US Immigration Crisis

US Immigration Crisis

I didn’t see an immigration thread so I figured I would add one. This problem seems to be worsening everyday of the current admin. Hopefully some of our new elected officials can help with this. Mr. Luttrell is a great start

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20 April 2023 at 04:46 PM

1298 Replies


by jalfrezi k

"Our nation"? Are you American?

What, if anything, do you think should happen to such people?

Seems to be Toothsayer and who has also claimed to live just about everywhere.

by microbet k

Seems to be Toothsayer and who has also claimed to live just about everywhere.

definitely not luciom, who was my first guess

The menacing tone is much more Luciom pretending to be American though. TS was all about telling lefties how stupid and racist they are and how intelligent he was.

Luciom is super fascist, but I never thought he was clearly lying, but who knows.

StonksGoUp posted about living in 9 countries and Toothsayer talked about living in a bunch of countries. SGU said something about not posting here in 5 years, and it's been a while for Toothsayer. And, while Luciom talked about economics a lot, TS really talked about stocks a lot.

That's all true but online people invent or exaggerate biographical stuff and the brevity of his posts weighs more against TS than against Luciom.

edit just noticed he's banned anyway, for calling trans people mentally ill. Seems like suicide by cop.

Banned for posting what 40% of the USA believes (both on immigration and trans). It's a joke. Mods are trying to protect someone or something I guess, but presenting a sanitized version of the Republicans and Trump is only protecting them.

by microbet k

Luciom is super fascist, but I never thought he was clearly lying, but who knows.

StonksGoUp posted about living in 9 countries and Toothsayer talked about living in a bunch of countries. SGU said something about not posting here in 5 years, and it's been a while for Toothsayer. And, while Luciom talked about economics a lot, TS really talked about stocks a lot.


And what was Luciom temp banned for this time?

by Inso0 k

Yeah, that's the point.

Anchor-babies born to people sneaking in illegally wasn't on their radar because the very concept itself didn't exist.

You aren't necessarily the target audience for that statement. You've historically been well within the rational zone on the 2p2 politics forum spectrum. Consider yourself collateral damage because you were the most recent person to speak on that topic.

Edit: To be clear, I understand that AR15s didn't exist then as well. But Trump's EO opens the lines o

ding ding ding

by FreakDaddy k


And what was Luciom temp banned for this time?

We often don't know - no entry in the Moderation thread. Bans are often very Kafkaesque.

by microbet k

Banned for posting what 40% of the USA believes (both on immigration and trans). It's a joke. Mods are trying to protect someone or something I guess, but presenting a sanitized version of the Republicans and Trump is only protecting them.

yeah it's wild with the bans

Crossnerd gets overly excited and impulsive when she sees people openly calling for mod action in a thread.

That thread should've been a, "We've done this 15 times, go read one of the other threads and respond there" final post and lock. No bans required.

by Inso0 k

Yeah, that's the point.

Anchor-babies born to people sneaking in illegally wasn't on their radar because the very concept itself didn't exist.

That people come over here on temporary visas or otherwise and have kids while over here has always existed. It's always been considered as part of creating the amendment and the subsequent laws. Did Mexican women in the 1920's invent having children while working in America or something like that? Did every immigrant before then just have their uterus spontaneously miscarriage?

We didn't start requiring foreigners to obtain a visa prior to entry as a standard immigration practice until 1917. The 14th amendment was intended to address former slaves.

The general Immigration Act of 1882 levied a head tax of fifty cents on each immigrant and blocked (or excluded) the entry of idiots, lunatics, convicts, and persons likely to become a public charge.

This seems like a perfectly acceptable immigration policy to pivot back to. $150 to pay for the interview and background check to ensure you aren't an idiot, lunatic, convict, or just here for free ponies, and then off you go to live your American Dream.

by Huehuecoyotl k

That people come over here on temporary visas or otherwise and have kids while over here has always existed. It's always been considered as part of creating the amendment and the subsequent laws. Did Mexican women in the 1920's invent having children while working in America or something like that? Did every immigrant before then just have their uterus spontaneously miscarriage?

