Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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34648 Replies
But the deal as I remember it was to negotiate a second phase during the first phase. It was never to immediately start the second phase even if negotiations during the first phase broke down.
all of this is easy to look. the agreement was to start negotiations on the second phase midway through the first. Israel never started those negotiations.
negotions never broke down. bc they were never started. bc of Israel. bc Israel wants to kill them all Bibi. bc genocide of the natives is a core tenet of Israeli nationlist ideology.
all of this is easy to look. the agreement was to start negotiations on the second phase midway through the first. Israel never started those negotiations.
negotions never broke down. bc they were never started. bc of Israel. bc Israel wants to kill them all Bibi. bc genocide of the natives is a core tenet of Israeli nationlist ideology.
A deal was in place but Hamas rejected it.
Let me guess, all liberal virtue signalers.
To get the hostages out and then after that destroy them. Seeing as they aren't playing ball anymore Trump and IDF were forced to act. If Hamas didn't see that coming and warn civilians to evacuate as they might get caught up in some collateral damage that is completely on Hamas for not sticking to the deal and being aware of what the consequences would be if they didn't comply and just shows the absolute disregard they have for the people they are meant to be governing.
Hamas stuck to the deal. wtf is wrong with you people? Israel killed 100s during the ceasefire, didnt engage in the negotiations for the second phase, and didnt let in anywhere close to the amount of agreed upon aid.
all of this is easy to look up.
To get the hostages out
the hostages were being released for the last 2 months. now, with the bombing, they arent being released and in fact Israel killed another a few days ago.
if you want the hostages out, then you want a ceasefire. if you want to kill Palestinians, then that means the hostages die. you cant do both.
Who is you people? There's bad actors on both sides. You won't find me picking sides here but I do demand better.
No! There are not bad actors on both sides. The bad actors are the terrorists like Hamas and the 30 other terror groups in Gaza. I never intended on picking a side but it's impossible to ignore who the bad people are. I choose the non Jihad side. It's that simple.
Hamas isn’t obligated to accept either US or Israeli terms to extend the first phase, or go into a second phase.
But at the same time, if the sides couldn’t come to any agreement to start the second phase by a specified date, the ceasefire was over. Which is what happened.
And like I said, I kind of remember Netanyahu stating this was what was going to happen before the first phase even started.
Hamas over-arching strategy, which worked for 20 years, has always been to start limited wars they could end on their terms, and rely on international and domestic pressure to force Israel to end fighting on their terms.
And for good or bad, Israel isnt playing by those rules at the moment.
Who is you people? There's bad actors on both sides. You won't find me picking sides here but I do demand better.
Is the Netanyahu regime actually bad actors? Or are they just acting unethically immorally (in your opinion).
If they are doing exactly what they say they are going to do, that isn’t bad acting.
Like I said, I don’t remember the regime ever saying the second phase was likely to happen . And I kind of remember them saying it wasn’t.
Nothing says only democracy in the Middle East
Nothing says OnLy dEmOcRaCy In t3h MiDdLe EaSt like passing a bill that allows upto a life sentence for co-operating with an ICC criminal investigation against other Israelis
What in **** are you talking about, Israel and Hamas had a deal to do exactly this before Bibi broke the terms of the agreement.
Israel became aware that Hamas was very comfortable waiting, and not returning the hostages. There's a lot you don't understand about this conflict.
And you gotta understand, Hamas CAN'T give the last ones back. And everyone who saw this deal knew this "deal" would fail right here. Hamas is over as soon as the last hostage crosses back. That's their END. They can't have that.
Anyone that actually wants to hear people who know what they're talking about, who understand the "deal", can listen to this:
And believe me, it's not flattering for Israel. But those are the facts if you actually want to hear them
Hamas isn’t obligated to accept either US or Israeli terms to extend the first phase, or go into a second phase.
