Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 23 Views 23
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

34108 Replies


That's right. You're a racist who believes that brown people, especially Muslims, are inferior to Israelis and can be freely annihilated without consequence.

Not even close, but it really doesn’t matter to me what you think about what I think. Run along and go find a Tweet to tell you want to think.

Engaging with your half baked ideas like “the US created radical Islam!!” is neither interesting nor productive. You’ve shown a distinct lack of knowledge when it comes to Israel/Palestine and the ME which is expected from someone who gathers all of their info from Twitter.

by rafiki k

lol not realizing that the USA wants a moderate middle east, and so does Israel (and the Saudies).

You guys go DEEP. It's pretty simple...

Radical Islam took down the towers. Once you accept that radical islam is coming for the West eventually, you don't really need to bend yourself into flat earther level conspiracies.

lol at conflating Al Qaeda/ISIS with the Palestinian Resistance. Al Qaeda are the guys that you just cheered on taking over Syria who look like they are going to do some genocide of their own on the minority Muslims.

regardless, I would say that massacring 100s of thousands is pretty far from moderate. I would call it Extremist. Jewish Extremism even. seems pretty apt.

by rafiki k

lol not realizing that the USA wants a moderate middle east, and so does Israel (and the Saudies).

You guys go DEEP. It's pretty simple...

Radical Islam took down the towers. Once you accept that radical islam is coming for the West eventually, you don't really need to bend yourself into flat earther level conspiracies.

Well then release the Epstein files. What has Trump got to hide? He's supposed to be the crusader against the deep state pedos but he's acting like he's the pedo and the pedo on film no less.

The U.S. and Israel want, chiefly, and underdeveloped ME. They always seek to hand power to corrupt authoritarians with whom they can whack up the place's resources and control any threat of pan Arab nationalism.

You things like this as if we didn't just see Syria handed to HTS which is basically AQ. These are Islamic fundamentalist terrorists and the U.S. and Israel strongly prefer them to Assad because they want no effective states in the region.

What's going to happen to discourse when most people speaking don't believe what they are saying? and everyone knows people don't even believe what they are saying? Just stop talking dude if you're going to speak at 90 degrees to the truth.

by Deuces McKracken k

Well then release the Epstein files. What has Trump got to hide?

According to a BBC News podcast in 2024:--

Former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are among the people named in US court papers detailing connections of late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Not even close, but it really doesn’t matter to me what you think about what I think. Run along and go find a Tweet to tell you want to think.

Engaging with your half baked ideas like “the US created radical Islam!!” is neither interesting nor productive. You’ve shown a distinct lack of knowledge when it comes to Israel/Palestine and the ME which is expected from someone who gathers all of their info from Twitter.

I didn't say the US, you thick twat.

We're blaming 9/11 on Palestinians now? lol

by rafiki k

lol not realizing that the USA wants a moderate middle east, and so does Israel (and the Saudies).

The Saudis have been heavily committed to funding and exporting Wahhabist and Salafist extremism for some time, and at great expense, with implications for Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya and the West. The 9/11 terrorists were Saudi-led, Saudi-financed and Saudi-inspired. The Saudi rulers are probably annoyed that IS, largely their own creation, is now sworn to destroy them. But what the Saudis mostly hate is Shi'ite Iran, their regional power rival, so, as Iran is funding and arming Hamas and Hezbollah, the Saudis are onside with Israel. It's all a bit like the Cold War, not so much shadow-boxing as proxy-boxing.

Religious and ethnosupremacist extremists are now bombing funerals. tell me more about wanting peace.

I dont speak Hebrew, maybe Blue can affirm the translation is correct. this is absolute fanaticism and extremism.

We're only trying to save transportation costs

by Victor k

I dont speak Hebrew, maybe Blue can affirm the translation is correct. this is absolute fanaticism and extremism.

He said that the earth is flat

by Victor k

I dont speak Hebrew, maybe Blue can affirm the translation is correct. this is absolute fanaticism and extremism.

If I were the Gazans I would return the hostages and give up on our industry of terrorism. I don't think the Israelis are bluffing.


