The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

So what's new?

I've noticed the Liberals are now ahead in all major polls and Trudeau hasn't even started to campaign yet...i'd be shocked if they lost the election now.

Just shows just how incompetent Conservatives are.

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11 July 2019 at 07:31 PM

4046 Replies


by uke_master k

Indeed, that's the point. Politicians from all parties have done this trick in this year. The federal conservaties themselves tried the same trick a couple years ago. So it is hilarious seeing their hypocritical bleating away at it today.

The reality is most voters will see through this. Though there is one cut that voters will embrace and that is Axe the Tax

That could put over a $1000 back in my pocket every year .

by Shifty86 k

Liberal mind reading at its best. Securing the border was basically his #1 campaign promise and big reason why he won.

He ran on securing the border in 2016 as well. He didn’t do it, obviously. So what makes you think he’ll do it this time around? (Hint: He won’t. If you think he will, your brain is broken.)

by uke_master k

Lmao. This is one of the most ineptly hilarious interpretations of "most popular president in history" ever. Trump lost the popular vote twice and narrowly won it once - but because he ran three times he is the "most popular president ever"!!!!

MAGA fans are hilarious.

Name a president that has more votes?

Any chance you are going to elaborate on your list?

by Shifty86 k

Name a president that has more votes?

Any chance you are going to elaborate on your list?

didnt Joe Biden get the most votes in 2020

by MrDavitWilliam k

He ran on securing the border in 2016 as well. He didn’t do it, obviously. So what makes you think he’ll do it this time around? (Hint: He won’t. If you think he will, your brain is broken.)

Yes he did and he's already started again. If you don't think illegal border crossings were lower his first term and are going to be lower the next 4 years (your brain is broken).

by Shifty86 k

Yes he did and he's already started again. If you don't think illegal border crossings were lower his first term and are going to be lower the next 4 years (your brain is broken).

No, he didn’t. If he built a big beautiful wall that Mexico paid for, there would be evidence of it. There ain’t.

Trump and the GOP have zero interest in solving the border issue, as it’s the perfect fear-mongering tool to use on the droolers in the GOP. And it worked. Trump got elected on the back of those misguided fears. But he doesn’t give two ****s about the border. And he never did.

by MrDavitWilliam k

No, he didn’t. If he built a big beautiful wall that Mexico paid for, there would be evidence of it. There ain’t.

Trump and the GOP have zero interest in solving the border issue, as it’s the perfect fear-mongering tool to use on the droolers in the GOP. And it worked. Trump got elected on the back of those misguided fears. But he doesn’t give two ****s about the border. And he never did.

Lol ok 😵

by Shifty86 k

Lol ok 😵

Glad you get it now.

Now how are we going to get you to understand that Trump getting 200M+ votes doesn’t make him the most popular POTUS ever? That may be a bridge too far. After all, one cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

by Shifty86 k

Name a president that has more votes?

Any chance you are going to elaborate on your list?

by lozen k

didnt Joe Biden get the most votes in 2020

lmao even trump-lovin' lozen thinks your interpretation makes zero sense. Lololol Trump is "most popular in history" because he ran three times and lost the popular vote twice and edged it the third time.

Always worth remembering that there are tiers to right wing stupidity. I should stop lumping you and lozen together on the same tier.

by uke_master k

lmao even trump-lovin' lozen thinks your interpretation makes zero sense. Lololol Trump is "most popular in history" because he ran three times and lost the popular vote twice and edged it the third time.

Always worth remembering that there are tiers to right wing stupidity. I should stop lumping you and lozen together on the same tier.

Even though I do not think his win was the biggest in terms of the popular vote I would call it the greatest comeback victory by any president. I thought he was a lock after the assassination attempt but than the debate happened and it was downhill from there .

His victory was historic as he picked up votes in every county but one I dop believe and up against a war chest over 1 billion $ by Kamala

Its funny as you think there is tiers of stupidity on the right I think Shifty and I would agree on the same as the left . I put you on the Upper Tier .

by lozen k

His victory was historic as he picked up votes in every county but one I dop believe and up against a war chest over 1 billion $ by Kamala.

It also was historic because never before has the majority of US voters voted for someone convicted by a jury of their peers of multiple counts of felonious activity.

The rule of law obviously doesn’t mean **** to these people. This is also likely historic; that over 1/2 the voters don’t give a **** about a criminal, who all but the most deranged concede is a total shitbag of a human, holding what is arguably the most powerful position in the world.

by MrDavitWilliam k

It also was historic because never before has the majority of US voters voted for someone convicted by a jury of their peers of multiple counts of felonious activity.

The rule of law obviously doesn’t mean **** to these people. This is also likely historic; that over 1/2 the voters don’t give a **** about a criminal, who all but the most deranged concede is a total shitbag of a human, holding what is arguably the most powerful position in the world.

Both prosecutions were political and the one had no victims and the other he paid off a porn star. People saw through these political prosecutions . If they wanted to go after him for a real crime it should have been when he defrauded all those folks at Trump University. The voters didn't care and the Democrats picked the worst candidate possible. Un til the Dems start pandering to the Ukes of Society they are going no were

by lozen k

Both prosecutions were political and the one had no victims and the other he paid off a porn star. People saw through these political prosecutions . If they wanted to go after him for a real crime it should have been when he defrauded all those folks at Trump University. The voters didn't care and the Democrats picked the worst candidate possible. Un til the Dems start pandering to the Ukes of Society they are going no were

Even if the prosecutions were “politically motivated”, which is impossible to prove, the verdicts weren’t. The mother****er was guilty of what he was charged with, and you KNOW it.
The jury weighed the evidence (that voters likely never saw) and convicted his guilty ass. That’s how our system is supposed to work. Obviously TeamIdiot doesn’t care, and they are now in charge.

