and Moldova and Ukraine are like Belarus, russian satellites? what's the damage i will suffer in that scenario?
You realise Italy isn't the center of the world and not everyone in this forum lives in Italy, right?
This is as short sighted as my attempt to set a 10 post limit. If Russia succeeds in taking all of those countries then they are in a great position to threaten the stability of Italy.
This is as short sighted as my attempt to set a 10 post limit. If Russia succeeds in taking all of those countries then they are in a great position to threaten the stability of Italy.
I think if we spent what we are spending and planning to spend for Ukraine, out "stability" (whatever that exactly means) would be protected a lot more
This is as short sighted as my attempt to set a 10 post limit. If Russia succeeds in taking all of those countries then they are in a great position to threaten the stability of Italy.
The greatest threat to the stability of Italy is Italy.
But a student of Italy's history would do well to note that it is a country that almost invariably pays an enormous burden when wars in Europe start to spread.
Well, of course
The Atlanta Fed GDPNow estimated that the economy will shrink at a 1.5% annualized rate in the first quarter, thanks to a surge in imports ahead of threatened tariffs as well as a sharp slowdown in consumer spending.
The Trump administration might exclude government spending from gross domestic product reports to cover up upcoming poor economic reports, and to hide the true scope of Department of Government Efficiency cuts.
So they're mixing and matching the Brave New World approach of flooding people with BS and 1984 approach of just giving plain wrong info.
So much alternative truth
How long before closing down media that reports this? Traditional and new?
None of this should be a surprise. When you have a gov't that is spending at levels previously reserved for times of world wars and depressions and you finally cut the spending of course the economy is going to contract.
Cutting gov't spending is a long-term play - it is almost always bad short-term.