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Hello. Interesting thread, I have a question, in order not to play so linear, the defense range of the 3 bet does not depend on the opponent's 3bet? because I read here that you have to defend 45% but if we face an opponent who 3bets 4% with vpip/pfr of 18/14, it is not advisable to have an open raise of 100% to steal the blinds and fold to the 3bet 80 %?

Good folds😀

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Post: Live $20 donkament. Thin value?
Forum: Tournament Events

Posted by: Grimstard
Original Content:

$20 tournament 9 handed. Never played w these guys before but they’re mostly 50s+ and drinking booze smokin cigs and just there for the lols. Seem like loose passive mostly. 5k starting Stacks. Still full table left at this point and I have been playing tight folding mostly. Idk if they discussed payouts even just yet but ended up being a 100/60/20 split.

I have about 5k villain covers slightly. He’s 55 or so dude smoking cigarettes like it’s going out of style and nursing a mix drink. Self proclaimed donkey.

Villain limps utg. I raise to 1k qq. Only villain calls.

Flop K 7 6 two tone

Check. I bet 500. He quick calls.

Turn 4 off suit

Check. I check?

River 6. No flush possible.

He checks. I really wanna value bet here but kinda scared he would interpret a small bet as exactly what my hand is and maybe decide to put me to test with cr all in.

Assigned Moderators: Mike Haven

Servus Crunx.

Auf welcher Seite und welche Stakes spielst denn? Und woher kommst du?

Ich spiele momentan NL50 und suche auch jemanden für study, weil es mir selber einfach schwerfällt.

Liebe Grüße

6,25% Rake and no rakeback for me as an German player.
R.I.P Stars

insiderrr has reported a post.

Reason: rude. delete my post

Forum: Heads Up SNG and Spin and Gos

Posted by: insiderrr
Original Content:

enjoy your last days gringos
from thailand and russia with love . jajajajaja

Assigned Moderators: _dave_, AMT, JQIVJQIV, Beerocrat, ChicagoRy, sirswish6, slayerv1fan, oldsilver, Asjbaaaf, EggsMcBluffin

by checkraisdraw k

Damn bro that’s sick that the btn trapped you for an extra bet instead of being a normal person and raising lol

Obviously he knows he's chopping.

Put in this in an odds calculator. If villain has high suited cards you are that 75% vs 25% ahead. If it's ace-low, then 73 vs 27. If we are really generous and give also a gutshot, we are at 60 vs 40. I think you very confidently are better than 70 vs 30. So snap call.

Nice I'm sure it will work out well for them.

If you are triple-barreling with this combo, you’re triple-barreling way too much.

We *should* have some hands without any hearts in them that triple-barrel bluff, but I think this is a bad candidate.

That said: once you get to *this* River, I don’t hate the bluff. You’ll never have a worse hand than this, and it’s nice that you unblock his like JTdd call-call-fold hands.

BU vs BB*

200bbs Facing a 4 bet bb will

Call 38bbs with KQs 10.9%, Fold 89.1%

Raise 75bbs with KQo 100%

Gto wizard and I’m just wondering why?

200bbs Facing a 4 bet bb will

Call 38bbs with KQs 10.9%, Fold 89.1%

Raise 75bbs with KQo 100%

Gto wizard and I’m just wondering why?

ACR cash game player since 2019 looking for backer let me know ur terms can play full time anytime mid level stakes my discord cwilliams2151990

by Playbig2000 k

Calling a button open's 4x raise from the BB after the SB calls is gonna be so wide right there to include all two pair hands plus, and even hands like K8 and 64.

It wasn't a 4x open, BB was cold calling a 4x 3bet

What part(s) of that is spam? I think it adds a lot to the story and wraps up the saga quite nicely.

Contrast that with this video of Lamb being interviewed. He's oily as fk, like a politician. Everything is wonderful until you ask him where the money is! He actually claims that people who lost money on coinflex are getting something back (that is equivalent to money) by abusing him on social media for being a conman. This video is about 6 months old and the new venture has already gone to the wall. Don't worry though, he's already on to the next grift! It's called - I doubt it will be fun for the people who lose their money, again.

Informed offer was available for 7 days upon receiving email, which was not stated on email but somewhere in their small print at their website which my browser does not even want to open. Nothing compensated, nothing given. Used to be better with them.

YT link is broken chief

Hi, this is very late to your original post, but I 19 and in college just like you a few years ago, and I am currently trying to grind up the stakes on ignition. Can I PM you about some questions?

by Ace upmy Slv k

In my experience in the live game setting you describe, this looks like a scared fish with 88 or 44 that wants to see the turn to make sure a spade doesn't come before committing his stack. Looks like a fold to me. Just my 2 cents.

Yes, this. Every time I've gotten the money in with top two like this in the past, opponents always show me small sets.

Nevermind, I resolved sorry

If only utilizing small sizings on the flop, then you gain a non negligible EV gain by allowing larger sizings on turn (overbet). In many situations its >1% EV difference compared to only allowing one sizing.

You would view the EV as a whole, so you would compare the strategy on the flop before any action is allowed, or you would nodelock the flop node and compare EV on turn node.

Homey D. Clown has also reported this item.


Just ban this troll already

by illiterat k

Well this thread escalated quickly.

Yeah, I have a way of bringing people together like that.

by illiterat k

For OP:

I've probably shown cards more than any casino reg. ... way more than anyone would recommend. My guess is that you showing or not didn't affect much.

A few random thoughts:

1. People are terrible with randomness in general. This affects everything, but in this case showing or not and you having a hand or not.

2. People don't pay attention and often don't remember things, even when $100s are on the line. So very likely they'll have forgotten you showed AA or whatever even 20 minutes later.


