Ukraine-Russia War Take 2
Here is what the preliminary take on the Ukraine thread disappearing is:
The site was hit with a massive spam attack where hundreds of spam threads were created. In the case where, for example, I see a single spam thread and delete it, that is called a soft delete, and mods can still see them but forum members cannot. Those deletion can be undone.
When a massive attack hits with hundreds of threads, an admin uses a different procedure where the hundreds of spam threads are merged and then hard deleted, where the threads are gone, and no note is left behind. As I have mentioned with my own experience of just soft deleting a large number of posts, sometimes a post or thread gets checked or merged accidentally and is deleted by mistake. Dealing with hundreds of spam threads takes a sledgehammer, not a scalpel.
It appears that our Ukraine thread may have gotten caught up in that recent net of spam threads. If so, it is likely gone for good. I cant say this for sure, and am awaiting comments from admins on this issue. Yes, this sucks. And hopefully there was some other software glitch that caused the disappearance, and we may recover it in the future.
But in the meantime, I have created this new Ukraine-Russia War thread to enable the conversation to continue. Obviously continuity with earlier discussions will be lost. There is no way around that. So as best as possible, let's pick up the conversation with recent events and go from there.
If you have any questions about this, please post them in the mod thread, not here. Let's keep this thread going with posts about the war, not the disappearance of the old thread.
Tough. In the 21st century how do you fight an enemy that has zero regard for their own population, and weaponizes your own empathy against you?
Remember, Yemen is a giant, overpopulated (and getting worse, one of the highest population growth rates in the world) welfare state that relies completely on Western aid for the survival of its people.
Under a different moral framework, you just cut off aid, cripple infrastructure and siege Houthis into submission. But tens of millions of people might die before that happened.
In the 21st century I am not sure there is much to do about the Houthis, unless we are willing to withhold aid as leverage. Seems everyone has decided just to go around South Africa and have higher shipping costs. China buys a lot of Iran oil and doesn't have their morality weaponized against them like western nations have, so they have leverage and have negotiated safe passage for their ships (there is also accusations China is directly aiding the Houthis).
He is definitely not a republican. The biggest donor to his foundation is Soros. He is very much a globalist. Perhaps his biggest position is investing in green energy.
He just sees china as the future leader of a globalist world. Who knows. Maybe this is the correct analysis?
So you saying someone being a globalist isn’t American ?
Globalism is about free trade right ?
Wasn’t Republican/libertarian vivid proponents of free trade , being the best way to run an economy and create wealth ?
Now it’s the opposite ?
Like I said, tell that to the people in Serbia, Iraq, Syria, and probably 15 places in Africa I dont know about. Didn't the Trump administration recently announce they supported some breakaway nation in the Horn of Africa area?
I think there are valid reasons to support Ukrainian independence, and decry the Russian invasion. But I would caution against the "borders are sacrosanct" argument, as this is something the rest of the world finds the West is very hypocritical and self serving with.
I can agree to that and that is why I gave Putin a pass in 2014 for Crimea …
Not the second time around tho …