Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 23 Views 23
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13757 Replies


Did you read the sentence immediately following the mention of, "illegal protests"?

Sweet baby Jesus, people.

Oh, I get it now. "Illegal" is a shortened form of "illegal immigrant". But what if you're protesting against "illegals"?

by weeeez k

Curious how you arrive to that conclusion.
Also if tweet is abundantly clear then it's weird everyone hasn't the same conclusion.

So only one conclusion possible, you are trolling (unless you had a stroke but come on)

In the current political climate, this is not at all weird. Everyone is on edge and ready to snap at the slightest provocation.

He says illegal protests, and then immediately writes that agitators will be sent back to the country they came from.

You guys are sitting here trying to read between the lines instead of actually reading the text itself.

by Rococo k

Trump and Vance really are masters of question begging. What is an illegal protest? Is it any protest that violates the law? For example, imagine that a federal law is passed that preserves access to abortion (not going to happen, but play along). Several anti-abortion activists interrupt a parade for two minutes by running through the parade holding signs that express opposition to the new federal law. Several of the activists are students at the University of Alabama. Is Trump seriously

I would think he’s referring to the ones that occupy campus buildings, grounds, and roads in urban campuses. The ones that go beyond what is permitted.

Not specific causes…

Edit: In hindsight, the part you should actually be mad about is him claiming that he will expel students from their universities. I'm quite certain he doesn't have that power. Shipping people back to South America is one of the things he certainly can do.

by Inso0 k

In the current political climate, this is not at all weird. Everyone is on edge and ready to snap at the slightest provocation.

He says illegal protests, and then immediately writes that agitators will be sent back to the country they came from.

You guys are sitting here trying to read between the lines instead of actually reading the text itself.

American students are illegal immigrants?
Man you are on a roll today.

by Inso0 k

Did you read the sentence immediately following the mention of, "illegal protests"?

Sweet baby Jesus, people.

Yes, I read the entire tweet. Would you like to answer the questions now?

by checkraisdraw k

Calling Britain and France “some random country” that “hasn’t fought a war in 30 to 40 years” is just impeccable statesmanship.

Amazing diplomacy.
USA don't exactly have a clear record winning wars recentely either.

These guys are really destroying american international interests at light speed.
Clearly on a mission.

by weeeez k

American students are illegal immigrants?
Man you are on a roll today.

Now who's the one trolling?

Some American college students are, in fact, illegal immigrants.

If they protest deportation on campus, the ones who are will find themselves in the belly of a C130 on their way back home. The ones who are not will find themselves in some unspecified form of trouble with administration for openly supporting breaking the law.

You can disagree with any of those takes, but don't exaggerate the situation beyond what it is. It's not helpful to anyone, and only further radicalizes both sides of the debate.

by Inso0 k

We're up to 4 intelligent individuals creating dozens of lines of text ITT about what constitutes an "illegal protest" when the answer and context is abundantly clear in the initial tweet.

He's talking about protests supporting illegal immigration.

This isn't remotely obvious to me. I suspect that the sorts of protests you saw on university campuses related to I/P are much more of what he had in mind. There of course were a lot of foreign exchange students involved in those protests.

If I am being honest, I think that you are the one who is being naive here. Trump used very broad, very vague language, as he always does. That isn't a mistake. That is a pattern.

Do I think that Trump actually would be in favor of deporting or expelling every student that engaged in what he deemed an illegal protest? No. But would he like broad power that he could threaten to wield capriciously over universities (and university students) to force them behave more as he wants them to behave. You bet. That is what the creep of authoritarian government looks like.

I know that you don't want to it be that way, but that is the world Trump would like to usher into existence.

by Inso0 k

Now who's the one trolling?

Some American college students are, in fact, illegal immigrants.

If they protest deportation on campus, the ones who are will find themselves in the belly of a C130 on their way back home. The ones who are not will find themselves in some unspecified form of trouble with administration for openly supporting breaking the law.

You can disagree with any of those takes, but don't exaggerate the situation beyond what it is. It's not helpful to anyone, and only further radic

Dude, how is it working in your head wtf.
You can't add words in sentences to make your narrative fit.
You are acting really weird today, I'm starting to lean toward the mild stroke explanation.,

by Inso0 k

Some American college students are, in fact, illegal immigrants.

Cool. So are there any American students that are not American?

by housenuts k

Curious what constitutes an illegal protest.

Well, anything as described in the First Amendment. He's kinda anti-Constitution, you know.

by checkraisdraw k

Calling Britain and France “some random country” that “hasn’t fought a war in 30 to 40 years” is just impeccable statesmanship.

