I am looking for live games investor
I am ex professional online poker player with 9+ years experience. My main field was online HS. Live games up to 1k tournaments, NL 1000.
Why you should work with me
Big strenght good theory knowledge. Multiple cash games stacks. Tournament ICM.
Health/wellbeing and mental game habits. That gives me a big edge just on its own.
Reliability and trustworthy.
Lacking live tells knowledge but got a bit better lately as I was playing more live poker.
Why Am I looking for staking?
I left my poker carreer 2 years ago and got into trading. Dont need to explain why I am not profitable yet.
I didnt quit poker completely. I was still doing a decent volume as poker is still in my heart and I love to study the game. I havent quit studying since then.
If your interested message
or telegram @hdjdkdn12
I agree that its a call regardless of one or two bounties. But its still good practice to ask for counts. I think im calling something like TT+, AQs+,AKo maybe even AQo as well. And if it was two bounties probably 99+, AJs+, AQo+
Seems pretty obv that chasing bounties and playing for 1st is better in this structure than outlasting shorter stacks and laddering up. And this is a great spot to win a bounty and amass a stack to play for more bounties plus the top prize.
Calling versus jamming in spots like this are tough calls. Since we didn't raise pre, we're kind of capped at middle set, and UTG is really the only one here who could have JJ. Before knowing the opponent's cards, I'd think we'd rather be all-in with HJ than be all-in with the PFR, or all in with both. It would suck to be up against JJ in UTG and HJ with 98dd.
I think you played it fine. There's a slim chance UTG would be slow-playing JJ on the flop, but he could also have a lot of over-pairs and draws. We obviously can't fold middle set, especially not to the HJ, who's pretty capped at 66, 2P, or a combo-draw.
If we can't fold, and we're going to hate a lot of turns, we might as well jam to get HU with HJ, even if it means letting UTG get away from his hand. I wouldn't expect anyone to fold 66 here, so bravo to that guy, if he was telling the truth. On the other hand, if you flat called and UTG came along, you'd be sick if he rolled over 98.
I am sure that there are bots in online poker. And I am sure that there are people who collude in online poker.
I have no knowledge of playwsop - so I can't comment on that. But I would say that the probability that there are any bots playing for play money is very low.
I think it is great that you are thinking about your play, and how to adjust your play. But don't take anything that happens in play money games to be evidence that you can beat people for real money. That doesn't mean you can't, it just means that the difference between the two is massive. Most people at play money also DO NOT pay attention to how their opponents are playing. Your image might just be in your mind - they most likely are just playing their hands and not thinking too much about what other players are doing.
If you think about when you went all in for 150 and 2 people called with nothing. I'm pretty sure they didn't call because they know you are a bluffer, they called because they thought "why the hell not, it is only 150 thingies that have no value". This does not happen often when there is real money on the line, even small amounts of real money.
So play for play money for awhile until you are comfortable with the game, study starting hand charts and strategy. And when you feel comfortable, play for real money at the lowest stakes you can. If you live in US or Canada (with the exception of a few states and provinces) you can play on Global Poker where you can get free money every day.
Agree its a call preflop and, given raise size, a fold on flop
Ambitious. I dont' think people squeeze enough at micros to make these +ev
Dividends are classed as income which can be offset against your personal allowance of £12570 so any dividend income wont be part of what you owe in CGT. Now is a good time to sell whatever u want to below the CGT allowance and can put £20k straight into a ISA after the 6th of April to tax shelter it.
Been playing online ACR since 2019 definitely have put my hours in just have never had a bankroll to work with. I know the site and players pretty well. I've studied and watched players on ACR for 5 yrs now and I'm pretty sure I can take down some serious tournaments given the bankroll my discord is cwilliams2151990
Theoretically no way you can fold to a raise of course, but perhaps against this field you should.
looking for a study partner to share ressources and strategies for online NL micro-low stakes pm me or post ur discord
I did fold but it felt really weak at the time. I think it's one of those spots where the flop looks better for me than it actually is, and I could get myself into a lot of trouble continuing.
You got boned lol. 3 b flop.
Passing thought about the Chess v Poker comparisons ..
Can we consider Chess a game of 'complete' information whereas we all know Poker is 'incomplete'?
In Chess, if a piece is in jeopardy you deal with it, eh? Whereas in Poker we have many more options to consider in reaction to an additional 7x opponents who will be implementing various strategies from hand to hand.
It's not just 'what' we do in Poker, it's also 'how' we do it. You can suggest that if all decisions need to be quick that we aren't narrowing our range any differently than if we 'tank' make the same decisions. The issue is that there are decisions in Poker that require some thought .. and if we 'go into the tank' we are automatically narrowing our range.
We like to think that we prepare for future streets in Poker, but I believe that forward thinking is much more straight forward in Chess than Poker.
Obv no games are the same and the Chess comparison is fair. But I also need to make sure we give credit to Poker for perhaps being more complex due to 'variables' of the human mind and not a fixed set of movements for each piece that are all out in the open. GL
That's because they can have unions in the public sector, which always has horrific results, because they don't allow firing of even the worst offender (hint: it's identical everywhere in the public sector).