But at the same time, if the sides couldn’t come to any agreement to start the second phase by a specified date, the ceasefire was over. Which is what happened.
And like I said, I kind of remember Netanyahu stating this was what was going to happen before the first phase even started.
Hamas over-arching strategy, which worked for 20 years, has always been to start lim
Listen to ANY podcast from months ago from anyone who knew what they were talking about. I can find you three.
EVERYONE with a brain said this was the phase where it was impossible to see it through. The stated goals are in direct opposition for each group. For Hamas, it was just time (rest, rearm, refinance, recruit). For Israel, it was just getting SOME out.
Anyone who doesn't understand this is playing checkers in a thread about chess. And I'm sorry if that's just dawning on some of you.
this is why you cant make deals with Israelis. just look at this dishonesty. I dont think you are unaware of the absurdity of your replies.
Nothing says only democracy in the Middle East
Nothing says OnLy dEmOcRaCy In t3h MiDdLe EaSt like passing a bill that allows upto a life sentence for co-operating with an ICC criminal investigation against other Israelis
If the occupation phase goes as it seems it might, believe me this is going to be a chill post compared to the ones you're going to make.
this is why you cant make deals with Israelis. just look at this dishonesty. I dont think you are unaware of the absurdity of your replies.
Dude it's the SAME for Hamas. And not just that, the SAME for the Middle East.
You have all this disdain for the West. But Victor, the Middle East is just dog eat dog. Crush your enemy. Fool your enemy. Create victories so complete their children's children won't think to attack you.
That you are in denial that this is exactly the Hamas playbook too, is stunning (I'm sure Blue still isn't over it, lol). How do you think Israel stays in the fight man? By blowing people's hands off with pagers, and pulling moves like that hospital trap. And believe me Victor, every time that happens, the other side thinks "damn why didn't we think of that?"
THAT, is the Middle East. The Middle East where Assad fell in a few days and then people got liquidated like it was Rwanda. Your antisemitism comes from the fact that you honestly believe it's the Jews who are abnormally cruel. That too my friend, is a fact about you.
Now start accepting what Trump has done here. Start taking it in Victor. There is no occupation under Biden. These are the facts...
you guys live in a fantasy world. but words have no meaning for people like you guys. I always forget that.
It's just that they use words in a strictly anti-social way. When mondogig says "there is no genocide" the meaning is that not only is there a genocide but he can and will deny it because he's so deeply indoctrinated that he sees you or anyone with words against his side as the absolute enemy. If you want to keep fighting the enemy you can't talk in good faith because that would end the conflict. The Zionists lust for conflict and hate any communication that threatens to promote understanding or adherence to stated values.
I think these guys sitting around cheer leading genocide are probably some of the world's biggest losers. You've got to hate the world to root on the unreal pain the Palestinians are experiencing. You hate the world, are usually full of quiet desperation, but now you have your chance to hate out loud without any social consequences. And now we see what was underneath the polite facade the whole time.
It's just that they use words in a strictly anti-social way. When mondogig says "there is no genocide" the meaning is that not only is there a genocide but he can and will deny it because he's so deeply indoctrinated that he sees you or anyone with words against his side as the absolute enemy. If you want to keep fighting the enemy you can't talk in good faith because that would end the conflict. The Zionists lust for conflict and hate any communication that threatens to promote understanding or
Actually my racist friend, you have it backwards. The Israelis want peace and normalization. Nobody wants to keep sending sons and daughters to war (because it's everyone's sons and daughters more or less), it's exhausting. It's a drain on the economy too.
But if you leave Hamas right there, it's a forever war. That's a fact. Nobody wants to rebuild Gaza to tear it back down.
Israel is choosing a final showdown. The final showdown the Trump presidency affords them.
I don't know what I'd pick frankly. I have to see how it plays out.