I appreciate the thoughtful response.

It reminds me of something Mike Caro said in one of his books, about always showing anytime anyone asked. I too don't generally worry too much about how much info I'm giving away in live low-stakes games, just by showing one or two hands I didn't have to, out of 200 dealt in an 8 hour session. If anything, I try to be strategic about showing hands, to reinforce the table image I want to cultivate.

Though at the same time, I do take note of what other players are doing, and have found it profitable to make plays using that info. It's shocking sometimes, how reliable some of my live reads can be, after only observing someone for a short while. So I can't help but wonder how closely my opponents are observing me and what I'm doing.

It's not that I'm not overly worried about verbal or physical tells. But I do worry that opponents may notice my tendencies as a player, developing their live reads on me.

Like, in this session, it was insanely obvious that half my opponents were giving my bets and raises no respect at all. Ordinarily I wouldn't spend any time thinking about the effect of showing a value hand that I bet for value, including pretty thin value on the river. This time, I was kind of angry at myself for allowing my frustration at V's dumb luck to show through.

In my head, "You idiot. This clown just chased a straight on a two-flush board, with no flush draw, paying you off on every street, even snapping you off when the flush comes in, and you got to see he raised pre from EP with KT when he fast-rolled his hand. Why in the f**k are you showing everyone you had AA, bet it the whole way, and even tried to milk this wingnut for a little extra value instead of checking back top set when every draw possible got there? Everyone would have assumed you were bluffing or betting a lot worse for value if you just mucked your hand."

I couldn't help thinking showing that hand cost me some value in later pots. Didn't seem like it helped me get any bluffs through.

by Stupidbanana k

Can I ask, say you guys call turn and river is an A... are you guys calling an AI with an SPR of 0.3 or so?



I just spazz jammed as per my usual. I do this for some reason on later streets when SPR gets lower I just decide to go with it. V tank calls. River is a K and we're good!

I feel like we need a more descriptive term than simply calling guys like this whales. This guy isn't just splashy. He's throwing a party. And not just any party. This is the event of the season, if not the year. It's the mother of all high school keggers.

I can find a fold sometimes if a whale just keeps barreling as the board just keeps getting worse for our hand. He can't always not ever have it. Sometimes he will have it, if only by dumb luck.

This guy could have 75o for 2P on the flop, or AT and make 2P on the river, as easily as he could show up with QJo for a rivered straight, or 72. His range is literally any two cards, and he would probably take the same line with his entire range.

This is why I don't mind jamming strong hands against this type of V. Against most other opponents, it's an over-play, but this guy doesn't appear to even know what a fold button is, much less have one or know where to find it. And I'd rather get it in good on the flop or turn than pay off an over-bet jam when he spikes a miracle A on the river.

Even if there's a 2% chance he'll fold instead of calling a jam with a worse hand, I'll live with myself more easily when I jam and he folds than if I just flat call, he sucks out, and I pay him off. That will make me want to lay down in traffic.

The upside is that if he does have any fold button at all, he's going to make some bad folds when we amp up the aggression. If this guy's range is ATC, he could have K2, and level himself into folding, telling himself we have AA, TT, or a better KX.

It can't be terrible to give this guy a reason to think twice before calling our pre-flop back-raise over his dumb-a$$ min-click, and donking into us for 10% pot on a K-rag-rag rainbow board with a weak-a$$ top pair.

If he wants to be a whale, we should act like a giant squid, and f**k him up with all the tentacles in our game. Giant squid don't sit back, they attack. This guy wants action. Let's show him what action really is.

Before you can understand why identity politics is counterproductive, you must first understand how self development is supposed to work. For simplicity, I will focus on three of the main archetypes involved in the process: the good mother, the social self, and the individuating self.

The good mother gathers. When she sees one of her children has strayed, she goes out to reclaim the lost child and reintegrates it with the rest of her children. The social self is the aspect of self which identifies with the group. It initially occupies the driver seat of the mind, the privileged position of the self, so that each of us can be socialized properly into this world. The individuating self separates from the group.

Self development is meant to begin after the person has been sufficiently socialized. The social self is supposed to abdicate the privileged position and let the individuating self take the wheel. To aid this transition, the good mother gathers the individuating self, which had previously been marginalized and oppressed by the social self. In this way, the good mother places in the driverÂ’s seat the aspect of self (individuating self) which ultimately rejects her.

However, there is a part of the social self which sees itÂ’s replacement as a death and a part of the good mother which sees her rejection as a death. Pathology occurs when these two parts conspire with each other. What commonly happens is the social self will step down from the privileged position of the self, but instead of allowing itself to be replaced by the individuating self, it will work to put a marginalized identity in the drivers seat. This is often an identity based on race, class, sexuality, or gender.

For actual progress to occur, the conscious self advocates for the individuating self which is being oppressed by the social self. In order to sabotage this actual progress, the social self projects the task onto the external, socio-political world. Instead of advocating on behalf of the oppressed individuating self, the social self manipulates the conscious self into advocating on behalf of an apparently oppressed social group. This substitution is close enough to keep the conscious self placated and complacent.

Think of the self as a business. The conscious self is the business owner who wrote the business plan many years ago and has trouble remembering the exact details. The social self is the senior manager of the business and the individuating self is the junior manager. The owner mostly trusts that the SM is following the business plan properly, especially since it seems to be in sync with his vague memory of the it. He wants to continue to trust the SM because it would be a big problem if the SM was manipulating him. What would that say about him as an owner if he was so negligent to be fooled in this way?

This situation only gets fixed when the owner decides to face the music, assume his responsibilities, and start saying ‘no’ to the social self.