Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33939 Replies


by campfirewest k

If someone was constantly launching rockets into USA and causing people to move, the response would be to turn their land to glass. The Israeli response is way more tame than anything the US would do in that situation.

I don't know what to tell you here, but sometimes the US isn't the good guys? Last time the US was attacked, we spent 20 years sending our kids of to get maimed in a pointless quagmire that killed like a million people.

Comparisons are all irrelevant because no other nation has ever been in Israel’s position. US being the “good guys” or “bad guys” (lol hilarious) and your opinion on post 9/11 US foreign policy doesn’t mean Israel doesn’t get to defend itself from radical Islamists. Sorry.

by BOIDS k

another bad day for those who want the destruction of israel and the extermination of the jews

wonder if hez & co are regretting their oct 8 rocket attacks at northern israel in support of hamas' rape and murder raid?

Every day is a bad day for them because they live under the incompetent rule of radical Islamists. The people responsible for their well-being see them as cannon fodder.

by Elrazor k

I had no idea Kurds were original from Kansas until they were driven out by settler colonialists, thanks for the history lesson

In what sense are all Jewish people originally from Israel?

The only places where people are “from” are their places of birth or upbringing, and Africa.

by Trolly McTrollson k

I don't know what to tell you here, but sometimes the US isn't the good guys? Last time the US was attacked, we spent 20 years sending our kids of to get maimed in a pointless quagmire that killed like a million people.

We were still the good guys, and the mission wasn't pointless. It just ultimately failed. The good guys dont always win.

Stanning for shitheads like IRI, Taliban and Hezbollah, who want to plunge the world into theocratic darkness; and demonizing morally superior actors, doesn't make you a progressive. It just make you a morally compromised clown.

The difference between the Taliban and IRI is that the Taliban's reach is very short, so we can just ignore all the horrible things they do to the people they control (maybe you missed it, but they literally just passed a law banning women from speaking in public). But the IRI has a much longer reach, and is destroying everything it touches around the whole world.

by jalfrezi k

In what sense are all Jewish people originally from Israel?

The only places where people are “from” are their places of birth or upbringing, and Africa.

That is why it is such a moral imperative to support Israel and the Jewish people against groups like IRI, Hezbollah and Hamas; whose stated aims are Jewish genocide from Israel, the place were 15 million Jews were born and raised.


by jalfrezi k

In what sense are all Jewish people originally from Israel?

The only places where people are “from” are their places of birth or upbringing, and Africa.

The region where Israel is where Hebrew originated and modern Jewish people can usually trace genetic ancestry back to the region and various semetic tribes going back to before judaism existed. That has nothing to do with whether a modern jewish state should exist, but no point denying obvious facts.

by Dunyain k

the place were 15 million Jews were born and raised.

If being "born and raised" are the only criteria for who is from where, then the Jewish claim on Israel and their right to self-governance and self-determination is undeniable.

by BOIDS k

another bad day for those who want the destruction of israel and the extermination of the jews

wonder if hez & co are regretting their oct 8 rocket attacks at northern israel in support of hamas' rape and murder raid?

Their leadership clearly didn't want to.

But when you're ruling by koolaid, sometimes you gotta drink some of the koolaid to stay in control.

by Elrazor k

If being "born and raised" are the only criteria for who is from where, then the Jewish claim on Israel and their right to self-governance and self-determination is undeniable.

Not the Ashkenazim.

And where were the Palestinians born and raised?

also, do they think the Palestinians and Jews lived side by side for thousands of years and didnt mix genes? along with the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Turks and whoever else came through there over the course of history.

by Bill Haywood k

Not the Ashkenazim.

And where were the Palestinians born and raised?

lmao Billy Haywood giving up the insane leftist game of wanting to ethnically cleanse all Ashkenazi Jews from Israel.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Comparisons are all irrelevant because no other nation has ever been in Israel’s position.

Lots of nations have annexed territory and massacred the inhabitants using some version of "blood-and-soil" nationalism. USA, Germany, Australia, Russia, etc. etc. One of the recurring themes of this thread has been IDF boosters pointing to America's history (and, improbably, modern-day Russia) as justification for how Palestine is treated.

Checkraisdraw, please take a timeout from this thread until 12 AM Eastern Time for violating the rules of this thread. It is not acceptable to characterize each others intentions in such an inflammatory way.

Please be aware violations of timeouts are 1 day bans. Thank you

by BOIDS k

let me help

firing off tens of thousands of unguided rockets at your neighbor = terrorism

blowing up hezbollah's communications devices = genius

any other questions

IRA letter bombs. Unspeakably evil.

Israeli pager bombs. Genius.

i was informed early on itt that some hamas jerkoff sellotaping himself to a paraglider so that he could rape some music festival teenagers was an act of genius, and even supporters of the destruction of israel (and the obvious and inevitable consequences for its jewish inhabitants) should be able to say that putting tiny bombs in your enemy's pager is way smarter than that

its absolutely a genius terroristic tactic to blow up the commercial devices of medical staff

sounds like made up sour grapes to me

NASRALLAH: "Yes, we received a significant and severe blow. But this is also part of the nature of war and conflict. We know that our enemy has superiority, and we have never claimed otherwise. One day, they have technological superiority, supported not only by the Americans and their allies but also by NATO and all forces equipped with the latest technology and capabilities in the world.

When we enter this conflict, we rely on our efforts, struggle, sacrifices, time, and attrition. We accumulate points to achieve victory, and we have been victorious and continue to be victorious. However, the nature of war and history shows that in this struggle, the war is ebb and flow. There are days for us and days for our enemy.

Tuesday and Wednesday were heavy and difficult days for us. They were also a great test. With the help of Allah and the high spirit, which I will discuss shortly, we will, God willing, overcome this test with pride and raised heads. The important thing is not to fall, no matter how strong and significant the blow is.

I say with complete assurance and confidence, and with trust in Allah, that this big, strong, and unprecedented blow did not defeat us."

by BOIDS k

sounds like made up sour grapes to me

yes unlike most of the Western mainstream media class, it upsets me when thousands of innocent people are killed and maimed for no good reason.

Nothing says not terrorizing a civilian population like mock air assaults over a city the day after a multi day attack.

watching Israeli soldiers throw 3 guys off the roof (maybe dead already? or injured?) and all I can think is I even need to say it?

by Victor k

watching Israeli soldiers throw 3 guys off the roof (maybe dead already? or injured?) and all I can think is I even need to say it?

I'll bite: say what?