It's just that they use words in a strictly anti-social way. When mondogig says "there is no genocide" the meaning is that not only is there a genocide but he can and will deny it because he's so deeply indoctrinated that he sees you or anyone with words against his side as the absolute enemy. If you want to keep fighting the enemy you can't talk in good faith because that would end the conflict. The Zionists lust for conflict and hate any communication that threatens to promote understanding or
truly. and its like they are just amusing themselves. they know that they are not obliged to use words responsibly but we are.
Trump told them they had by Saturday at 12 noon to release all of the hostages. They failed to comply and now they will die.
Always love your supreme logic .
I’m anti Hamas so I’m a puppet of Hamas lol …
Again only extremist don’t see themselves as extremist exactly like talibans , Hamas, maga , luciom fascist and ….you on bibi side ….
While the world was busy condemning Israel this is what was happening. I hope this makes it more clear to you now why Israel is doing what it is doing.
"Bring them home".
Always love your supreme logic .
I’m anti Hamas so I’m a puppet of Hamas lol …
Again only extremist don’t see themselves as extremist exactly like talibans , Hamas, maga , luciom fascist and ….you on bibi side ….
Virtue signalers have the same issue. It's noble to want to be on the side of the good guys. At some point though you need to recognize who the good guys and who the bad guys are. There is simply nothing to argue here. Watch and learn from the video I have posted above. The Gazan people aren't the sweet innocent victims you think they are.
Hamas stuck to the deal. wtf is wrong with you people? Israel killed 100s during the ceasefire, didnt engage in the negotiations for the second phase, and didnt let in anywhere close to the amount of agreed upon aid.
all of this is easy to look up.
the hostages were being released for the last 2 months. now, with the bombing, they arent being released and in fact Israel killed another a few days ago.
if you want the hostages out, then you want a ceasefire. if you want to kill Palestinians, then
The deal was broken officially by Hamas 2 weeks ago. However I'd be dishonest if I didnt say the moment the Bibas were not returned alive was the moment we knew this war was not over. After what those vermin put us thru with their spectacles completely disrespecting our entire society, returned the wrong body, lying about their cause of death.. horrible decision they made and I know you are not capable of holding them accountable bc you have the soft bigotry of low expectation so you excuse all their barbaric ways.
But they didnt stop. They ramped up attacks in WB, attempted to fire rockets from Gaza into Israel(they are wholly inept and ended up torching a nearby building then misfiring and gg'ing anothere of their own), they officially broke the ceasefire terms with these actions. We continued to be patient to give them every chance possible to save themselves, but they still do not care about their people more than they hate us. They're willing to force a battlefield to be right where their women and kids are while they hide beneath them.
I wonder if it’s a good reason that because some horrible people in power in another country doesn’t care about their own citizens and human life , it should be a green light to not care either about human life .
Let’s just be as bad as them hoping to gather sympathy to our cause .
If the enemy so bad , doing the same thing doesn’t make you good .
Great plan tho …
Hopefully maybe at 10k death of Palestinians for every Jews , it will be enough for the bloodthirsty to have they cup full ….
But to believe a ratio of that magnitude would calm the hate toward Jews by that group is damn imbecile …
Always love your supreme logic .
I’m anti Hamas so I’m a puppet of Hamas lol …
Again only extremist don’t see themselves as extremist exactly like talibans , Hamas, maga , luciom fascist and ….you on bibi side ….
The difference is we go thru painstaking lengths to only attack military targets. Whereas they only attack civilian ones, On 10/7 it was basically their first time ever that they attacked IDF when they came into the observation post/base that had a dozen women IDF who were not trained for combat and carried no weapons. The other 95% of their day was spent on civilians.
This isn't really an issue you can be in the middle on. You're of course free to your opinion, but this conflict has grown to represent two completely different worldviews. Either you support Western democracy or you don't. I could make a more hyperbolic statement about who the enemy truly is, but at this point everyones mind is made up.
Fwiw there isn't a single one of the buzzwords that they love to levy against Israel that isn't more true about their side.