Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33515 Replies


Just your daily reminder the leftist/Islamist version of the "Nakba" is mostly fiction. In truth, the Jews (and local Arabs who did not partake in hostilities) were the Palestinians, while the local Arab elites (many of whom were actually Christian or atheist) were Nazi sympathizers with a vision of perpetuating their own Holocaust and creating their own ethnonational socialist utopia. And only after losing several wars in their attempt to ethnically cleanse the Jews did the fictional story of them being the Palestinians who had their state stolen emerge.

But now that we have allowed the radical left to control the narrative, fiction has become truth.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

by Dunyain k

Just your daily reminder the leftist/Islamist version of the "Nakba" is mostly fiction. In truth, the Jews (and local Arabs who did not partake in hostilities) were the Palestinians, while the local Arab elites (many of whom were actually Christian or atheist) were Nazi sympathizers with a vision of perpetuating their own Holocaust and creating their own ethnonational socialist utopia. And only after losing several wars in their attempt to ethnically cleanse the Jews did the fictional story of

Pretty ironic to put this quote from Orwell in the footer.

There is an objective truth about what happened in these territories in the early 20th century. Uri doesn't seem to have a grasp of it.

-Also, quick reminder history didn't start on 10/7/2003, or even 1948.

Here is a short list of massacres, pogroms and genocides perpetuated against Jews in the Middle East since 622 (you can look up the relevance of starting on that date on your own).

I understand that most of the Jews who made Aliyah were refugees from Europe or MENA who weren't really given a choice. But for the actual "Fathers of Zionism" circe late 19th-early 20th century who thought it was a good idea to try to recreate Israel given the history above, I would say they were batshit insane and it had no chance of working.

But somehow even with the predictable Arab response, through determination, blood, sweat, and tears they made it work and 80 years later Israel is a first world functional, liberal democracy in a region of illiberal autocratic states and failed states.

And given the totality of history (including poor actions Israel undertook) circa 2024 Antizionism just is not a defensible position IMO, and is just perpetuating a very troubling history of antisemitism.

by Dunyain k

-Also, quick reminder history didn't start on 10/7/2003, or even 1948.

Here is a short list of massacres, pogroms and genocides perpetuated against Jews in the Middle East since 622 (you can look up the relevance of starting on that

A quick reminder that going back to 600AD to justify murdering people is obviously absurd.

Because terrorists hang out at roundabouts nd nothing to do with wanton acts of destruction

by Dunyain k

Just your daily reminder the leftist/Islamist version of the "Nakba" is mostly fiction. In truth, the Jews (and local Arabs who did not partake in hostilities) were the Palestinians, while the local Arab elites (many of whom were actually Christian or atheist) were Nazi sympathizers with a vision of perpetuating their own Holocaust and creating their own ethnonational socialist utopia. And only after losing several wars in their attempt to ethnically cleanse the Jews did the fictional story of

I dont think you want to look up the relations between the Zionists and Nazis in the 30s and 40s.

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”

by jalfrezi k

Because terrorists hang out at roundabouts nd nothing to do with wanton acts of destruction

After 1400 years of pogroms, massacres and genocides perpetrated against them; the Jewish people are starting to fight back. I would suggest Islamists like Hamas accept it is a new world moving forward and they dont have carte blanche to act as they have for the last 1400 years.

Seems like a good time for Hamas to give back the hostages, lay down their arms and give up their reign of terror on Gaza and Israel. So people that aren't homicidal psychopaths can come in and start cleaning up the mess they are causing.

The West Bank issue has to be worked out. And it isn't going to be, just give complete control of the border to Palestinians. They haven't earned that trust. Quite the opposite. If there is one thing the last 1400 years, especially the last 80, have shown is that Israel can't trust any "ceasefire" with its neighbors and it must actively defend its border.

But other than that Islamists are just going to have to accept Israel exists, will continue to exist, and the 1400 years of "business as usual" pogroms, massacres and genocides is done.

these 3 elderly women peacefully existed. 2 were executed and the third burned alive.

existence is resistance and Israel simply will not abide by that. Dun, I think you should be a bit more honest and admit as such.

Ah. IOF , I get it now

I remember when I asked one of my parents about the dept of defense … what’s the dept of offense about? They said we don’t have one cause all of our military stuff is supposed to be defensive in nature.

Israel just bombed and killed 10 children playing in the street. absolutely horrific footage.

beyond that, reports of field executions are now ubiquitous. it sounds like there are just murder squads going through Gaza city and killing everyone they see. previously they would at least let the women and young children evacuate but now they are killing them all.

another more prevalent crime is murdering people as they evacuate and along routes. survivors are reporting being directed down certain roads only for snipers and tanks to shoot at them soon thereafter.

it seems the (plausible) genocide has accelerated and we are in the most bloody and murderous phase.

You know the bombings of children are getting out of hand when Kelhus needs to deploy this Nazi smokescreen.

Trolly, that post isn’t acceptable. You’ve been warned previously about low content posting and addressing others respectfully. Please take a timeout from the thread until 12AM Eastern Time.

by Dunyain k

Just your daily reminder the leftist/Islamist version of the "Nakba" is mostly fiction. In truth, the Jews (and local Arabs who did not partake in hostilities) were the Palestinians, while the local Arab elites (many of whom were actually Christian or atheist) were Nazi sympathizers with a vision of perpetuating their own Holocaust and creating their own ethnonational socialist utopia. And only after losing several wars in their attempt to ethnically cleanse the Jews did the fictional story of

This isn't actually true, and Orwell was warning against exactly the kind of rewriting of history that you are engaged in here.

