RFK - Make America Healthy? again?
I believe this guy is going to need his own thread.
A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.
well, duh
“Public health is really united on this issue: For more than a century, vaccines of all kinds have been a cornerstone of improving public health in America,” Avegno told the city council on Thursday. “There’s not scientific debate on this, this is as close as you can get to established fact that vaccinations, particularly mass vaccinations, and community immunity, saves millions and millions of lives.”
Ha, I was wondering when someone would bite. It took a while.
What do you think he was really referring to when he mentioned the Amish? I'll give you a clue, it wasn't chemtrails.
It was actually quite cryptic for Trump tbf. Usually he just hammers you over the head with the point but here he's just dangling it out there.
Are we going to try to trout out the old lie about Amish people not getting vaccinated or something? It takes like 2 seconds of googling to debunk that nonsense, so I hope not.
But given the sources, it wouldn't surprise me.
13 minutes to respond. A bit slow off the mark today Gorgo.
I don't use google by the way. It's too biased.
Good guess by the way Gorgo. That is what Trump was referring to.
Typical uninformed conspiracy bs then, as expected. Amish people absolutely get vaccinated. Slightly lower rate of vaccination than most other populations, but not that significantly lower.
And it was an easy guess because it's one of the most common and easily debunked conspiracy theories out there that anyone in the medical field has heard a billion times and just rolls their eyes at.
Only 7 minutes this time. Well done.
Typical uninformed conspiracy bs then, as expected. Amish people absolutely get vaccinated. Slightly lower rate of vaccination than most other populations, but not that significantly lower.
And it was an easy guess because it's one of the most common and easily debunked conspiracy theories out there that anyone in the medical field has heard a billion times and just rolls their eyes at.
They also have a slightly lower rate of autism as well. Funny that. It could be due to other factors of course. Anyway it looks like Trump and RFK are going to have a look into what's causing the huge rates in US children. So that should be fun.
They also have a slightly lower rate of autism as well. Funny that. It could be due to other factors of course. Anyway it looks like Trump and RFK are going to have a look into what's causing the huge rates in US children. So that should be fun.
i think it's as simple as more people being classified as such. everyone is on the spectrum. doctor assesses child, throws a dart at the spectrum, "ummm yup, your child is autistic"
i think it's as simple as more people being classified as such. everyone is on the spectrum. doctor assesses child, throws a dart at the spectrum, "ummm yup, your child is autistic"
That may explain some of it but not all of it. Do you know there has been a 27000% increase in autism prevalence in 50 years in the US?
Did you know our ability to understand and diagnose things like that has increased at a similar rate?
And LOL at "throws a dart." Anything you don't understand must just be random. Typical.
They also have a slightly lower rate of autism as well. Funny that. It could be due to other factors of course. Anyway it looks like Trump and RFK are going to have a look into what's causing the huge rates in US children. So that should be fun.
Yes, they do, but your instinct about it could be any number of factors is correct. Pollution, microplastics, who knows? There is no link at all between vaccines and autism, though. Nothing in any dataset has ever even hinted at it.
Did you know our ability to understand and diagnose things like that has increased at a similar rate?
Apparently not.
California's sevenfold increase in autism cannot be explained by changes in doctors' diagnoses and most likely is due to environmental exposures, University of California scientists reported Thursday.
The scientists who authored the new study advocate a nationwide shift in autism research to focus on potential factors in the environment that babies and fetuses are exposed to, including pesticides, viruses and chemicals in household products.
"It's time to start looking for the environmental culprits responsible for the remarkable increase in the rate of autism in California," said Irva Hertz-Picciotto, an epidemiology professor at University of California, Davis who led the study.
Yes, they do, but your instinct about it could be any number of factors is correct. Pollution, microplastics, who knows? There is no link at all between vaccines and autism, though. Nothing in any dataset has ever even hinted at it.
Funny how the increase in prevalence mirrors almost exactly the huge increase in childhood vaccinations over that time. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though.
Apparently not.
Apparently our ability to understand and diagnose has not increased by that amount? Do you think your paper contradicts that?
That paper is apparently from 16 years ago, by the way. It is also severely limited in scope (1 state). It also definitely attributes at least part of the rise to the cause I listed.
The paper is also not even linked to in the article (at least that I could find).
But based on the article, it does say that the rise is likely environmental factors.
a pregnant woman's exposure to chemical pollutants, particularly metals and pesticides, could be altering a developing baby's brain structure, triggering autism.
That sounds very similar to something I just said.
It also discards the vaccine theory pretty glibly.
Many parent groups believe that childhood vaccines are responsible because they contained thimerosal, a mercury compound used as a preservative. But thimerosal was removed from most vaccines in 1999, and autism rates are still rising.
Funny how the increase in prevalence mirrors almost exactly the huge increase in childhood vaccinations over that time. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though.
You're not in kindergarten, I shouldn't have to keep explaining to you about correlation not being the same thing as causation. It's as dumb an idea as thinking chick-fil-a cured my covid because I got better after I ate it.
.... or dad's having mustaches is directly correlated to [anything baby's health]
If you want a real conspiracy theory there are studies showing that minorities are diagnosed with Autism at a higher rate than white people
You're not in kindergarten, I shouldn't have to keep explaining to you about correlation not being the same thing as causation. It's as dumb an idea as thinking chick-fil-a cured my covid because I got better after I ate it.
Yeah I know. Like the correlation of ACM with the covid vax. I get it. Just another pure coincidence.
Yeah I know. Like the correlation of ACM with the covid vax. I get it. Just another pure coincidence.
You aren't in kindergarten. You shouldn't need it explained repeatedly that correlation does not imply causation, no matter how many vague hints you drop that you simply don't believe it (even though countless studies have shown no casual link).
I've always found it weird how gluten sensitivities increase with annual income. Have never heard of a gluten free person who is poor.