Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33354 Replies


The west economy is dependent on 3% of gdp of which most is salaries to paper shufflers in offices sure.

But yes i agree those missiles don't bankrupt us lol, while they might bankrupt Israel unless we keep giving them a ton of money which is made more difficult by Iran and Qatar sponsored propaganda in our media and academia, that's a nice plan which uses the western left against ourselves and Israel.

For now american democrats heroically resist the syrens of radical antisemitic leftism but many european countries already capitulated to that, Spain and Ireland in particular are looking completly gone.

To which we have to respond forcefully of course

by microbet k

Iran is 10th on value (chart is of profit, kinda, value above production cost) of oil to gdp ratio and not that far behind Saudi Arabia. They're ahead of Venezuela. I don't think they want to destroy the oil economy.

they dont want to and thats why they have been showing insane amounts of restraint in the face of relentless murderous aggression. but if they are going to get destroyed then I think they will mutually assure their attackers are hurt as well. thats all you can do.

by Bubble_Balls k

People who believe in international law itt are clowns. Got it. The vast majority of the international community also clowns. Got it.

The country that is curb stomping everyone around them right now and has allies that have used probably less than one percent of their capacity in their defense is so in danger of destruction that any talk about civilian harm or proportionality is somehow antisemitic? Just a slightly clownishly psychotic take.

Which "vast majority of the international community" do you refer to? most relevant countries completely disregard "international law" when it doesn't suit them.

by Bubble_Balls k

People who believe in international law itt are clowns. Got it. The vast majority of the international community also clowns. Got it.

The country that is curb stomping everyone around them right now and has allies that have used probably less than one percent of their capacity in their defense is so in danger of destruction that any talk about civilian harm or proportionality is somehow antisemitic? Just a slightly clownishly psychotic take.

the USA and Israel have been making a mockery of International Law for decades and especially in the last 12 months. so I guess hes not really wrong that its a joke.

ofc the rest of his post is the typical justifications for a "conflict" that mainly harms civilians.

by Victor k

the USA and Israel have been making a mockery of International Law for decades and especially in the last 12 months. so I guess hes not really wrong that its a joke.

ofc the rest of his post is the typical justifications for a "conflict" that mainly harms civilians.

Iran has as well (they kept enriching uranium for ex), China has as well (borders, sea borders, uighur genocide and so on) , most countries do, we all know that, at least among us, can we avoid the utter joke of "international law" having any moral meaning?

by Victor k

oh and looks like the main stream has take to calling it the Hezbollah run health ministry bc hey, if it works at dehumanizing then ofc our media class will adopt it.

No, that's just permanent BBC policy, to identify where a given claim comes from, just as when they say an IDF spokesman has claimed something, when the White House has claimed something or when Iranian or Russian state media claim something.

by rafiki k

This is a top post in this thread.

And if you're on the other side of this issue and you don't at least pause to consider it, then I think you need to question yourself a bit.

Anyone who still doesn't think israel need a political solution as much as anyone else should maybe pause to reconsider and question themselves

The correct part of that post is that Israel cannot afford the path they are on. Maybe they get their quick victory (whatever that means) but it's not some big favorite and failure is disasterous.

by Victor k

Iran's prospects aren't that bright but Israel and the USA have made it clear they will continue bombing them and killing their leaders and genociding their allies. They probably feel they have no choice at this stage.

But nothing I said is remotely wrong. Iran has more popularity and resources than they ever have before and popularity will only grow when Israel attacks them. Without a lot of US support Iran will "win" and regardless they will destroy Israel and the oil economy. Its the USA that

Have you ever talked to someone from Iran? If no, you should try it one day. Very unlikely they will agree with anything you believe.

but people itt keep telling me how Muslims are the problem in London.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Chezlaw: These two think that Israel might have let some of the missiles through as well.



I heard a plausible claim that this is bad news for Ukraine as they need these same, in short supply, defense systems that Israel does. Does that sound correct?

by chezlaw k

Anyone who still doesn't think israel need a political solution as much as anyone else should maybe pause to reconsider and question themselves

The correct part of that post is that Israel cannot afford the path they are on. Maybe they get their quick victory (whatever that means) but it's not some big favorite and failure is disasterous.

They definitely need a political solution. The question is whether they can use force to change the dynamics to bring in new regimes to work with.

You have a very nihilist position, that actors like Hezbollah, Hamas and IRI are here to stay, are going to just keep attacking Israel as they please, and Israel and the rest of the world should just make the best of it.

