Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Maybe it’s just western Zionist propaganda, but it seems like the Palestinians are being left high and dry by all of their supporters. .

Yeah no ****, bro. They're bombed into oblivion.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Yeah no ****, bro. They're bombed into oblivion.

Lotta lip service from the Axis of Resistance and antisemites worldwide.

Lmao Bill Haywood swooping in to offer up his uninformed and predictably anti-Israel opinion.

With the Axis of Resistance taking constant losses, I think we’re going to see more and more schizoposts.

A left-wing Israeli publication is accusing netanyahu of things that he hasn't said he would do.I'm shocked

by Trolly McTrollson k

Yeah no ****, bro. They're bombed into oblivion.

Correct. Doubt that Iran would support another invasion in the future

Hoping we get some Twitter threads shedding light on the Jewish space lasers next.


According to this April poll, 47% people under 30 who identify as Democrats have pro-Palestinian leanings vs. 7% with pro-Israeli leanings.

Based on these statistics, it won't make sense for the Democrats to run a pro-Israel candidate a generation from now. So far the only counter-argument from a pro-Israel poster in this thread has been Luciom saying that the youngins will get more conservative with age. What he doesn't realize is that Israel's propaganda apparatus simply can't do what it needs in a world with the internet, and that current and future digital natives are already a lost cause.

Israel's never-compromise strategy is based on unlimited weapons coming in from the US, in addition to imports of all sorts of raw materials for their own weapons production. They don't have a enough mining to support the amount of weapons needed to fight people off on all sides for eternity. The Red Sea port of Elat is blockaded and closed right now, and there's nothing US aircraft carriers can do about it.

All this has taken absolutely massive sacrifice from the Palestinians, but like it or not, these are gains. Even Israeli leadership is concerned about the current trajectory, hence why the goal is ethnic cleansing before the unlimited ammo dries up a generation from now.

According to this April poll, 47% people under 30 who identify as Democrats have pro-Palestinian leanings vs. 7% with pro-Israeli leanings.

Based on these statistics, it won't make sense for the Democrats to run a pro-Israel candidate a generation from now

Democrats never follow the opinions of their constituency. And as we saw this election, Dem supporters will quickly support candidates doing genocide if they are told to.

by Pompeous k


According to this April poll, 47% people under 30 who identify as Democrats have pro-Palestinian leanings vs. 7% with pro-Israeli leanings.

Based on these statistics, it won't make sense for the Democrats to run a pro-Israel candidate a generation from now. So far the only counter-argument from a pro-Israel poster in this thread has been Luciom saying that the youngins will

The Saudi alliance will eventually help shift public opinion and will lead to better relations with the Palestinians. Hamas being out of power would lead to better conditions as well.

Iran being to weak to create terror on Israel too

by Victor k

yes they are planting Israeli flags in spots in Syria. politicians and media members are celebrating a future ski slope on the Mount Herman. expansion is a fundamental part of their ideology.

Turns out "Defend" and "Expand" were interchangeable...

It's hard not to be too cynical about it all.

But it seemed inevitable that the Gaza Strip would be completely razed to the ground and apportioned to the highest bidding real estate investment firms.

There was never a plan to allow the displaced humans to reclaim their homes, let alone the land they were built on.

Turns out "Defend" and "Expand" were interchangeable...

Right. The Empire has the luxury to make up their own meanings for words. Similar to a ceasefire where Israel is allowed to continue mass murder.

by Pompeous k


According to this April poll, 47% people under 30 who identify as Democrats have pro-Palestinian leanings vs. 7% with pro-Israeli leanings.

Based on these statistics, it won't make sense for the Democrats to run a pro-Israel candidate a generation from now. So far the only counter-argument from a pro-Israel poster in this thread has been Luciom saying that the youngins will

It’s obviously a concern. Israel is never going to win a long term propaganda war. Their enemies know this and openly admit that their strategy is to engage in a long, drawn out war-of-attrition. Throwing their people into the meat grinder is a two pronged attack. 1. Kill Jews. 2. Kill Palestinians to fuel the propaganda machine.

I’m not really sure if this is a “counter-argument”, but oftentimes the issues and stances a candidate campaigns on aren’t reflective of how they act once elected. Maybe the Democratic Party tones down the pro-Israel rhetoric, but you’re uninformed if you think the defense and security sectors have any intention of cutting ties with Israel.

