RFK - Make America Healthy? again?
I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.
A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.
well, duh
“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”
I'm not defending her, I'm defending myself. I'm still upset at the way many medical professionals communicated throughout covid. I cringed every time someone made a public misstatement like that because I know how the conspiracy idiots latch on to that stuff and use it against them (see how they are still doing it all these years later). But that's not what I'm even talking about here.
housenuts accused me of being wrong about something and he's not even literate enough to understand my original
Surely not. The horror.
Bobby welcome.
You've posted the exact same snippet from the exact same person 3 different times now
Just like I said the last time you posted this, she didn't say ANYTHING AT ALL like what that tweet says she did. Just more lying. She's apparently lost her mind a little bit because what she spent the whole clip talking about is how we should've rolled out the vaccine to the elderly first. She's apparently forgotten that we did that.
Not once in that video did she even use the word "therapeutic" nor did she say anything at all about it not being a vaccine.
What do you hope to accomplish with this lying? You realize you are posting the proof that you are lying right along with your post, right?
As for the other post, I truly enjoy that rather than posting the people saying they are thrilled to have him, the post only says RFK says people are thrilled to have him. Not one direct quote from another person.
It's truly incredible how gullible you people are.
Anyway here's something way more important (and scary).
I will be kind and just say that what's in that study is far from alarming. It also doesn't say anything like what the tweet claims it says (like your other posts). You have a hard time realizing that the people you read are lying to you. You really need to learn that.
But I'm glad you are promoting studies that agree that the covid vaccines have saved millions of lives.

Just like I said the last time you posted this, she didn't say ANYTHING AT ALL like what that tweet says she did. Just more lying. She's apparently lost her mind a little bit because what she spent the whole clip talking about is how we should've rolled out the vaccine to the elderly first. She's apparently forgotten that we did that.
Not once in that video did she even use the word "therapeutic" nor did she say anything at all about it not being a vaccine.
What do you hope to accomplish with thi
Expecting MAGA to have watched the short video clip they repost is so 2016.
tbf I didn't want to watch it either, so I get it.
But I made myself just to double-check that she (of course) said absolutely NOTHING like what they were claiming she said. I am a bit baffled that she says we should've released it to those most vulnerable first since that's exactly what we did. She acts like when the vaccine was first released we started launching it at kids and ignored the elderly. Hell it was forever before it was even APPROVED for younger people. Just bizarre.
They have to say that to get the study published. There is no evidence whatsoever that it prevented millions of deaths.
It's not published lololol
It is hilarious that you think you can just believe some parts of the study but not others, though. Well, hilarious, but expected. I mean at this point you have to be wondering why you are keeping the charade up, right?
Secondly, it has been shown that the S protein expressed following BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination circulates in the plasma as early as one day after vaccination16,17
To further investigate prior history of SARS-CoV-2 infections, plasma specimens were analyzed using the EUA-cleared Elecsys® anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoassays, which measure the presence of high affinity IgM, IgA, and IgG anti-N antibodies.
Significant differences in subsets of circulating immune cell populations were observed across T cell lineages. Upon assessment of the T cell populations, notably higher proportions of effector memory CD4 T cell subsets (CD4+Tem; CD45RA-/CD127+/CCR7- ; p= 0.01) and resting natural CD4+ Treg; CD45RA+/CD25+/CD127-/HLA-DR- ; p= 0.05) were observed among the controls (Figure 2D). However, the PVS cohort had significantly higher proportions of exhausted CD8 T cell (CD8+ Tex; PD-1+/TIM3+ 210 ; p=0.02) (Figure 2F) with no observed differences in the CD4+ central memory (CD4+ cm;CD45RA-/CD127+/CCR7-) and exhausted (CD4+Tex; PD-1+/TIM3+ 212 ) CD4 T cell populations (Figure 2D).
This timeline was organized for both the PVS-I and PVS+I groups (Figure 5G). Notably, we observed that the highest levels of detectable S1 in the PVS-I group were the furthest away from the last known exposure and ranging between greater than 600-700 days (NI-1 & NI-5; Figure 5G).
Not sure I want spike still being produced and circulating in my body for 2+ years. But each to their own I guess.
That's cool. You realize the only relevant portion of the study was the last bit for what you are worried about, right? None of the others have anything to do with that (of course you don't, you have no idea what any of that means).
Now, do you realize that what you just posted says absolutely nothing about "prolonged spike protein production in some COVID vaccine recipients - with spike levels INCREASING over time."
Nowhere in there does it still say it is still being produced, nor that it increases over time. Nowhere. I can walk you through it if you'd like, but you are absolutely being lied to and falling for it over and over again. Probably the most charitable thing I can say is that someone who is overly paranoid tried to interpret the paper with zero education or training and failed miserably, but that's certainly no excuse. They shouldn't even be trying.
Hilariously, you should also probably check on the math for "2+ years."
edit to add: basically what this study purports to have found (it hasn't been peer-reviewed yet, so I'll hold off on saying "found") is that one potential aggravator for some long-covid patients could potentially be a few leftover s-proteins that the body didn't properly eliminate for whatever reason. And this is in a very small percentage of people (as all adverse events are) - and there is no direct causal link demonstrated, just some correlation.
Not to mention the study is looking at "Increase in circulating SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein in participants with PV." Note that that is the VIRAL spike protein, not the vaccine-induced spike protein.

