Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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bruv its never been a deterrent.
anyway, at some point in time, the point of a system is what it does. and this system kills and maims children at a rate we have never seen.
Israeli airstrike kills at least 27 people at school complex near Khan Younis, Gaza Health Ministry says
lol, did they even actually get the terrorist they were targeting? Most professional army ever!
they got 27 of them trolly
As I mentioned before Hamas (and other Islamists) had gotten better booby trapping buildings, to set off when Israeli troops entered. And Israel has responded by sending in remote controlled cars to set off the booby traps. Which seems to be working.
It has been and will continue to all be blamed on Israel, but like I mentioned before there is no way the IDF is going to find and destroy every single one of the thousands of booby traps Hamas lays out. If/When the war ends, there is going to be a lot of civilian casualties for years to come as traps get accidentally sprung.
In respect to Lebanon, intelligence suggests that Nasrallah did not want to attack Israel at all, but the IRI ordered him to open a second front. IRI also has ordered him to de-escalate but refuses to let him go back to the Litani river as Israel has demanded (and Hezbollah agreed under the 2006 cease fire).
Consistent with its entire ME strategy since 1979, IRI wants a slow war of attrition that destroys the Arab world under its thrall and Israel.
--Also, the whole narrative about the new President being a "moderate" is complete nonsense. He is completely on board with whatever the IRI establishment wants. It just so happens they want a more moderate looking figurehead right now, to de-escalate tensions with the West to avoid any direct wars. But the current strategy of brutal repression of the people at home and creating chaos in the outside world through proxies will continue unabated.
In respect to Lebanon, intelligence suggests that Nasrallah did not want to attack Israel at all, but the IRI ordered him to open a second front. IRI also has ordered him to de-escalate but refuses to let him go back to the Litani river as Israel has demanded (and Hezbollah agreed under the 2006 cease fire).
Consistent with its entire ME strategy since 1979, IRI wants a slow war of attrition that destroys the Arab world under its thrall and Israel.
--Also, the whole narrative about the new Pres
you know that Nasrallah speaks all the time right? just yesterday he said that they would continue fighting until there was a ceasefire and that the decision for a ceasefire was entirely up to Hamas.
also, this is clearly an anti-Iranian racist conspiracy theory. imagine if someone said that anyone Jewish was in the background pulling strings in this way for anything.
also, this is clearly an anti-Iranian racist conspiracy theory. imagine if someone said that anyone Jewish was in the background pulling strings in this way for anything.
This post is clearly just an excuse to throw some shots at Jews in a manner the current moderation team deems acceptable, like much of your posting.
I make a clear distinction between the IRI and Iran. Most Iranians despise the IRI, as it persecutes them and uses them (and everyone else) as fodder in pursuit of its anti civilizational theological aims.
Much like the Arab world already has, the Western world needs to wake up to how the IRI is destroying everything it influences with its pernicious ideology that so many losers latch onto. If we dont wake up soon, the streets of Paris and London are going to look like Beirut, Saana and Bagdad.
no, its to say that both are disgusting and racist conspiracy theories.
Probably got a bunch of terrorists. Good job IDF!
probably not a good look to be celebrating this
In respect to Lebanon, intelligence suggests that Nasrallah did not want to attack Israel at all, but the IRI ordered him to open a second front. IRI also has ordered him to de-escalate but refuses to let him go back to the Litani river as Israel has demanded (and Hezbollah agreed under the 2006 cease fire).
Consistent with its entire ME strategy since 1979, IRI wants a slow war of attrition that destroys the Arab world under its thrall and Israel.
--Also, the whole narrative about the new Pres
It is indeed very stupid for western countries to have supported extremist groups so robustly. Netanyhau is continuing that process
At some point we have to stop doing that. Now is always a good time.
The article said it was a precise strike on a terrorist who participated in the Oct 7th attack. Most certainly worth celebrating.
the wretched state of journalism where the absolute best they can do is having the "experts" go wow thats crazy, wonder what thats about ???
The Israeli government has just approved 5,295 new settler housing units in the West Bank.
At this point it might be OK if Israel annexed the West Bank, as long as they give the Arab residents equal citizenship and voting rights. But of course that's just what they won't do, for fear of diluting their ethnic majority, and the Israeli right, who are always in charge under the PR system, like to talk about stripping all existing Arab Israelis of their citizenship once there are 'enough Jews', and Netanyahu appears to favour this.
It might be useful if outside countries started to recognise Palestine as a state, and a number of countries are interested in doing this, even though the PA is a bit hopeless -- diplomatic recognition might make them get more serious. The new British prime minister says that recognition will have to happen, but he could well keep kicking the can down the road unless he's pushed.
It might be useful if outside countries started to recognise Palestine as a state, and a number of countries are interested in doing this, even though the PA is a bit hopeless -- diplomatic recognition might make them get more serious. The new British prime minister says that recognition will have to happen, but he could well keep kicking the can down the road unless he's pushed.
Towards what end? So a bunch of countries recognize Palestine as a state, and then what?
I’m going to be completely honest with you. I blame Hollywood. Men really think that it’s ok to blow each other up because of the Risk of terrorism. And Hollywood shows us that speaking out is bad juju, so of course all of the generals/commanders agreed.
It is amusing that you cheerlead societies/governments that refuse to ever admit when they make a mistake and course correct; so they are completely stuck for decades with no progress.
And then those societies which admit mistakes, you declare it is a moral failing and sign of weakness. Meanwhile Israel will (hopefully) do an honest assessment of what went wrong and grow from it. While there is pretty much no chance Hamas will do the same; and hence little chance the situation in Gaza materially improves.