Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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To reiterate some of the points:

1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

34011 Replies


by Dunyain k

Remember when they had a giant screening of the Oct 7th attacks with thousands of Gazans loving every minute of it?

by corpus vile k

Lets go!

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

you think that if a guy came on here and said he was a member of Hamas, that these child murder advocates would let him post freely?

**** no. A million rafikis would instantly ascend from Hell to scream claims of antisemitism at whatever poor sucker was the moderator at the time. What's the difference? Hamas hasn't yet killed enough innocents to gain the respect of the Zionists?

Seems quite likely that Blue has murdered more innocents than the median Hamas member has.

I'm thinking the dead people weren't so innocent.

Wasn’t trump suppose stop this war or trump in power wouldn’t had this war ?
Doesnt seem like it , cant even control bibi …

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

you think that if a guy came on here and said he was a member of Hamas, that these child murder advocates would let him post freely?

**** no. A million rafikis would instantly ascend from Hell to scream claims of antisemitism at whatever poor sucker was the moderator at the time. What's the difference? Hamas hasn't yet killed enough innocents to gain the respect of the Zionists?

Seems quite likely that Blue has murdered more innocents than the median Hamas member has.

The fact that you don’t understand why there is no such chance in hell that a Hamas operative will ever be a part of an online gambling forum, or indulge in conversation with the like of you, or will even try to reasonably communicate his thoughts and experiences, shows how little you know of the world and the different cultures.
There in no symmetry between us and Hamas, and this notion alone collapses your entire premise here.
You are a privileged stupid morally corrupt man, that paints the world in broad strokes, with probably close to zero real world experiences.

And the most stupid claim is that I "murdered more innocents than the median Hamas member has". I have one confirmed kill, and maybe a handful of militants I was possibly involved in terminating. In most cases we are not sure who actually "got the kill", as it is usually not a one-on-one fight, and many people from both sides shoot at the same time.
Also, I did much more reconnaissance and intel gathering than anything else. Not exactly a Jewish death squad, or whatever you imagine we do.

this is so lol -

On one hand Vic thinks I'm a pretender or a troll account, and on the other hand this lunatic thinks im a mass murderer with thousands of deaths on my hand


this is so lol -

On one hand Vic thinks I'm a pretender or a troll account, and on the other hand this lunatic thinks im a mass murderer with thousands of deaths on my hand

Oh that's definitely how this thread works.

Like Vic will quote Israeli media when it helps him. And then discredit it when it doesn't. You have to just accept how it is. It's funny once you get past the anger/disbelief phase.

Ive said all along that Israeli media is much more honest than Western media

But then you ALSO said Israel has been hiding their death toll (which is impossible as essentially the dead are all reported to the media once the families are notified first).

Fwiw Jews are buried so quickly and require so many people present that it's essentially impossible to hide. Like you can't freeze the body and bury them on the sly a month later.

you cant bury someone and not add them to the death toll? Im not saying people are dying and no one knows lol.

anyway, you know who else thinks that Israel was hiding their casualties? Haaretz.

Like Vic will quote Israeli media when it helps him. And then discredit it when it doesn't.

ya no ****. I use sources to support my opinions and facts.

by Victor k

you cant bury someone and not add them to the death toll? Im not saying people are dying and no one knows lol.

anyway, you know who else thinks that Israel was hiding their casualties? Haaretz.

ya no ****. I use sources to support my opinions and facts.

Lunatic post. from start to finish. you really are detached from reality


The fact that you don’t understand why there is no such chance in hell that a Hamas operative will ever be a part of an online gambling forum, or indulge in conversation with the like of you, or will even try to reasonably communicate his thoughts and experiences, shows how little you know of the world and the different cultures.
There in no symmetry between us and Hamas, and this notion alone collapses your entire premise here.
You are a privileged stupid morally corrupt man, that paints the worl

Looks like they don't learn about hypothetical arguments in Israeli child-murdering school!

And indeed, I don't know precisely how many children you personally have murdered. You've got me there. It looks like they also don't teach the use of rhetorical language in Israel. They CERTAINLY don't teach their students to not conflate Judaism with Zionism. That one is smart, though, it's a lot easier to dehumanize the enemy when you can successfully pretend that they're all Jew-haters (including all of the Jewish anti-Zionists, of whom there are many).

