Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13773 Replies


Hes saying that having an administration that is hated by its own Republican constituency is better than trans people existing

by Gorgonian k

good lord what are you even talking about

The reason Democrats will never win another election.

by BGnight k

The reason Democrats will never win another election.

Which is what, specifically?

Dems win like half the elections and this will never change. It's always something. Whether it's black people, LGB people, or TQ+ people. It doesn't matter. BGnight is just the 2025 version of people who think that Democrats will never win because they let white women marry black men. (yes, Dumbocrats used to be against civil rights and I know some idiot will try to do some gotcha about Abraham Lincoln or something) And there will always be roughly half the electorate on that side. Dunno if campfire was serious or not.

Dumbocrats losing in an election where their candidate blew a fuse in the debate and they had a last minute replacement who no one voted for shouldn't really be that big a surprise and people shouldn't make too much of it.

when in doubt....something something TRANS PEOPLE!!!!!

****ing demoRATS

by BGnight k

The reason Democrats will never win another election.

The Dems are like 4 flipped seats from a. majority in the house and 4 flipped seats from a majority in the senate. Kamala lost by a total of like 250k votes across a few swing states, and she is considered by many to be an extremely weak candidate.

by microbet k

Dumbocrats losing in an election where their candidate blew a fuse in the debate and they had a last minute replacement who no one voted for shouldn't really be that big a surprise and people shouldn't make too much of it.

We can drill down into that a little bit. To say the Dems were performing as a party should and then, randomly, their candidate blew a fuse, is not really what happened. The person who blew a fuse was also the same person who, years ago during a primary debate, starting bleeding over his eyeballs for all to see. This person's brain was melting before our collective eyes, emitting indecipherable speech, violently shifting into emotional outbursts, and not knowing what room they were in or in which direction to walk for egress and ingress.

The question isn't why Biden lost. The question is why was Biden running in the first place. And why was Kamala handed the nomination when she failed to secure a single delegate in her latest primary campaign. The reason, the underlying reason which will present an ongoing problem for the Democrats, is that the leadership of the Democratic Party is at odds with its base. That's not nearly as much of an issue for Republicans. The Democratic party cannot produce an organically grown, field-tested candidate who has a chance of resonating nationally. If they could we would be coming off 8 years of a Bernie Sanders presidency. The Republican leadership attempted to kill the Trump campaign in 2016, but they are too controlled by their base and therefore couldn't do it.

My theory is this huge purge of federal workers will accelerate the formation of a rival party to the Democrats. It's one thing for the Democrats to mass murder Palestinians. Most voters in the U.S. don't know any Palestinians. But now that the Democrats are showing how truly useless they are, unable to protect our institutions or workers from a double digit IQ real estate hustler, I think there could be a drastic erosion of the party.

by campfirewest k

If dems could just put down the tampons and stop trying to cut kids' dicks off they would never lose an election. Too bad that option is still off the table.

Yeah how dare Democrats do the right thing and let ALL women play in women’s sports instead of picking and choosing who gets to play.


Bernie wasn't a real party member, so there's that, but I think the D situation with Bernie and the R situation with Trump were pretty much the same. Trump is just more popular because so many people are stupid dicks.

by checkraisdraw k

The Dems are like 4 flipped seats from a. majority in the house and 4 flipped seats from a majority in the senate. Kamala lost by a total of like 250k votes across a few swing states, and she is considered by many to be an extremely weak candidate.

Considered by who? Trump supporters?

If she won we could have literally been minutes away from seeing the first woman of color give a State of the Union address to Congress. How could that not be exciting?

Fwiw, Biden said picking her was the best decision he made.

by Steve00007 k

Yeah how dare Democrats do the right thing and let ALL women play in women’s sports instead of picking and choosing who gets to play.

Saw some dude jump 40 feet in a women's event yesterday to easily win it. 2nd place was 32 feet.

by housenuts k

Saw a woman jump 40 feet in a women's event yesterday to easily win it. 2nd place was 32 feet.

Fixed it for you. And good for her.

by Steve00007 k

Fixed it for you. And good for her.

You fixed it for yourself

by Steve00007 k

Fixed it for you. And good for her.

Dudes can be women you bigot.

by Steve00007 k

Considered by who? Trump supporters?

If she won we could have literally been minutes away from seeing the first woman of color give a State of the Union address to Congress. How could that not be exciting?

Fwiw, Biden said picking her was the best decision he made.

I’m not sure why I would think that just because her victory would have been historic that makes her a good candidate. And I mean objectively, the first reaction from people was that they were concerned a black female would not be able to win, despite being qualified. It didn’t help that she a) had a hard time making extemporaneous statements and b) imploded her campaign by running with Liz Cheney and welcoming the endorsement of Dick Cheney. The first half of her campaign was amazing, the second half was absolute cancer.

But yeah, compared to Trump she was a fantastic candidate.

by microbet k

China imports by far the most soy in the world.

Brazil exports the most and USA is a slightly distant second (57/30) and no one else is even close.

Tariffs are going to move more of China's importing to Brazil. USA farmers will have a hard time selling all of their crops and there will be a glut in the USA. Prices will drop in the USA, but the costs of growing will increase because the cost of fertilizer/phosphate will increase. Soy farmers heading for bankruptcy. Maybe they'll be burning crop

i mean, think about the alt-right tofu banquets though, luciom would howl in pain

honestly I don’t even care at this point. americans deserve to suffer or they will never learn. put your hand on the hot stove for a bit and actually get burned. let people lose their pensions and farmers lose their farms. let the dems vote alongside republicans on massive social security and medicare cuts for all I care. dare them to do it.

Does that mean USA will have less soyboys?

by housenuts k

Does that mean USA will have less soyboys?

most of the soy goes to animal feed

by microbet k

Dems win like half the elections and this will never change. It's always something. Whether it's black people, LGB people, or TQ+ people. It doesn't matter. BGnight is just the 2025 version of people who think that Democrats will never win because they let white women marry black men. (yes, Dumbocrats used to be against civil rights and I know some idiot will try to do some gotcha about Abraham Lincoln or something) And there will always be roughly half the electorate on that side. Dunno i

Indeed. The center moves so that each side win about half the time

be nice to see it move to the left one day.

I have TDS

TDS derangement syndrome
