Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 23 Views 23
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

34391 Replies


by Bill Haywood k

Israel is not providing aid, it is completely cut off to encourage people to leave.

The 50,000 figure is for identified bodies known to the Gaza health ministry. The people buried in the rubble, and who will die of dysentery and myriad other causes, are not included in that.

And note that the predictions of ethnic cleansing are being fulfilled:

Where does this myth come from?

Palestinian officials said the war in Gaza has killed more than 50,000 people after Israel ended the ceasefire last week in a wave of strikes that killed hundreds.

I see no qualification of “identified bodies”. Furthermore this figure also includes Hamas soldiers that have been killed.

And no, you guys were not just predicting ethnic cleansing, you were predicting holocaust and mass starvation campaigns. By the way if Israel had been allowed to relocate Palestinians to Egypt the death toll wouldn’t nearly be so high, but that’s a strategy to use Palestinians as human shields which the international community has tacitly allowed.

by bundy5 k

It doesn't surprise me that Victor is a strong supporter of NK as well as after all they are fighting with Russia against Ukraine too.

It is time for Hamas to lay down their arms and surrender and come out of their holes they are hiding in. As it is clear now the IDF is about to begin a period of permanent occupancy of Gaza to rid the area of all Hamas militants and will do whatever it takes now after they failed to live up to their side of the deal for hostages.

who said I am a strong supporter of NK? saying they are better than Western countries that are drenched in blood is like a tallest midget type thing.

by checkraisdraw k

Since when do I support ISIS? You’re projecting the fact that you support Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, IRGC because you’re against Israel onto me.


ISIS were the guys fighting against Syria. they are the guys in charge now.

by Crossnerd k

I saw things that I hadn’t seen before. Kinda makes Victor look like the arbiter of truth itt. Not gonna lie.

The film is about the West Bank. Victor doesn't discuss the West Bank much, if at all. What goes on there, infamous as it is, does not suit his approach because there's not enough stuff going bang.

by checkraisdraw k

Where does this myth come from?

I see no qualification of “identified bodies”. Furthermore this figure also includes Hamas soldiers that have been killed.

And no, you guys were not just predicting ethnic cleansing, you were predicting holocaust and mass starvation campaigns. By the way if Israel had been allowed to relocate Palestinians to Egypt the death toll wouldn’t nearly be so high, but that’s a strategy to use Palesti

we have been over this dozens of times in this thread.

they only count the dead who reach the hospital that can be identified.

by checkraisdraw k

By the way if Israel had been allowed to relocate Palestinians to Egypt the death toll wouldn’t nearly be so high...

'If we could just ethnically cleanse them, we wouldn't have to kill them! Pity us for the terrible work that our enemies force us to do!'

by 57 On Red k

'If we could just ethnically cleanse them, we wouldn't have to kill them! Pity us for the terrible work that our enemies force us to do!'

There used to be more support for the 2 State Solution deal but something happened. Maybe you can remind us? Lol.

As for the death toll figure, does it also include the Palestinians killed by Hamas themselves? Don’t forget that some 20% of the projectiles fired by Hamas land on Gazans.

by 57 On Red k

The film is about the West Bank. Victor doesn't discuss the West Bank much, if at all. What goes on there, infamous as it is, does not suit his approach because there's not enough stuff going bang.

I mean, Israel is doing daily crimes and theft. I already post too much itt if I listed all of the pogroms they are doing there.

heres some West Bank news thats pertinent to todays discussion

by Victor k

I mean, Israel is doing daily crimes and theft. I already post too much itt if I listed all of the pogroms they are doing there.

Actual comedy

by Dunyain k

10 million people were moved away from fighting in Darfur, over 2 million to other countries. Could you imagine what a **** show it would be if most of the world was agreed they had to stay in the conflict areas because moving them away would be "genocide?"

I would agree to moved all those gaza Palestinians in the U.S. !
Wouldn’t It be great ?

I’m sure those 2 millions people from darfur had a great life those time they left right ?
Certainly not in horrible camps….

At least half a million people remain in displacement camps in Darfur, two decades after a bloody conflict broke out between the Arab-dominated Sudanese government and rebel groups.

For many among the displaced, there is no home to return to. Some have had their villages burned to the ground, others say their homes are now occupied by Arab tribes. Conditions are difficult in the camps, with malnourishment rampant and international agencies forced to cut down on their aid due to funding constraints.

