Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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34307 Replies
I understand it .
Clearly u didn’t see platoon …
Keep believing killing innocent civilian is acceptable.
That is what war do, it dehumanizes people .
I guess will talk back later when Israel reach a 100 -1 ratio if you had enough blood .
No, I haven’t seen Platoon and I’m not sure what a fictional movie has to do with the discussion at hand. If you want to check out the valid source I provided then maybe a discussion can occur.
Think about the implication of them not being bad on basic facts - they would have to agree with us or admit they are nazi incarnate. For most people to maintain or carry forward the hasbara spun narratives it would be too much work to create a consistent, selective fact base supporting the narrative. So they just throw facts to the wind altogether because they understand that much, that facts are bad. When a Zionist refuses to abuse or ignore facts they become Benny Morris but without the brain or knowledge, probably more harm than good. I'm sure that when Israel is planning on how to create the narrative zombies such as we see in ITT they try to teach them to disavow facts and just keep spouting the narratives over and over.
when the facts are indisputable, like Israel breaking the ceasefire and doing mass murder, then they just go with the weakest, most transparent justification given. like just the other day they bombed the **** out of South Lebanon bc they claim that Hezbollah shot some missiles at them.
they even provided pictures of the launch sites.
critical thinking is not their strong suit.
"Israel’s message is unequivocal: Gaza will be uninhabitable. Leave or die."
when the facts are indisputable, like Israel breaking the ceasefire and doing mass murder, then they just go with the weakest, most transparent justification given. like just the other day they bombed the **** out of South Lebanon bc they claim that Hezbollah shot some missiles at them.
they even provided pictures of the launch sites.
critical thinking is not their strong suit.
No one is even denying rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon. Hezbollah has so far denied involvement, and the Lebanese army said they are investigating.
Obviously it was Hezbollah. But this just underscores what a complete failure of a nation Lebanon (and really most of the Middle East) is; where it is just accepted that non state actors hoard thousands of rockets and use them to start wars; and the nation itself is either unwilling or unable to do anything about it.
Lol Victor’s version of “basic facts” is made up entirely of falsehoods and lies. No one cares what he thinks the facts are. If you think something I said was false (which it wasn’t), then point it out because you guys don’t get the benefit of the doubt. He’s already shown himself to be completely wrong and confused on many topics.
Think about the implication of them not being bad on basic facts - they would have to agree with us or admit they are nazi incarnate. For most people to maintain or carry forward the hasbara spun narratives it would be too much work to create a consistent, selective fact base supporting the narrative. So they just throw facts to the wind altogether because they understand that much, that facts are bad. When a Zionist refuses to abuse or ignore facts they become Benny Morris but without the brain
Brother get help.
dont forget who the real mass rapists are
say the line Bart...
every accusation is a...
oh also, in Western nations, womens rights means the women get to do some rape too.
Lol Victor’s version of “basic facts” is made up entirely of falsehoods and lies.
and yet you could never dispute anything I say and instead must speak in generalities.
Get facts. I've got them. The great thing about them is I can give them to you and still keep them myself. When you accept facts you have the potential to be self actualized. You don't have to burden yourself with all these contradictions. It's not good. People who are in alignment with what they say live less stressful lives.
Right now you are saying that an entity which has mass murdered 10s of thousands of a captive population is simultaneously the victim. Your mind knows that this is an unresolved contradiction. Either that or you are truly lost and insane. Don't make yourself insane when you aren't even getting paid. You're carrying on with lies to cover up genocide and you are doing it pro bono. Think about that for a second. I'm fighting to keep my tax money from supporting evil. What are you even doing for yourself that you would fracture your psyche with deceptions and self deceptions?
The IDF say their troops are now pushing both north and south from the central corridor in Gaza. They're also preparing to send tanks into southern Lebanon.

Meanwhile the Israelis have created a government department to oversee the supposed 'voluntary transfer' of Gazans elsewhere in line with Trump's ethnic-cleansing-and-annexation proposal. There were 100,000-strong demonstrations across Israel last night demanding a renewed ceasefire to allow return of the remaining hostages.
Hamas now says that over 50,000 Gazans have been killed, exceeding 2% of the enclave's pre-war population.
The IDF say their troops are now pushing both north and south from the central corridor in Gaza. They're also preparing to send tanks into southern Lebanon.

Meanwhile the Israelis have created a government department to oversee the supposed 'voluntary transfer' of Gazans elsewhere in line with Trump's ethnic-cleansing-and-annexation proposal. There were 100,000-strong demonstrations across Israel last night demanding a renewed ceasef
It really is bizarre how there are literally millions of people in the Palestinian diaspora around the world who are thriving, and yet the thought that any of the 2 million in Gaza might voluntarily want the same thing is anathema to the Muslim and progressive world.
It must suck to be a Gazan, knowing that so much of the world is so emotionally invested in you living the worst life possible, and propping up Hamas (who completely suck beyond all imagining) as your governing body, just to own the Jews.
It really is bizarre how there are literally millions of people in the Palestinian diaspora around the world who are thriving, and yet the thought that any of the 2 million in Gaza might voluntarily want the same thing is anathema to the Muslim and progressive world.
It must suck to be a Gazan, knowing that so much of the world is so emotionally invested in you living the worst life possible, and propping up Hamas (who completely suck beyond all imagining) as your governing body, just to own t
Forcibly displacing people can be seen as akin to ethnic cleansing. That's why it's not going down particularly well with people.
Akin to ethnic-cleaning - the euphemism de choix for crypto-fascists.
I've removed you from ig.
Personally, I would regard forcible displacement as ethnic cleansing, to clarify. I say akin, as there's some disagreement of the term, and I didn't want Dunain potentially hair splitting or disagreeing, due to there being no absolute agreement. But again I personally would class it as ethnic cleansing.
Progressivism is the nut low of ideologies. nothing good can come of adopting progressive language and framing. It is a complete bad faith epistemological dead end.
Keep obsessing about ethnic cleansing and genocide, and ignore how real concrete steps can be taken so things could actually improve (by changing the incentive structures so Palestinians aren’t ruled by terrorist gangs). But don’t be surprised if nothing ever gets better taking this approach.
Don’t be surprised if nothing ever gets better with Conservative politics designed to resist change that’s inevitable.
Progressivism is the nut low of ideologies. nothing good can come of adopting progressive language and framing. It is a complete bad faith epistemological dead end.
Keep obsessing about ethnic cleansing and genocide, and ignore how real concrete steps can be taken so things could actually improve (by changing the incentive structures so Palestinians aren’t ruled by terrorist gangs). But don’t be surprised if nothing ever gets better taking this approach.
I don't think Israel is committing genocide. If it forcibly displaces people against their will however, then they will be committing ethnic cleansing.
This is literally the only conflict framed this way. For completely political reasons that have zero to do with the well being of the people involved.
No it was framed that way in the Bosnian conflict and Kosovo also, not to mention Darfur.
I don't think Israel is committing genocide. If it forcibly displaces people against their will however, then they will be committing ethnic cleansing.
its one of the most complete genocides in history. Germany didnt chase Jews to the ends of the earth to harass them and destroy their culture. in fact, they helped transfer many to Palestine and worked with the Zionist settlers.
the USA didnt chase Native Americans throughout the planet and destroy their lives.
does China chase Uyghurs all over the world to attack them?
Dun tries to act like Palestinians are safe in the USA or Europe but the fact is that they are arrested, killed, and deported at the behest of Israel all over the world. its a worldwide genocide.
No it isn't vic and I also remember you stanning for North Korea and claiming they were more moral than the west.