Anyway, you're a murderer (congrats on being one of questionable prolificness, I suppose, sick victory), and any morally upstanding state would see you imprisoned for a long stretch.


this is so lol -

On one hand Vic thinks I'm a pretender or a troll account, and on the other hand this lunatic thinks im a mass murderer with thousands of deaths on my hand

You're probably not a mass murderer, but only because you're not powerful enough within your band of murderers. Nobody said anything about you having "thousands of deaths" to your name, that's for sure. Nobody thinks you're that special. No, you're much more akin to a random brownshirt doing the bidding of leaders who are multiple ranks above you and would happily see you killed as long as you took an enemy (we'll find out later if they're a combatant or civilian) or two with you.

his leaders would murder him themselves if it was convenient! in fact, they murdered many just like him over the years via the Hannibal Directive.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Looks like they don't learn about hypothetical arguments in Israeli child-murdering school!

And indeed, I don't know precisely how many children you personally have murdered. You've got me there. It looks like they also don't teach the use of rhetorical language in Israel. They CERTAINLY don't teach their students to not conflate Judaism with Zionism. That one is smart, though, it's a lot easier to dehumanize the enemy when you can successfully pretend that they're all Jew-haters (including a

by Victor k

his leaders would murder him themselves if it was convenient! in fact, they murdered many just like him over the years via the Hannibal Directive.

Dead – what is insanity?

Well son, just read those posts

by Montrealcorp k

Wasn’t trump suppose stop this war or trump in power wouldn’t had this war ?
Doesnt seem like it , cant even control bibi …

Why aren't we saying Bibi controls him?

It's a pretty trivial inference that Epstein was an Israeli agent. It's a fact that Trump was aboard the Lolita Express. Trump is doing everything Israel wants even when it clearly contrary to American interests. The chance that Israel has evidence of Trump raping kids is at least 50/50.

Otherwise why not release the Epstein files???????

Think about what will happen if we go to war with Iran. It would have to be a nuclear bombing because we know, from simulations and exercises, that we cannot defeat Iran in any conventional war scenario. Do you think they world is going to sit there and let us nuke whoever we want and wait until it's their turn? I don't. The Israeli fascists are destroying us from the inside like lethal parasites.

lol not realizing that the USA wants a moderate middle east, and so does Israel (and the Saudies).

You guys go DEEP. It's pretty simple...

Radical Islam took down the towers. Once you accept that radical islam is coming for the West eventually, you don't really need to bend yourself into flat earther level conspiracies.

by Montrealcorp k

Wasn’t trump suppose stop this war or trump in power wouldn’t had this war ?
Doesnt seem like it , cant even control bibi …

Every single person who has a reasonable grasp on the conflict said electing Trump would be the worst possible outcome for the Palestinians.

The pro-Palestinian supporters were largely duped by misinformation (as is their custom) into voting against their interests and in favor of the Israeli far right’s interests.

Most of them are in the denial stage right now.

Btw anti Israel pro Trump people are amazing right now. Watching them fold themselves in half to cope is wild.

A moderate middle east that genocides hundreds of thousands if not millions by the time Israel's finished. Very moderate indeed. Such exemplary moderation.

It is sad that this is preferable to the alternative of radical Islam taking over everything and forcing everyone to live like it’s the dark ages.

Things would probably be way different if the West didn’t prop up the perverse incentive structures that Dunyajn speaks on for so long.

Radical Islam wouldn't even be a thing if it hadn't been for the West's actions in the ME. You need to go and read some history books on the subject, sunshine.

by rafiki k

Btw anti Israel pro Trump people are amazing right now. Watching them fold themselves in half to cope is wild.

They are an issue, and I think a good reason why Israel should look to cut back on its reliance on the US. But it has been a little funny to see how dumb they are for thinking their irrelevant interests are more important than Israel. People from both sides of the aisle willingly lap up lots of misinformation when it pertains to Jews and Israel.

by jalfrezi k

Radical Islam wouldn't even be a thing if it hadn't been for the West's actions in the ME. You need to go and read some history books on the subject, sunshine.

I’m not a racist who believes that brown people are genetically predisposed to be victims and terrorists.