He said that the earth is flat

I think he said Gaza is about to become more flat.

by jalfrezi k

We're only trying to save transportation costs

How many of these "dead" were already dead. It was a funeral home.

by Victor k

Religious and ethnosupremacist extremists are now bombing funerals. tell me more about wanting peace.

Tell me more about fighting a battle you can never win.

PSSST! Let go of the hostages and kick Hamas out of power and maybe things like this would stop happening.

by Victor k

lol at conflating Al Qaeda/ISIS with the Palestinian Resistance. Al Qaeda are the guys that you just cheered on taking over Syria who look like they are going to do some genocide of their own on the minority Muslims.

Well, luckily Israel is there doing God's work destroying as much HTS military infrastructure as they can, and protecting as many minorities as they can. Israel really doesn't get enough credit for being the one Middle East nation willing to stand up to radical Islamism; be it Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, etc.

by 57 On Red k

The Saudis have been heavily committed to funding and exporting Wahhabist and Salafist extremism for some time, and at great expense, with implications for Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya and the West. The 9/11 terrorists were Saudi-led, Saudi-financed and Saudi-inspired. The Saudi rulers are probably annoyed that IS, largely their own creation, is now sworn to destroy them. But what the Saudis mostly hate is Shi'ite Iran, their regional power rival, so, as Iran is funding and arming Hama

My understanding is that in the 21st century the govt of SA made a conscious decision to stop supporting and exporting extreme Wahhabism. And this isn't really something they do anymore. Do you have recent information that contradicts this?

Also, my understanding is you are dramatically over-selling how "onside" SA is with Israel. Under Trump (1st and 2nd term) SA has been promised things they want in exchange for normalizing relations, and they may have a mutual enemy in IRGC; but that is about it.

And the Saudi people are generally very hostile towards Israel, although SA is a very authoritarian state, and the attitudes of the people dont hold much influence over govt policy.

by jalfrezi k

That's right. You're a racist who believes that brown people, especially Muslims, are inferior to Israelis and can be freely annihilated without consequence.

What is this post more – stupid or disingenuous?

We all know Jal is well aware of the fact that there are "brown" Israeli's, Black Israeli's, and so forth.
But critical race theory just sounds so good that we will use it, even when it doesn’t apply.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Every single person who has a reasonable grasp on the conflict said electing Trump would be the worst possible outcome for the Palestinians.

The pro-Palestinian supporters were largely duped by misinformation (as is their custom) into voting against their interests and in favor of the Israeli far right’s interests.

Most of them are in the denial stage right now.

I specifically write up right after mongidig post !😀

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

It is sad that this is preferable to the alternative of radical Islam taking over everything and forcing everyone to live like it’s the dark ages.

Things would probably be way different if the West didn’t prop up the perverse incentive structures that Dunyajn speaks on for so long.

Are you a far right extremist ?
I usually find this binary thinking particularly present in that spectrum.

Fwiw I’m confident , and you welcome to call me naive, that Israel would had arrive at the same result by having killed half of them.
Furthermore I’m pretty certain more Israel will continue killing now, more they will radicalize the left over .

When u just kicked in the teeth for the 100 times on an unconscious person, the result stay the same on the victim but the witness will get angry at you at some point….
We are all human after all .

Eradicating isn’t defending.

by mongidig k

Tell me more about fighting a battle you can never win.

PSSST! Let go of the hostages and kick Hamas out of power and maybe things like this would stop happening.

No need .
Maga maga maga is the truth .

your ideas are already dictated by your emperor trump.

by Dunyain k

Well, luckily Israel is there doing God's work destroying as much HTS military infrastructure as they can, and protecting as many minorities as they can. Israel really doesn't get enough credit for being the one Middle East nation willing to stand up to radical Islamism; be it Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, etc.

Radical is radical , I don’t care what region they come from or what religious faction they belong too.

Seem u do tho.

Can I just ask Victor are you at least happy in the latest attack by Israel that they killed at least 5 senior Hamas officials?
