Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 22 Views 22
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13739 Replies


I feel a Kent State part II coming.

by biggerboat k

Anything Trump says is.

People doing them should have their bank accounts frozen

Remember when all those people carrying trump flags illegally protested by storming the capitol and then they got pardoned? Good times.

by housenuts k

People doing them should have their bank accounts frozen

Or pardoned depending on what the sign you are carrying says.

by Luciom k

tariffs and Ukraine were the main problems during the campaign and they proved a problem currently as well.

but trump admin did far far more than I thought possible in so little time on everything else, it is behaving far better than in my wildest possible dreams to extents I didn't consider possible.

the USAID thing was exceptional. dropping out of the WHO was a hope but not a guarantee. they sanctioned the ICC. EOs on DEI were quick and brutally enforced. EOs on "trans youth" care the same.


The literal embodiment of “I don’t care what happens as long as the libs get owned”

disgusting human being

Who loves DjT?
guess who...

by checkraisdraw k

The literal embodiment of “I don’t care what happens as long as the libs get owned”

disgusting human being

uh? i listed stuff i DO care about and i consider very positive. I expect to be considered disgusting by leftists given that what i care about is what you hate and viceversa.

by Luciom k

uh? i listed stuff i DO care about and i consider very positive. I expect to be considered disgusting by leftists given that what i care about is what you hate and viceversa.

Other than giving you yahoos and trumpers something to feel better about and cheer for, nothing on your list has any personal effect on you or had one in the last four weeks.

by diebitter k

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?


Trump and Vance really are masters of question begging. What is an illegal protest? Is it any protest that violates the law? For example, imagine that a federal law is passed that preserves access to abortion (not going to happen, but play along). Several anti-abortion activists interrupt a parade for two minutes by running through the parade holding signs that express opposition to the new federal law. Several of the activists are students at the University of Alabama. Is Trump seriously arguing that he would require the University of Alabama to either expel those students from the university or lose access to federal funding?

And what about protests that are wildly critical of Trump but not a violation of existing law? For example, if I were a student, and I stood outside a Trump rally holding a sign that said Trump is an abuser of women and a grifter, would that be an illegal protest in Trump's mind? It certainly wouldn't be a violation of existing law. And if a jurisdiction implemented a statute that purported to make such behavior illegal, the statute almost certainly would founder on First Amendment grounds.

by MSchu18 k

Who loves DjT?
guess who...

Am I supposed to know who The British Patriot is?

by Rococo k

And what about protests that are wildly critical of Trump but not a violation of existing law? For example, if I were a student, and I stood outside a Trump rally holding a sign that said Trump is an abuser of women and a grifter, would that be an illegal protest in Trump's mind? It certainly wouldn't be a violation of existing law. And if a jurisdiction implemented a statute that purported to make such behavior illegal, the statute almost certainly would founder on First Amendment grounds.

What if someone else was near you and blocked traffic? You just did a conspiracy to block traffic.

Tommy Robinson?

Bankruptcies, multiple convictions, and a Russian mouthpiece. Checks out...

by MSchu18 k

Who loves DjT?
guess who...

Rapid nationalists, er fascists, loving each other. Not surprising.

by Luciom k

uh? i listed stuff i DO care about and i consider very positive. I expect to be considered disgusting by leftists given that what i care about is what you hate and viceversa.

Yes I know what you care about and it is disgusting

keep in mind you’re the person that said that you don’t care if billions of people die in global warming as long as italy is better off. you’re an immoral person and the only reason to talk to you is derision.

There is no MAGA poster I consider a Nazi cuz I think that’s a ludicrous proposition unless you’ve proven yourself worthy of it which no matter how bad BJ or PB or fgators or whoever else are they certainly don’t fit that mold

With that said, Lucy is very clearly a Nazi

by MSchu18 k

Who loves DjT?
guess who...

I'm a Brit. This is utter bollocks and totally not representative of the UK.

Brits do not like *******s and bullies. Trump is greatly disliked here.

Here's a poll from today:

by diebitter k

This is utter bollocks

Of course it is. Almost everything mschu posts is.

by diebitter k

Incredibly based.

Apparently the heat has pushed them out of the kitchen.

The chair of the House GOP's campaign arm told Republican lawmakers Tuesday to stop holding in-person town halls amid a wave of angry backlash over the cuts undertaken by President Donald Trump's administration.

by StoppedRainingMen k

There is no MAGA poster I consider a Nazi cuz I think that's a ludicrous proposition unless you've proven yourself worthy of it which no matter how bad BJ or PB or fgators or whoever else are they certainly don't fit that mold

With that said, Lucy is very clearly a Nazi

I wouldn’t call him a nazi personally, I wouldn’t just say he has a twisted sense of morality where he thinks no human being has value outside relation (kinship) and thus something improving human lives in general is a meaningless concept to him. it’s completely alien to any version of ethics sensible people have, and if everyone held to his beliefs the world would be a much worse place.

Calling Britain and France “some random country” that “hasn’t fought a war in 30 to 40 years” is just impeccable statesmanship.

We're up to 4 intelligent individuals creating dozens of lines of text ITT about what constitutes an "illegal protest" when the answer and context is abundantly clear in the initial tweet.

He's talking about protests supporting illegal immigration.

by Inso0 k

He's talking about protests supporting illegal immigration.

Were there other posts about this? Because if not, that seems like a stretch.

by Inso0 k

We're up to 4 intelligent individuals creating dozens of lines of text ITT about what constitutes an "illegal protest" when the answer and context is abundantly clear in the initial tweet.

He's talking about protests supporting illegal immigration.

Curious how you arrive to that conclusion.
Also if tweet is abundantly clear then it's weird everyone hasn't the same conclusion.

So only one conclusion possible, you are trolling (unless you had a stroke but come on)

by Inso0 k

We're up to 4 intelligent individuals creating dozens of lines of text ITT about what constitutes an "illegal protest" when the answer and context is abundantly clear in the initial tweet.

He's talking about protests supporting illegal immigration.

Can you show us what context clues you used to arrive at this conclusion? Can you also show us what would make that an "illegal protest?"