On top of things, while that stat itself seems concerning, I think you’re leaving out a lot of nuance. I’m not going to get too into it, but there’s also a growing bloc of young, mostly male, conservative voters. Additionally, foreign policy is far and away the least important talking point for young voters. It’s easy to make hyperbolic claims by cherry picking a single stat.

Not sure what you mean by Israel’s
“never compromise” strategy. They’ve made countless compromises throughout their history. Maybe you’re confusing the two sides here.

I don’t see how the dismantling of the Axis of Resistance and their complete abandonment of the Palestinian cause is “gains”, but we can agree to disagree.

Throwing their people into the meat grinder is a two pronged attack. 1. Kill Jews. 2. Kill Palestinians to fuel the propaganda machine.

just insanely racist

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Lotta lip service from the Axis of Resistance and antisemites worldwide.

My dude, you can't tell me in one post that the Palestinians have no allies and then in the next post invoke a worldwide Axis of Evil. Surely you can see why that doesn't track.

by Trolly McTrollson k

My dude, you can't tell me in one post that the Palestinians have no allies and then in the next post invoke a worldwide Axis of Evil. Surely you can see why that doesn't track.

Politically the had Iran and its proxies. Now that the proxies have been crippled, the axis of evil is abandoning them

this is resistance. I am sure it upsets many supporters of Israel. in Sinwar's book education was one of the most important pillars of a society.

by Victor k

this is resistance. I am sure it upsets many supporters of Israel. in Sinwar's book education was one of the most important pillars of a society.

Palestine may have a higher literacy rate than the US, which is kinda lol.

Good read about education in Palestine:

Curious to find that UNRWA provided education services for Jewish refugees in Palestine until the Israeli government told them to stop in 1952...

I think it's great that they value education

UNRWA putting lots of anti Israel propaganda into the curriculum is gross and damaging

Hamas, an Islamist militant group and the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, has been using human shields in conflicts with Israel since 2007. According to the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the war crime of using human shields encompasses “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations.” Hamas has launched rockets, positioned military-related infrastructure-hubs and routes, and engaged the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from, or in proximity to, residential and commercial areas.The strategic logic of human shields has two components. It is based on an awareness of Israel’s desire to minimise collateral damage, and of Western public opinion’s sensitivity towards civilian casualties. If the IDF uses lethal force and causes an increase in civilian casualties, Hamas can utilise that as a lawfare tool: it can accuse Israel of committing war crimes, which could result in the imposition of a wide array of sanctions. Alternatively, if the IDF limits its use of military force in Gaza to avoid collateral damage, Hamas will be less susceptible to Israeli attacks, and thereby able to protect its assets while continuing to fight. Moreover, despite the Israeli public’s high level of sup-port for the Israeli political and military leadership during operations, civilian casualties are one of the friction points between Israeli left-wing and right-wing supporters, with the former questioning the outcomes of the operation.

nobody cares about your Zionist think tank propaganda from 2019

pompeous you keep failing to realize that single issue I/P voters are very rare.

that democrat under 30 leaning very pro palestine is basically mostly very liberal women, often college educated.

what do you think they will do if the democratic candidate is pro Israel, vote republican? they care too much about abortion, getting their student debt canceled, rent control, "the climate crisis" (lol) and other leftist stuff.

and you saw it with voting patterns, if there was a significant number of "propal absolutists", third party extremist candidates allin against Israel would have gained from it. but they didn't.

now it is true that 30 or 50 years from now America might stop helping Israel, or reduce it's commitment a lot.

which justifies Israel going allin to solve the problems it faces permanently sooner than that.

by Victor k

nobody cares about your Zionist think tank propaganda from 2019


by Victor k

just insanely racist

It certainly is

no, they literally align with Zionists. and the article is from 2019.

I looked up the people listed from their website and right off the bat

Anything that exposes hamas is either racist or Zionist propoganda to you and all of your posts have links from anti Israel racist Twitter accounts

You are so self unaware. Or maybe you are fully aware

You draw conclusions and find radical accounts to confirm your own biases

You should take a breath once in a blue moon and try to be objective for like 15 seconds even

You may actually learn something
