Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14198 Replies


by Playbig2000 k

Statistically he did more for my country than any other president. Gas prices were at rock bottom prices, there were no wars (unlike all his predecessors), we were energy independent, he built a wall to keep illegals out (now they're pooring into our country including thousands of military aged Chinese men, doesn't that at the least bit concern you?), there was peace in the middle east, he visited North Korea one of the most dangerous countries to us at the time and formed a relationship with it

I think the only one of these claims that is actually true is the energy independence one (and to note, reducing dependency on foreign energy was a trend that started under Obama and continued under Trump, when it's true that it reached the point of being considered independent, and that has been maintained under Biden).

Everything else is somewhere between "some elements of truth but mostly false" to "complete and utter nonsense".

He built a wall. Like the Great Wall of China that kept out the riffraff for centuries?

Or a wall that was purposely porous?

by Luciom k

The employess are in prison for other verdicts agains trump corp (or deals with prosecutors) that excluded Trump responsibilities (afaik).

Trump corp did a lot of tav evasion shenanigans and the people in the corp who signed on that took responsibility (afaik).

Funny how people can think trump has enough judgment to be president .

His business right man’s got condemn
His campaign managers got condemn
His presidential advisors got condemn
His lawyers got condemn

Why anyone would think he wouldn’t get screwed by foreign leaders being so naive ( if he isn’t guilty of any of it that is…😉

But then Even trump himself got condemn …

Nah trump is just the unluckiest naive person on earth .
Let’s put him president lol ….

Ps: some people should watch mafia movies to see how mob boss operates …

by Willd k

Everything else is somewhere between "some elements of truth but mostly false" to "complete and utter nonsense".

This is pretty much Playbig's wheelhouse.

by Playbig2000 k

Statistically he did more for my country than any other president. Gas prices were at rock bottom prices, there were no wars (unlike all his predecessors), we were energy independent, he built a wall to keep illegals out (now they're pooring into our country including thousands of military aged Chinese men, doesn't that at the least bit concern you?), there was peace in the middle east, he visited North Korea one of the most dangerous countries to us at the time and formed a relationship with it

Get some help .

Orange man bad

by Grimstard k

Orange man bad

Damn right.

day-shift trumpers, do you feel like you are being overshadowed here by the international-shift trumpers?

New bit of gear for the magas. Classy af! A steal at only $399

by Playbig2000 k

Statistically he did more for my country than any other president. Gas prices were at rock bottom prices, there were no wars (unlike all his predecessors)....

This is my country as well. I can give him credit for trying to build the dumbest wall in the most unpopulated land when it isn't necessary and for not starting any new wars.

Of course, he didn't end any conflicts he inherited. But I also blame him for weakening our foreign leadership, foreign relations and further polarizing our own govt. Plus, he is a completely immoral, lying, greedy ******* who should never have been put in a position of national prominence. It will be awesome when he is finaly gone. And in jail.

by jjjou812 k

This is my country as well. I can give him credit for trying to build the dumbest wall in the most unpopulated land when it isn't necessary and for not starting any new wars.

Of course, he didn't end any conflicts he inherited. But I also blame him for weakening our foreign leadership, foreign relations and further polarizing our own govt. Plus, he is a completely immoral, lying, greedy ******* who should never have been put in a position of national prominence. It will be awesome when he i

Apart from that you like him though. Go on, admit it.

by Playbig2000 k

Statistically he did more for my country than any other president. Gas prices were at rock bottom prices, there were no wars (unlike all his predecessors), we were energy independent, he built a wall to keep illegals out (now they're pooring into our country including thousands of military aged Chinese men, doesn't that at the least bit concern you?), there was peace in the middle east, he visited North Korea one of the most dangerous countries to us at the time and formed a relationship with it

Your country, lol. It's our country, boyo.

And yes, please go on. I need more laughs.

Lol at actually thinking visiting North Korea was necessary or helped the US in any way whatsoever.

Remember when he said if Kim threatens the US again he'll be met with fire, fury, and power the likes of which the world has never seen before and then Kim responded by threatening the US again within a few hours? What did Trump do? Nothing. Bluff called and Trump ignored it.

But so is your answer to my question that you would put Trump as #1 of 46? Top 3? What?

by Playbig2000 k

What don't you understand? Do you actually think it's ok for the government to subpoena documentation of a business transaction between two businesses that was paid as agreed to manufacturer evidence that fraud was committed and fine that business hundreds of millions of dollars when there's NO COMPLAINTS against either business of any fraud or wrong doing? Or are you so hell bent that "Trump's a bad guy" and don't give a **** what they have to do as long as he gets destroyed?

You said the judge stuck his nose in business he had no right to. I just wanted you to explain how that works - how judges just decide to work outside the purview of their professional duty.

by Playbig2000 k

I have some news for you. They're not coming after him, they're coming after you. The WEF recently stated soon there will be no super powers left like America because the world will be under the control of the WEF (according to Klaus Schwab) this is not a war against Trump it's actaully a war for our future, literally.

I see... well, I'm glad Trump is getting in the way of them coming after me.

I'm also glad Trump taught me that if the government requests documents and issues subpoenas, you should just hand them over rather than tell them to **** off or they'll **** with your life. But hey, I kind of already knew that, boyo.

by thethethe k

New bit of gear for the magas. Classy af! A steal at only $399

What's crazy is those preorders are going for thousands on Ebay and they're not due to ship for months. Who would pay $6K in a private sale for an item someone doesn't even have possession of?

by Didace k

I'm not sure if you know this, but he was in charge.

When Wallenstein settled, that wasn't what the courts thought (afaik)

by Grimstard k

Orange man bad

by Brian James k

Damn right.

Thanks for popping in today, guys. We all have something valuable to contribute to this discussion. Perhaps the thing you two could contribute is silence.

by thethethe k

New bit of gear for the magas. Classy af! A steal at only $399

funny comparison considering Louboutin will probably sue him for trademark infringement. this comparison is exactly the kind of evidence used in a trademark dilution argument.

by Luciom k

When Wallenstein settled, that wasn't what the courts thought (afaik)

I'm not sure what this means. And you might want to check the spelling of the dude's name.

Imagine the cowering he did in the closed-door meeting with Putin. He was probably shaking like a leaf. He sure looked scared when he walked out of that meeting.

That's MAGA's hero. General Bonespurs. Lol.

by Brian James k

Apart from that you like him though. Go on, admit it.

I don't know what characteristics he exhibits that anyone should view with high regard. He is a draft dodging, tax cheating philandering blowhard. He is in horrible shape and eats a terrible diet. I don't know of anything he has ever accomplished that I would view as honorable. But you tell me, what makes him so great in your eyes?

He's a handsome devil.

Probably the best trait you can identify.

by jjjou812 k

Probably the best trait you can identify.


by jjjou812 k

Probably the best trait you can identify.

Yeah, he's a handsome dude like me (and you for that matter).

Brian James, what are your personal favorite things about trump?

by spaceman Bryce k

Brian James, what are your personal favorite things about trump?

He makes me laugh. Plus he drives libtards insane as you can see from this thread.

by Brian James k

He makes me laugh. Plus he drives libtards insane as you can see from this thread.

It’s kind of odd for me to say this but from a very liberal perspective I like that about him too. There are a lot of *******s in politics, and there are lots of very vapid “liberals” who only pretend to care or nominally care about any of the issues who are somehow genuinely bothered by Trump in a way no other politician does. I’d say it’s because he’s such an extravagantly assholish bully that people who would normally excuse that behavior are bothered by him.
Of course, I won’t be supporting him in anyway because of his positions on most issues and his low personal character but I can see why someone would like that about him.