Not really. The borders used to be way more open than that. No visa required until 1917.

And it's not like other countries were all like that. In many countries before the 20th Century and going back much further you not only needed the government's permission to enter a country, you often needed it to travel from city to city. USA was built as a free country for people who love freedom (obviously not for black people, but that did change). Now these Republicans want to be as unfree as a bunch of Euros.

by microbet k

None of you morons understand when a statement is absolute and when it isn't.

no it can never be as you said. it defies logic. I understand your saying sometimes . but its never. the answer is never. Random immigrants are not skilled construction workers

Why do we hate people from other places so much? I don't get it and I never will.

Standard xenophobia, and the US is one of the worst for it because it’s surrounded by a lot of water.

Australia is also pretty bad but doesn’t get the publicity.

Speak for yourselves. I'll take whatever nationality I can get if they're skilled tradesmen, but I'm not about to jeopardize the business by hiring illegals.

We have immigrants on payroll now. We hired a trio of Mexican brothers as carpenters a while back. They had their papers, but one of them stole from a client 3 months in and the rest of the gang quit after #1 was immediately fired.

Before you jump at me for insinuating anything, of the three people we've had to fire for stealing in the last decade, the other two were white guys. Citizens. The Mexican guy walked off with one of those giant carboard Tootsie Roll banks filled with change, knowing full well that we had jobsite cameras running. White guy #1 stole a client's ring. White guy #2 stole ~$100,000 in wages by cheating the time clock.

If only people would behave themselves...

If only you'd pay them a better wage the urge to steal and lie about their hours wouldn't be so strong.

by microbet k

Not really. The borders used to be way more open than that. No visa required until 1917.

The otherwise part was meant to over all the other circumstances. I was trying to hunt it down but there was a court case in the early 20th century about a business man who was here on the modern equivalent of a business visa, had kids, and someone sued to try and remove their citizenship and the courts shot it down, so it's not like what to do with kids of people who are here in a short term basis never showed up until Mexicans started crossing the border, they've had been thinking about it since the inception of the modern border controls. They've just always settled on jus soli. It's actually one of the parts of the law that surprisingly has had a lot of work and forethought on it from the Courts and the writers of the laws at the since of their inception and since, unlike some laws where they're clearly written for something other than whatever situation they're being reframed for.

by MoViN.tArGeT k

no it can never be as you said. it defies logic. I understand your saying sometimes . but its never. the answer is never. Random immigrants are not skilled construction workers

Well, you just have an idiot [sic] take then. It only takes one case to prove you are wrong. One person moves onto a block, does something annoying or loud or illegal there, or the neighbors just don't like living near that neighbor for any reason and prices go down and your hypothesis is disproven. I don't say "there goes the neighborhood" of immigrants move in, but some people do.

by Huehuecoyotl k

The otherwise part was meant to over all the other circumstances.


by Inso0 k

We didn't start requiring foreigners to obtain a visa prior to entry as a standard immigration practice until 1917. The 14th amendment was intended to address former slaves.

This seems like a perfectly acceptable immigration policy to pivot back to. $150 to pay for the interview and background check to ensure you aren't an idiot, lunatic, convict, or just here for free ponies, and then off you go to live your American Dream.

Isn't that just open borders with a background check?

by jalfrezi k

If only you'd pay them a better wage the urge to steal and lie about their hours wouldn't be so strong.

That's what he said!

This is not to say that we pay **** wages. Quite the opposite.

Still, stealing from the company is not how you go about asking for a raise. Don't get too hung up on him, though. He was one of those guys who quit and/or was fired twice a year for something or another -- usually throwing a temper tantrum after being asked to do something he thought was beneath him. He was on the spectrum, but very skilled at his specific craft.