He's since said he didn't mean Britain or France, the only countries that have actually pledged troops, but he then couldn't say who he did mean. He seems to be a bit of a chump.

Alright, boys, you win. I'm the weird one.

Trump is basically Harold with his purple crayon, dreaming up new and interesting ways of shitting on the constitution and separation of powers. Anything he doesn't like will now be deemed illegal.

I'm over here just trying not to get sucked into the pit of despair along with seemingly every other internet user, but the number of people already inside have created an extremely potent gravitational pull.

Does that mean no, there aren't any American students that aren't American, then?

by Inso0 k

Alright, boys, you win. I'm the weird one.

Trump is basically Harold with his purple crayon, dreaming up new and interesting ways of shitting on the constitution and separation of powers. Anything he doesn't like will now be deemed illegal.

I'm over here just trying not to get sucked into the pit of despair along with seemingly every other internet user, but the number of people already inside have created an extremely potent gravitational pull.


I believe in my bones that Trump's instincts are antidemocratic and authoritarian. That said, I'm not being hysterical. I believe that there are limits on how much Trump will be able to erode democracy in the United States. But those limits are purely practical. They are not rooted in some philosophical commitment that Trump has to separation of powers, etc.

The answer to the question of how much power Trump ideally would like to have is the same as the answer to how much money he ideally would like to have or how much attention he ideally would like to receive. And that answer is "all of it, or as close as he can get to all of it."

by ReliableSource k

I would think he’s referring to the ones that occupy campus buildings, grounds, and roads in urban campuses. The ones that go beyond what is permitted.

An illegal protest is one that blocks vehicle or pedestrian traffic (preventing people going about their lawful business) without a permit, or one that results in violence against persons or property or refusal of a police request to disperse. That's fairly clear.

The business of funding cuts to colleges, and deportation of foreign students who take part in certain protests, and penalising 'Antifa' mask-wearing, has been the subject of a number of defeated Congressional bills in the recent past.

Possibly the administration is seeking payback for those defeats, as the Trump White House seems to be governed by a retributive score-settling mentality. (Which is characteristic of narcissists, for those interested in the psychology of it.)

by Gorgonian k

Does that mean no, there aren't any American students that aren't American, then?

In 2021, American Community Survey found roughly 1 in 50 attendees at American institutions of higher education were here illegally.

Not sure if it's higher or lower today, but yeah, there are a lot of them.

by Inso0 k

In the current political climate, this is not at all weird. Everyone is on edge and ready to snap at the slightest provocation.

He says illegal protests, and then immediately writes that agitators will be sent back to the country they came from.

You guys are sitting here trying to read between the lines instead of actually reading the text itself.

the plain reading of that is he is talking about the anti-Israel encampments that propped up and occupied certain campuses.

by biggerboat k

That sounds illegal.

Not the invitation, but giving IRS info to congress people.

by 57 On Red k

The business of funding cuts to colleges, and deportation of foreign students who take part in certain protests, and penalising 'Antifa' mask-wearing, has been the subject of a number of defeated Congressional bills in the recent past.

Correct, and those bills were not specific to protests relating to immigration, which makes it vanishingly unlikely that Trump's social media post was specific to immigration either.

by Inso0 k

In 2021, American Community Survey found roughly 1 in 50 attendees at American institutions of higher education were here illegally.

Not sure if it's higher or lower today, but yeah, there are a lot of them.

Right but then those wouldn't be American students, no?

On the

, Trump made it perfectly clear what he thinks of the right to free speech and the right to assembly. It was also, in my eyes, the day that Trump showed that he is a fascist at heart.

This is the perspective in which to view his statement on campus protests. Nitpicking on the fact that he includes the term "illegal protest" is naive. Trump considered rioters trying to overthrow a democratic election right, he considered the peaceful protest in Lafayette park wrong.

A president who judges the legality of protests based on right and wrong is problematic in itself. Furthermore, it should be obvious to anyone what his metric for right and wrong is, and it is not a particularly appealing one unless you have made liking the man your identity.

by 57 On Red k

Possibly the administration is seeking payback for those defeats, as the Trump White House seems to be governed by a retributive score-settling mentality. (Which is characteristic of narcissists, for those interested in the psychology of it.)

I would feel quite comfortable upgrading that "possibly" to "almost certainly."

0% chance it's referring to protests with undocumented immigrants participating. Those wouldn't even be illegal.
