Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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How to protect your countries borders against foreign invaders
Man so difficult.
BGP why did you have to throw in a racist remark about Palestinians being human shields. Do you think of Israelis in the same way? Have you posted as such?
Reported for racism
that is a disturbing racist trope
Can assassinate this guy, get a bomb planted in Tehran but don't know when a 3,000 person assault from their neighbor in a sandbox is coming.
I know, dead horse
attacking is infinitely easier than defending, especially if by defending we mean "guaranteeing nothing bad happens to you ever" and attacking means "being able to damage the enemy at least somewhere, sometimes".
How to protect your countries borders against foreign invaders
Man so difficult.
BGP why did you have to throw in a racist remark about Palestinians being human shields. Do you think of Israelis in the same way? Have you posted as such?
Reported for racism
Why would anyone think of Israelis as being human shields? Wtf lol
Great point. Both the US and Israel ignored the risk of imminent terror threats in order to secure wars as a response.
I agree
I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with anything you’ve posted, in any thread. Tbh I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say most of the time. In the off chance you post something readable, it’s abundantly clear that you have idea what you’re talking about. Are you saying here that Israel purposefully allowed 10/7 to happen to justify entering into this war?
Tbh I don’t really need an answer. Lay off the conspiracy theories bro you sound unwell.
There was no racist remark about Palestinians, in fact Palestinians weren't even mentioned. Please ask for clarification instead of jumping to conclusions next time, thanks.
if you want to call Gazans human shields then the same should apply to Israel where military infrastructure is built in, around, and below civilian areas. hes just pointing out the hypocrisy that is likely borne out of racism in some respects.
if you want to call Gazans human shields then the same should apply to Israel where military infrastructure is built in, around, and below civilian areas. hes just pointing out the hypocrisy that is likely borne out of racism in some respects.
This has been debunked and not worth examining further. Educate yourself and you’ll find some distinct differences. Your warped version of reality is not accurate.
I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with anything you’ve posted, in any thread. Tbh I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say most of the time. In the off chance you post something readable, it’s abundantly clear that you have idea what you’re talking about. Are you saying here that Israel purposefully allowed 10/7 to happen to justify entering into this war?
Tbh I don’t really need an answer. Lay off the conspiracy theories bro you sound unwell.
His name was bibi
And we has going to jail
He was the king , but not anymore
He took bribes, and he got caught
He threw a coup, and the judiciary quit
People got mad , bibi was scared
But then, oh look what happens
Oct 7.
Now bibi is fine. And the country needs a leader
Bibi is back! He will kill Hamas!
Bibi wins, Palestinians lose
Re 'israel can just defend better', remember that terrorists have kind of an easy gig in some respects, as explained by some IRA shitebag in the '80s:
'You have to be lucky always, we only have to get lucky once'
I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with anything you’ve posted, in any thread. Tbh I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say most of the time. In the off chance you post something readable, it’s abundantly clear that you have idea what you’re talking about. Are you saying here that Israel purposefully allowed 10/7 to happen to justify entering into this war?
Tbh I don’t really need an answer. Lay off the conspiracy theories bro you sound unwell.
His name was bush, and his daddy was president!
He was a governor, and he liked cocaine!
His brother was also a governor, but he liked Mexican women
Ole baby bush, he ran for prez.
And when he ran, he basically lost!
But then his brother, oh yes his brother!
His brother helped him win a state!
His brother helped him win a state by 500 votes lmao
Are you slow? Do you think that’s real?
Do you see? Can you use your brain?
The king just had his son win. The Kings son, who was a prince, helped his brother prince, become king
And just like that, Cheney and Rumsfeld were back in charge
And just like that, 9/11 did happen!
And within those classified 28 pages, we saw that the govt knew!
But then the govt lied! And we invaded Afghanistan
And then the govt lied some more, and we invaded Iraq!
And Halliburton made all the money
And the guy who tried to kill the king was deposed by the kings son
$10 trillion dollars were spent and over 10k American troops/ contractors lost their lives.
Use your brain
Conspiracy ?
We knew osama was in Pakistan but we kept fighting a war in Afghanistan for 11+ years
Do you think the moon is real? I think you need to close your windows because the chem trails are really messing with your brain waves.
This has been debunked and not worth examining further. Educate yourself and you’ll find some distinct differences. Your warped version of reality is not accurate.
One side has unlimited allowances for killing and stealing and the other side is not allowed to resist. That's the difference.
I know the moon is real. Do you think it turns tho
DoyleBrunsonFan, please take a timeout from this thread until 12 AM eastern time. You’ve made too many personal attacks.
PointlessWords, please drop this detail. This is the Israel/Palestine thread.
I think bilzerian reads this thread. He just destroyed israel on tiktok. He sounded exactly like victor
The convictions are probably legit.
When you can hold detainees indefinitely why would you send any of them in front of a judge without overwhelming evidence? The rest you can just keep rubber stamping their continued detainment every 6 months.
anything that backs bold up? i'm skeptical given, as you say, that their judges rubber stamp these detainment hearings in under 60 seconds on average. leads me to believe that they don't need to provide overwhelming evidence, or any at all really.