Israel is trying to use force to change the dynamics in the short term. Whether this will work or not, I dont know.

What you call a "nihilist" position, which I share, is the result of actual experience of decades of domestic terrorism here (which you have very little of), becoming quelled only by talks and compromise. So maybe you should learn to listen to others more.

You totally misrepresent my positon. I dont know why you need to do that

What you're supprorting is a parlay gamble with israel's future. You hoping for a quick military victory and then somethign better to emerge that you can negotiate with. All while behaving so monsterously.

This is a a bad gamble for Israel. Really bad.

by chezlaw k


I heard a plausible claim that this is bad news for Ukraine as they need these same, in short supply, defense systems that Israel does. Does that sound correct?

Well yeah. It is pretty accepted that the Russia/Iran axis have a plan to keep these conflicts going indefinitely to bleed the West dry of defensive munitions. Which will be very negative for Ukraine.

by campfirewest k

So they either lose like they're doing, or they win and then lose. It's a really dumb game that Iran is playing. Hopefully their people get tired of it at some point.

There is literally no win. It is just destructive zero sum nihilism. The IRI is extreme right wing theocrats, so I get why they are so nihilistic. But it is just real disappointing that Westen institutions give such bad actors so much support.

Assuming there is a future, I think future generations are going to look back and be very disappointed that the US left especially has been so accommodating to the IRI, Qatar, Al Jazeera propaganda efforts.

by Dunyain k

Well yeah. It is pretty accepted that the Russia/Iran axis have a plan to keep these conflicts going indefinitely to bleed the West dry of defensive munitions. Which will be very negative for Ukraine.

Yeah I was from the beginning talking my usual rubbish about how slow favoured putin and pointing out that having failed to stop the invasion we needed to back ukraine to win.

Israel seem to have chosen a gamble where they are likely to end up in a differetn but similerly attritional mess

Let's hope there's isn't somewhere else ready too join.

by Dunyain k

There is literally no win. It is just destructive zero sum nihilism. The IRI is extreme right wing theocrats, so I get why they are so nihilistic. But it is just real disappointing that Westen institutions give such bad actors so much support.

Assuming there is a future, I think future generations are going to look back and be very disappointed that the US left especially has been so accommodating to the IRI, Qatar, Al Jazeera propaganda efforts.

reading these posts and one would start to think that Iran is waging a war of conquests and deliberately killing as many civilians as possible. its upside down world.

by Victor k

reading these posts and one would start to think that Iran is waging a war of conquests and deliberately killing as many civilians as possible. its upside down world.

From Day 1 their position is they have a religious obligation to destroy Israel. That is the epitome of zero sum nihilism. There is no way for the IRI to accomplish their holy mission that isn't a tremendous disaster for the entire world. Nothing positive has come, or ever will come, from the IRI. Everywhere they go they just bring death and disaster with them.

Every nation in MENA that allies with or accommodates the IRI has been destroyed for their efforts. And every nation that rejects them is much better for it.

by microbet k

If anything, the West's economy is dependent on immense military spending.

In the sense that you need a strong military to ensure the free passage of commerce, sure. But if you mean that their economy is dependent on the circulation of currency to the military then no.

by microbet k

If anything, the West's economy is dependent on immense military spending.

The military spending is more of the safeguard to ehat does drives the US ecomomy which is the demand for our tech and the consumer spending that it creates how that tech leads to folks wanting to work and live here.

oh just found out that the USA Centcom leader is in Israel. USA is undoubtedly going to war with Iran. no wonder Dick Cheney loves Kamala.

by Victor k

oh just found out that the USA Centcom leader is in Israel. USA is undoubtedly going to war with Iran. no wonder Dick Cheney loves Kamala.

IRI can always declare Israel has a right to exist and they are done attacking Israel and supporting proxies that attack Israel.

bruv they just sniped an American peaceful protester in the head. they have arrested tons of West Bank Palestinians or 48 Palestinians for peaceful protest.

dont believe your lying eyes is what the liberal Western leaders and their supporters demand.

by Dunyain k

IRI can always declare Israel has a right to exist and they are done attacking Israel and supporting proxies that attack Israel.

they already said this many times. but Israel just keeps bombing and assassinating them.

by Victor k

they already said this many times. but Israel just keeps bombing and assassinating them.

I do admit, every time I start to wonder whether you actually believe the nonsense you have been posting the last year, you say something so absurd that I come back to the conclusion this is all a troll after all.