BJ, it's talking about the viral spike protein, not the vaccine-induced one. One of the stated goals of the study:
"An important factor to
evaluate was the possibility that PVS might result from an undiagnosed, asymptomatic
SARS-CoV-2 infection coinciding with the vaccination period, instead of being directly
caused by the vaccine administration."
The part you are quoting from is literally addressing this. This is just embarrassing.
At some point you're going to wake up and realize you get lied to and believe it without a second thought over and over again and you're going to feel tremendous embarrassment and hopefully at least some guilt for the confusion you've helped spread during critical times.
tbf I didn't want to watch it either, so I get it.
But I made myself just to double-check that she (of course) said absolutely NOTHING like what they were claiming she said. I am a bit baffled that she says we should've released it to those most vulnerable first since that's exactly what we did. She acts like when the vaccine was first released we started launching it at kids and ignored the elderly. Hell it was forever before it was even APPROVED for younger people. Just bizarre.
I'm impressed that you did watch it, and I applaud the good fight.
The reason MAGA doesn't watch these videos is worse I fear. They don't have the time, because they're busy scrolling down to have their views affirmed by the next headline in their feed.
That's cool. You realize the only relevant portion of the study was the last bit for what you are worried about, right? None of the others have anything to do with that (of course you don't, you have no idea what any of that means).
Now, do you realize that what you just posted says absolutely nothing about "prolonged spike protein production in some COVID vaccine recipients - with spike levels INCREASING over time."
This timeline was organized for both the PVS-I and PVS+I groups (Figure 5G). Notably, we observed that the highest levels of detectable S1 in the PVS-I group were the furthest away from the last known exposure and ranging between greater than 600-700 days (NI-1 & NI-5; Figure 5G).
See above. And for the love of god read for understanding, not just to try to find something that you believe confirms what you believe. And even IF that were talking about the vaccine-induced spike protein (it's EXPLICITLY NOT):
1) detected does not equal "still producing"
2) detected does not equal "increasing over time"
3) 2 years = 730 days, so 600-700 days is LESS than 2 years.
And if you actually read the quotes that I posted you will find that they eliminated the virus as cause.
This timeline was organized for both the PVS-I and PVS+I groups (Figure 5G). Notably, we observed that the highest levels of detectable S1 in the PVS-I group were the furthest away from the last known exposure and ranging between greater than 600-700 days (NI-1 & NI-5; Figure 5G).
The highest levels were detected the furthest away from the last known exposure (i.e. the jab). Which means it was getting worse. Increasing over time in other words.
And greater than 600-700 days.
The highest levels were detected the furthest away from the last known exposure (i.e. the jab). Which means it was getting worse. Increasing over time in other words.
And greater than 600-700 days.
No, the last known exposure wasn't "the jab" the paper EXPLICITY says it's talking about the SAR-COV2 spike protein you illiterate buffoon. And no, larger amounts detected does not mean still being produced. There is nothing saying it increased over time, just that a larger amount was detected in that group. There are many possible causes for that, most notably that the body is not eliminating them efficiently in the more severe cases (the ones whose long covid has lasted longer). Note that the paper does not share your conclusion at all.
In fact, this is the conclusion (note that it doesn't mention anything at all about what you are claiming the findings are - because you don't even understand what the paper is about):
Compared with controls, PVS participants exhibited differences in immune profiles, including reduced circulating memory and effector CD4 T cells (type 1 and type 2) and an increase in TNFα+ CD8 T cells. PVS participants also had lower anti-spike antibody titers, primarily due to fewer vaccine doses. Serological evidence of recent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation was observed more frequently in PVS participants. Further, individuals with PVS exhibited elevated levels of circulating spike protein compared to healthy controls.
These findings reveal potential immune differences in individuals with PVS that merit further investigation to better understand this condition and inform future research into diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Nowhere in there does it mention anything alarming about vaccines nor vaccine-induced spike protein increasing over time. Because nothing like that is in evidence in the data.
Interesting, where do you practice?
You're the illiterate buffoon bud, not me.
Get some reading glasses.
Since you asked, here's what my READING GLASSES showed me that apparently yours cannot see:

Note the reference to the SARS-COV2 Spike protein and its S1 subunit. Particularly note how it describes the importance of that and how it's going to examine that.
Then, just under that, WHERE YOU ARE QUOTING FROM:

You can borrow my glasses in the future if you'd like.