Great logic duny …

Pablo Escobar would have been a great Jew leader today !
He was a precursor of a winning strategy !
Killing civilians isn’t a problem at all as long you target your political enemies .
It’s all good .

Drug king Pablo Escobar, of the Medellín drug cartel, planned the bombing in the lead-up to the 1990 elections, hoping the bomb plot would kill presidential candidate César Gaviria.[7]: 80 [8] One account states that two

by checkraisdraw k

But it’s absolutely not that, though. Because when Assad was gassing his own civilians in a civil war that saw the death of hundreds of thousands (not theoretical future deaths but actual dead), I never saw lefties say that this was genocide. In fact very man of them said that we should not be concerned with what’s happening in that country.

Even if I grant you that Israel should not be receiving any kind of aid whatsoever from the US, that still doesn’t get you to calling it a genocide or saying

Assad never gassed his own citizens. That is an indisputable fact and it is the position of the actual Left, not what you might think of the Left. Like Bill Hayword here is not even really the Left despite what he tells you. Even he is actually a left leaning neoliberal. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, and you have to coalition with people like him, but ultimately he doesn't stand on principle and he's not really a Leftist in my book. The actual Left doesn't just indiscriminately ingest CIA lies such as Assad gassed his own people so on your counterexample you fail.

The Syrian civil war in total is also a creation of the West and is aided by our tax dollars. But who is giving money right now to HTS? I don't think anybody is (I could be wrong). It was def lower budget to get violence going in a place with a history of sectarian divisions ruled over by a universally unpopular leader, and easier to entangle root causes and proximate causes. But what is happening in Israel, the genocide, is clear to see and could not happen without a ton of U.S. support.

There is no double standard when it comes to criticizing Israel. It's not antisemitism. In fact Jews are the most favored "minority" in the U.S. We even see tons of people claiming they are Jewish when they aren't, trying to get on Jewish dating sites etc. The polling is clear that Jews are well liked in the U.S.. It's a complete 180 from like the 50s when Jews were very much maligned and hated by large swaths of the country.

Again with claiming something which is the opposite of reality, America loves Jewish people and you are talking nonstop about antisemitism. Israel is killing tens of thousands of people and you are claiming they are victims. There is only a certain proportion of the population you can convince up is down and you've got those people already so give it a rest with the bs.

by checkraisdraw k

And no, you guys were not just predicting ethnic cleansing, you were predicting holocaust and mass starvation campaigns.

So we're three for three? Meanwhile, the people who swore up and down that Israel wasn't going to take anyone's land and everyone would be allowed to return to their homes are not looking very prescient right now.

by checkraisdraw k

By the way if Israel had been allowed to relocate Palestinians to Egypt the death toll wouldn’t nearly be so high

You know, if Israel wasn't dedicated to eradicating it neighbors, the death toll wold probably be way lower.

by Victor k

who said I am a strong supporter of NK? saying they are better than Western countries that are drenched in blood is like a tallest midget type thing.

ISIS were the guys fighting against Syria. they are the guys in charge now.

All middle easterners look the same to you?

Al-Sharaa created the al-Nusra Front in 2012 with the support of al-Qaeda to fight the Assad regime in the Syrian civil war. As emir of the al-Nusra Front, al-Sharaa built a stronghold in the northwestern Idlib Governorate. He resisted Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's attempts to merge al-Nusra Front with the Islamic State, leading to war between the two groups. In 2016, al-Sharaa cut al-Nusra's ties with al-Qaeda. Since breaking with al-Qaeda, he has sought international legitimacy by presenting a more moderate view of himself, jettisoning transnational jihadism against Western nations, and focusing on governance in Syria while vowing to protect Syria's minorities.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

No, I haven’t seen Platoon and I’m not sure what a fictional movie has to do with the discussion at hand. If you want to check out the valid source I provided then maybe a discussion can occur.

Of course you didn’t see it .

Oliver Stone, a Vietnam War veteran, wrote and directed "Platoon," and the film is heavily influenced by his own experiences as a U.S. infantryman in Vietnam

You would understand the point and comprehend your link do not matter ….
Isn’t about if it’s true or not .
Again ill repeat , some collateral damages are unfortunately unavoidable, but to believe a 25-1 ratio of civilians is still only collateral damages is pretty stupid .
You have become too dehumanized to comprehend this simple fact for w.e reason ….and it’s fine shrug .

Platoon: It’s just about 2 pov during the Vietnam war inside a platoon.
Those that believe it’s wrong to shoot civilians and those that agree shooting civilians is ok .