He should have been tried for treason given his actions leading up to the riots on Jan6. But again, Team****** is now in charge. With these folks, who are PROUD of their ignorance and stupidity, in charge America is ****ed.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Even if the prosecutions were “politically motivated”, which is impossible to prove, the verdicts weren’t. The mother****er was guilty of what he was charged with, and you KNOW it.
The jury weighed the evidence (that voters likely never saw) and convicted his guilty ass. That’s how our system is supposed to work. Obviously TeamIdiot doesn’t care, and they are now in charge.

He should have been tried for treason given his actions leading up to the riots on Jan6. But again, Team****** is now i

Could be worse you could be living in Canada with Trudeau as your leader

by MrDavitWilliam k

It also was historic because never before has the majority of US voters voted for someone convicted by a jury of their peers of multiple counts of felonious activity.

The rule of law obviously doesn’t mean **** to these people. This is also likely historic; that over 1/2 the voters don’t give a **** about a criminal, who all but the most deranged concede is a total shitbag of a human, holding what is arguably the most powerful position in the world.

There are multiple other threads you can spew your nonsense in.

by uke_master k

lmao even trump-lovin' lozen thinks your interpretation makes zero sense. Lololol Trump is "most popular in history" because he ran three times and lost the popular vote twice and edged it the third time.

Always worth remembering that there are tiers to right wing stupidity. I should stop lumping you and lozen together on the same tier.

So you're not going to elaborate on your easily googleable list?

by Shifty86 k

There are multiple other threads you can spew your nonsense in.

**** off, ******.

by MrDavitWilliam k

**** off, ******.

by Shifty86 k

Team DogShitLoser FTW!

by Shifty86 k

So you're not going to elaborate on your easily googleable list?

No, Shifty, Biden got the most votes ever by over 5 million votes. Obama got more than him by percentage of votes, and more electoral college votes.

Which of those things is confusing to you?

You hilariously and like adorably pathetically said your buddy Trump was the "most popular in history", but Nope. Your side won, not sure why you are dishing out the copium here.

Ok I have a prediction based on the GST manouvering. I think that Poilievre when he FINALLY releases his election platform is going to only add something quite small on the tax cut side. I'd initially guess that there will be something bigger. Like significant income tax cuts or business tax cuts or permanent gst tax cut or something.

However, the tax cuts we have right now are
1) carbon tax
2) gst on new home builds under a million.

But here is the thing. BOTH of those tax cuts are revenue neutral. Costs the government nothing to implement them. The second would be expensive, but poilievre is cancelling billions from housing funds to pay for it so also more or less neutral. It's just a debate of general cuts (i.e. people who would build anyway getting a discount) vs targetted cuts (hoping to incentivize people on the margin to build and to change municipal laws).

So on the one side, the argument that Poilievre is holding out on a big promise is that he hasn't promised anything at all that actually costs the government money, so there is room for him to do so. But I am leaning towards the argument that he never is going to. That he thinks he can win (and certainly that is true right now) without promising much of anything. If you care about bringing down the deficit, that is the way to go. If you think that this is going to make life more affordable to the average person right now, it isn't going to do much of anything, just swapping out two revenue neutral things.

by uke_master k

Which of those things is confusing to you?

You hilariously and like adorably pathetically said your buddy Trump was the "most popular in history", but Nope. Your side won, not sure why you are dishing out the copium here.

Pretend all of them confuse me.

Most votes for President=most popular President. Pretty simple. Not sure why that triggers people so much, you can try and argue it or say it's not true but you're just wasting your energy.

by lozen k

Both prosecutions were political and the one had no victims and the other he paid off a porn star. People saw through these political prosecutions . If they wanted to go after him for a real crime it should have been when he defrauded all those folks at Trump University. The voters didn't care and the Democrats picked the worst candidate possible. Un til the Dems start pandering to the Ukes of Society they are going no were

Hey lozen you build houses right ?

If u sell a house listed at 6000 square foot while it’s end up being a 2000 square foot , you think in front of a judge claiming it’s a political witch hunt would be a good defence and not actual fraud ?

If you say yes , please never sale me a house , you’re a crook ….

Engoron’s decision said Trump also submitted statements of financial condition that described the roughly 11,000-square-foot triplex apartment where he has lived in Trump Tower as nearly three times the size it is, the judge said. “A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud,” he wrote.

by Shifty86 k

Pretend all of them confuse me.

Most votes for President=most popular President. Pretty simple. Not sure why that triggers people so much, you can try and argue it or say it's not true but you're just wasting your energy.

Did trump had more votes then Biden ?
Trump won by an incredible thin margin on the popular vote right ?
So Kamala is the second most popular president candidate ever following your logic ?
I don’t know how math works but 81 usually is a higher number then 78 shrug .
But I get how you think polievre makes sense when he talk about money with maths like that ….

Ps: most popular do not translate into most efficient either , but will found out soon enough how long that honeymoon will last with voters I suppose .

by Shifty86 k

Pretend all of them confuse me.

Most votes for President=most popular President. Pretty simple. Not sure why that triggers people so much, you can try and argue it or say it's not true but you're just wasting your energy.

Incorrect. Most votes for President = most votes for President. Nothing more. Trump loves the uneducated for a reason; they’re easily fooled. Like this guy.