Public sector employees shouldn't be allowed to unionize (or be registered members of any party, like judges can't).
Getting rid of all unions who cover anyone paid with tax dollars at any government level would be day 1 of what I would do as president.
Self ban
I just realized you are still 4-handed. I lean more to 3b now as I want to make MP pay a steep price for whatever they have, being the deepest and having position on Hero.
You're going to have to know your Player Pool. What does it mean for Hero to b/c here? If your hand is still face up whether you flat or raise, then you need to charge other to continue .. a lot! I don't want to give any two pair combos a cheap, good EV price while they are in position.
I don't have an issue with flatting for pot control either .. but hoping for a clean Turn with 3 other Players in the hand is not ideal most of the time. HOWEVER there are only 9 cards to pair the Board and they have to have at least 2 of those 9 in their hand, so now we're down to 7 or less if they are sharing. We would love to have them sharing here .. so based on that why would we 'make' them fold when they're drawing to so few outs? Because the price is just too good right now? That's for Hero to decide .. and which is why Hero need to lead more if they can expect this kind of reaction from this table dynamic.
I'm a firm believer that PLO Players hate folding Flops but are much more willing to fold Turns after they miss .. and have to pay a much steeper price to continue (even though it's the same or better Pot Odds). GL
Yes. That one. Anybody who goes south should be drawn & quartered.
Lot of truth to this. Limo libs (or I guess range rover libs) and cons play a big role. They're fine starting wars for WS as long as they get a nice talk about how they are good people for being not racist or Christian respectively.
I spent my 20s and early 30s broke. Now I'm in the class you mentioned and, yeah, it's pretty great. While being broke/poor is very hard here.
However, I'd say while HC is a nightmare for lower income people, it's still a massive PITA when you have a few bucks.
Hcare is insanely good a tad over your current "level" from what you describe. For example, you completly disregard out of pocket, in the sense that you fully expect to cap them every year anyway. And you pay them with tax-exempt income.
Upper middle class households start the year with (say) 4k max deductible and 16k max out of pocket for a family of 4 (employer-sponsored decent plan that qualifies for HSA). They account 4k as already spent, with HSA, so pre-tax (so more like 2.5k actual real dollars spent, less if the HSA is earning money which it supposedly is, all untaxed). They consider they will pay decent amount of copays.
They religiously cap HSA contributions every year they can as that's the golden tax exemption, triple lock: you contribute with pre-tax income, capital gains aren't taxed, and you take money out of it with no taxes (for healthcare).
There are 35M HSA, covering like double the amount of people. Most people just pay deductibles/copay with pre-tax income, some were smart/savvy enough to start accumulating in the HSA before the need to take out of it was guaranteed every year and they have like a roth IRA financed with gross income right there and they can sometimes pay deductible just with the (tax free) capital gains.
They get golden level treatment, accept any and all suggestions of extra exams and so on, so are treated far better by specialists, get very easy appointments almost never with a queue, single room if hospitalized and so on and on.
What americans in silicon valley with good plans get, here in Italy only a few politicians / VIP can get, unless they go full private and pay a gabazillion per day, and even in that case, only in a few places all across italy (or at that point you go to switzerland like many people with money do).
That kind of healthcare is either unavailable in most of europe locally even if you have the money, or costs like 50k++ per year. It is actually subsidized by the rest of the population in the USA, as the rest still pay insane insurance premia (either them or their employers), really high deductible and co-pay, and get shitty service more often than not on top of that.
Eat popcorn and drink coca-cola
UTG is CO by the looks of it and opening 3.5bb pre, I would assume fish and 3bet
Is anyone playing the Expresso nitro games in Winamax? How have you been doing?
For me, I have played thousands of games now and run so bad as hell, for example almost all about 35-75 flips I lose whether I have 75% or 35%. And at least half pair vs. one overcard flips. Can you post your graphs with the EV showing so I know is this normal run or not?
I don't have HEM right now, but I have the hand histories stored, how could I post them on the forum so someone could check what is wrong with them because I always keep on losing?
Thank you very much to both of you for taking the time to look at this.
Now it makes much more sense.
It also makes me realize that I need to think more about what exactly EV is.
3bet or fold preflop. If the plan was to catch a pair and get to showdown you see how that can go. But as the 3bettor he would have had to fear you have nutted hands on this board.
(but still..I lose all the money which are already into the pot..)
It's a faulty thought process. Your actions on the previous streets also had their own EV and you have already implemented it.
You have to compare the EV of your actions on a specific street.
We expect to have more equity than our opponent in a value bet.
If you got 42% equity it's not a value bet, but this does not mean that your bet has -EV cause you also have fold equity.
When you don't have enough Equity to bet, but you can compensate it with Fold equity, it's called a Merge Bet.
So in both cases, Bet has more EV than Check/Fold, but this is not the only scenario of further events.
The opponent can check behind or you can call his bet (Check/Call) and maybe this line will have more EV than bet.
You should try to make the most profitable actions of all available on every street.
I would play a range check, or a small polar bet on this flop. The board is dynamic and we do not have an advantage.
So I don't want to build a big pot on the flop if it leads to expensive and difficult decisions on the turn and river.