Im sure the anti arabic and anti semitic factions have a field day blaming one another for everything under the sun

fact remains

European jews fought away the British and then they took over Palestine from the Palestinians who couldn't defend themselves. This has been well documented in this thread and all over the internet. It is not ancient history; it is less than 100 years old and we know exactly when and where it went down.

by PointlessWords k

Im sure the anti arabic and anti semitic factions have a field day blaming one another for everything under the sun

fact remains

European jews fought away the British and then they took over Palestine from the Palestinians who couldn't defend themselves. This has been well documented in this thread and all over the internet. It is not ancient history; it is less than 100 years old and we know exactly when and where it went down.

It has not been well documented lmao. Read a history book. The Arab nations attacked and lost a war. Boohoo. Nothing you’ve posted in here has been “fact”, in fact you’ve repeatedly displayed a disturbing level of ignorance and complete lack of knowledge.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

It has not been well documented lmao. Read a history book. The Arab nations attacked and lost a war. Boohoo. Nothing you’ve posted in here has been “fact”, in fact you’ve repeatedly displayed a disturbing level of ignorance and complete lack of knowledge.

which book do you recommend?

I read the Pappe book that looked into official Israeli records from that time when they were unsealed.

I did start reading the Benny "finish them off" Morris book but I stopped bc it was generally redundant or incomplete. he did not have access to the records. I feel I got the gist.

regardless, one of those historians is essentially a leftist anti-Zionist and the other is pro-ethnic cleansing and they both disagree with your viewpoint on who started the war and what happened.

so I would like a book recommendation. I am wrong a lot and always willing to change!

rage bate incoming

no comparisons!

by 57 On Red k

This isn't actually true, and Orwell was warning against exactly the kind of rewriting of history that you are engaged in here.

Any particular point(s) you think completely missed the mark?

by PointlessWords k

Im sure the anti arabic and anti semitic factions have a field day blaming one another for everything under the sun

fact remains

European jews fought away the British and then they took over Palestine from the Palestinians who couldn't defend themselves. This has been well documented in this thread and all over the internet. It is not ancient history; it is less than 100 years old and we know exactly when and where it went down.

And the Arab world got its revenge. Jews (most of whom were completely integrated into their home nations and had no initial interest in Aliyah) were thrown out of EVERY Arab country except Israel. And this is on top of 1400 years of pogroms, massacres and genocides of Arabs against Jews.

I would say the Arabs at the least should give all of Israel to the Jews (along with all the other people currently living there peacefully as full citizens) and we call it even*. Let the Palestinian refugees all move to Canada and the West can pay them reparations (for dumping their Jewish refugees in Israel creating this situation).

*I dont actually think this makes it even given the 1400 year history of massacres, pogroms and genocides, but I think the Israeli Jews would be magnanimous enough to call it even.

by Victor k

rage bate incoming

You really can't let go of being called out. You've confirmed you were posting rage bait and then posted an obvious rage bait article. That does not mean that everything you post is rage bait......... Let it go dude. It's ok to admit you were wrong.

To the surprise of no one:

Very likely this was posted, but way too much nonsense to sift through. Rare clip showing an Israeli tank actually being destroyed:

And a trapped building:

Israel really wants no part of this. It will be even worse in Lebanon.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Israel really wants no part of this. It will be even worse in Lebanon.

Of course Israel doesn't want any part of it. They just aren't being given any choice. They surrounded by homicidal religious fanatics devoted to their destruction; and they are going to have to do whatever it takes to survive. And a lot of people are going to die.

Hezbollah and Hamas both broke ceasefires to attack Israel. And there is no expectation that any future "ceasefire" agreement with either of these groups, or any other Iranian proxies, wont be broken before the ink dries. Appeasement is what got them in this spot.

At some point when someone keeps showing you who they are, you just have to believe them and act according and (unlike the US in its imperial wars) they are going to have to make decisions they want no part of, because their survival depends on it.

After October 7th there will never be a Palestinian state. That was the final nail in that coffin. The world and Israel dropped the ball and let IRI proxies surround Israel, infiltrate Palestinian society, continually threaten and attack, and make the situation completely untenable and a Palestinian State hopeless (if there ever was any hope).

Remember, the IRI's goal with Israel (and the rest of the Arab world) is chaos, death and destruction. Look around. Everything the IRI meddles with it is a one way street. Nothing is being built, only destroyed.

The dummies in Spain, Ireland, etc. are not helping anyone at all (especially Palestinians) with all the "Palestinian State" rhetoric. There is no path. They are just narcissists feeding their own narcissism and egos.

It isn't magic dirt. It is inhospitable desert with no natural resources to speak of. Time to relocate the refugees, release the pressure, and let everyone move on.

by Bluegrassplayer k

You really can't let go of being called out. You've confirmed you were posting rage bait and then posted an obvious rage bait article. That does not mean that everything you post is rage bait......... Let it go dude. It's ok to admit you were wrong.

last I checked this thread had a policy to address content and not posters.

I labeled it as rage bait so that you or anyone else could ignore it. it is absolutely rage inducing.

pictures and vids are ofc horrific.

Liberals will say, ya but if Trump was president then they would have used the 1 ton bombs I guess.