You would feel just at home ….

by Deuces McKracken k

Assad never gassed his own citizens. That is an indisputable fact and it is the position of the actual Left, not what you might think of the Left. Like Bill Hayword here is not even really the Left despite what he tells you. Even he is actually a left leaning neoliberal. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, and you have to coalition with people like him, but ultimately he doesn't stand on principle and he's not really a Leftist in my book. The actual Left doesn't just indiscriminately ingest CIA lies

Thank you to Deuces and Victor for showing how insane the left is. Never again let them tell you that the far right Israelis are evil when they themselves will staunchly defend regimes that engaged in gassing of civilians. Say what you will about Israel, at least Arab Israelis are not having chemical weapons and bombs dropped on them.

by Trolly McTrollson k

So we're three for three? Meanwhile, the people who swore up and down that Israel wasn't going to take anyone's land and everyone would be allowed to return to their homes are not looking very prescient right now.

You know, if Israel wasn't dedicated to eradicating it neighbors, the death toll wold probably be way lower.

0/3 so far now actually, since no ethnic cleansing has actually happened. Hint: in order to be threatened to be removed you actually have to be in the place they are threatening to remove you from.

by checkraisdraw k

0/3 so far now actually, since no ethnic cleansing has actually happened. Hint: in order to be threatened to be removed you actually have to be in the place they are threatening to remove you from.

This must have seemed like such a mic drop when it first popped into your head.

by checkraisdraw k

Thank you to Deuces and Victor for showing how insane the left is. Never again let them tell you that the far right Israelis are evil when they themselves will staunchly defend regimes that engaged in gassing of civilians. Say what you will about Israel, at least Arab Israelis are not having chemical weapons and bombs dropped on them.

do you have any idea what the HTS thugs, formerly of ISIS, are doing right now? they have murdered 10s of thousands this month.

from what I can tell, Assad was not a good guy, but he was not so bad that it was worth spending billions of dollars to turn the country into a bloodbath and install former Al Qaeda and ISIS headchoppers as the new regime.

Not a deflection because I think the situation in Israel is obviously historic/grave, but for people who talk about democracies in the Middle East, and what that does or doesn't look like:

Are you guys following what's happening in Turkey? That is THE super power in the Middle East to my eyes. Very big moment for them. And they are shutting down democracy with an iron fist.

Nice deflection.

by checkraisdraw k

Thank you to Deuces and Victor for showing how insane the left is. Never again let them tell you that the far right Israelis are evil when they themselves will staunchly defend regimes that engaged in gassing of civilians. Say what you will about Israel, at least Arab Israelis are not having chemical weapons and bombs dropped on them.

I don't think Assad gassed anyone. That represents my assimilation of the relevant facts, not some level of extremism. I don't like Assad. I have no reason to defend him. If you learn about the geopolitics of the region you might understand why there was a need to destabilize Syria. If you read about the controversy with the U.N. weapons inspectors you might understand that my opinion is that of the experts and yours is that of propaganda. Or you can think about it for 2 seconds and ask yourself why on Earth Assad would ever do that in that situation, basically the absolute dumbest thing he could have ever done. Nobody, not even any members of the pro government coalition, likes Assad. I don't like Trump either, but I have to say Russiagate was a hoax, and now we all (who have more than 2 brain cells) realize I was right about that. I was right about it in here in 2017 because it was deducible even then.

Arab Israelis are not feeling very safe at the moment, not that they ever could. Many ITT have seen documentaries on the treatment of Arab Israelis. It's basically something like the Jim Crow treatment of black people earlier in the 20th century. Racism in Israel is built into the national ideology. It is an ethno-supremacist state. That's why it's an evil. That's why I remind people that no state, let alone an evil state, has a right to exist. We can shut it down whenever we get the right political regime going here, if we ever get these corrupt bastards who take AIPAC money ran out.

we got a couple comedians in here tonight oh yeah

by Deuces McKracken k

Arab Israelis are not feeling very safe at the moment, not that they ever could. Many ITT have seen documentaries on the treatment of Arab Israelis. It's basically something like the Jim Crow treatment of black people earlier in the 20th century. Racism in Israel is built into the national ideology. It is an ethno-supremacist state. That's why it's an evil. That's why I remind people that no state, let alone an evil state, has a right to exist. We can shut it down whenever we get the right polit

This is utter horsesh*t from a person who hasn't spent a single minute in Israel. Just go, visit. You'll be perfectly safe. You'll see this is a total fabrication.
