Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
On the
, Trump made it perfectly clear what he thinks of the right to free speech and the right to assembly. It was also, in my eyes, the day that Trump showed that he is a fascist at heart.That and this:
Former Pentagon chief Esper says Trump asked about shooting protesters
May 9, 20225:00 AM ET
Trump was talking about Palestinian protests - also at the very least - and just because he's wrong when he assumes a significant percentage of the anti-Israel protestors are foreign nationals, that doesn't mean it's not what he's assuming.
Something that on paper is a solid idea worth exploring is of course bungled massively
Because there’s no details, we’re going to get a lot of stuff produced that doesn’t end up having a natural market and a lot is either going to be clearance sales or just burnt to preserve prices
Could be a massive amount of Americans eating soy beans as a dietary staple this September
Would be wild the people who used to derogatorily call others soy boys could be participating in Soy September for America if this ends up being bungled as much as one can imagine it will be
China imports by far the most soy in the world.
Brazil exports the most and USA is a slightly distant second (57/30) and no one else is even close.
Tariffs are going to move more of China's importing to Brazil. USA farmers will have a hard time selling all of their crops and there will be a glut in the USA. Prices will drop in the USA, but the costs of growing will increase because the cost of fertilizer/phosphate will increase. Soy farmers heading for bankruptcy. Maybe they'll be burning crops instead of selling at a loss.
this kinda thing

We shouldn't be farming soy anyway. We need less farming conglomerates and more small independent farms.
Get ready to start making a lot of agricultural product to be sold INSIDE of the United States.
So he thinks individual farmers either don't produce as much as they can now, or that it's easy to switch from soy beans to avocados?
I now see your point, but the "American" I was referring to in that post was the college itself. I'm sure some combination of hyphens would've made that less ambiguous.
Yale is an American college.
Elias is a student at Yale.
Elias may or may not be an American, but he is an "American college student" in the way I intended to use it there. He is a student attending a college in America.
I'm also aware that while the terms "college" and "university" are typically used interchangeably, there is a technically correct usage. So, skip that next game of semantics gotcha.
Alright, boys, you win. I'm the weird one.
Trump is basically Harold with his purple crayon, dreaming up new and interesting ways of shitting on the constitution and separation of powers. Anything he doesn't like will now be deemed illegal.
I'm over here just trying not to get sucked into the pit of despair along with seemingly every other internet user, but the number of people already inside have created an extremely potent gravitational pull.
It's quite easy to not get sucked into it if you don't suffer from TDS. If you do then life must be hell.
I now see your point, but the "American" I was referring to in that post was the college itself. I'm sure some combination of hyphens would've made that less ambiguous.
Ok, but Trump didn't say American colleges, he said American students. Therefore, he was talking about American students. Why are you talking about American colleges?

China imports by far the most soy in the world.
Brazil exports the most and USA is a slightly distant second (57/30) and no one else is even close.
Tariffs are going to move more of China's importing to Brazil. USA farmers will have a hard time selling all of their crops and there will be a glut in the USA. Prices will drop in the USA, but the costs of growing will increase because the cost of fertilizer/phosphate will increase. Soy farmers heading for bankruptcy. Maybe they'll be burning crop
I mostly agree with this and the production costs might not even drop prices because the tariffs are all interwebed together with other costs and materials.
It all gets super complicated because its going to change how we domestically use soy and we have no idea what those shifts are going to mean. Like, does biodiesel production ramp up and why or can it be used to reduce our reliance on petroleum? But then what are the infrastructure costs and what are we going to be paying for that? And whatever we do do with it is going to need a buyer, and preferably a domestic one.
I mostly agree with this and the production costs might not even drop prices because the tariffs are all interwebed together with other costs and materials.
It all gets super complicated because its going to change how we domestically use soy and we have no idea what those shifts are going to mean. Like, does biodiesel production ramp up and why or can it be used to reduce our reliance on petroleum? But then what are the infrastructure costs and what are we going to be paying for that? And wh
FWIW , I’m beginning to be scared of a big deflation shock , since to many people leans towards inflation .
Tariffs could dramatically reduce economic activities , debts are extremely high , rates are dropping fast …
With higher domestic prices , people will consume less in aggregate , less profits for corporations on top of higher production cost to deliver goods .
Possible cutting jobs then -> the last hurdled preventing a big recession ?
Then yeah , printing money like never before to stop this ….
There possibly going to be a big whipsaw on the bottom 60% ….
Republicans have been getting destroyed at Town Halls recently because this administration is wildly unpopular, even with Republicans. Watch the videos if you haven't. They're amazing.
Of course, the Republicans are in damage control mode and making reps stop holding town halls because of this.
Lol Tampon Tim. As delusional as ever. You and your dumb agenda helped democrats lose the recent election in a landslide.
You know when it really mattered, not some stupid pointless town hall.
Republicans have been getting destroyed at Town Halls recently because this administration is wildly unpopular, even with Republicans. Watch the videos if you haven't. They're amazing.
Of course, the Republicans are in damage control mode and making reps stop holding town halls because of this.
If dems could just put down the tampons and stop trying to cut kids' dicks off they would never lose an election. Too bad that option is still off the table.
yeah, it's all so funny.
meanwhile, we are now in a voting block at the un with china, russia & north korea.
so much winning. ****ing idiot magats