Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 23 Views 23
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

34646 Replies


That's dropsite quoting reporter Hind Khoudary who lives in Gaza and is citing the Civil Defense themselves.

I think I am starting to see your issues. You don't read and process information very well. Perhaps doing some SAT reading section tutorials would be worthwhile. The basics would do you well.

208 journalists in Gaza killed since the escalation.

My source is sounds about right to all who have been following and we all know it's true. Israel has intentionally targeted journalists for assassination.

Here is something I can't source, just my opinion. It is utterly disgusting how the deliberate targeting of journalists in Gaza has gone largely unreported in the U.S. media. Through Zionist control and influence, the journalism profession has largely forsaken its bravest and most valuable members only for the reason that they are of an ethnicity deemed, by the Zionist infestation in power centers, as unworthy of protection.

What would this current crop of journalists do in Nazi Germany to protect Jewish journalists? Whatever they are doing right now is what they would have done.

You think I hate Zionists? I certainly do. I hate any racial or ethno supremacist fascist scum, not just Zionists. But even more than them I hate the cowards who empower such scum. I deteste these journalists who see their fellow professionals under attack for doing their jobs, and doing their jobs with unbelievable bravery, and say nothing. Like it's not newsworthy that telling the truth through journalism has become a capital offense if you happen to be a Palestinian, if you happen to have been born on some side of some wall.

by Victor k

That's dropsite quoting reporter Hind Khoudary who lives in Gaza and is citing the Civil Defense themselves.

I think I am starting to see your issues. You don't read and process information very well. Perhaps doing some SAT reading section tutorials would be worthwhile. The basics would do you well.

Your initial post was from "gaza notifications" aka trust me bro.

Anyway, how pray tell were the paramedics "executed"? Were they lined up and shot, one behind the ear each? Hung, perhaps? Any more details from your totally reliable sources to justify the execution claim?

by Deuces McKracken k

208 journalists in Gaza killed since the escalation.

My source is sounds about right to all who have been following and we all know it's true. Israel has intentionally targeted journalists for assassination.

Here is something I can't source, just my opinion. It is utterly disgusting how the deliberate targeting of journalists in Gaza has gone largely unreported in the U.S. media. Through Zionist control and influence, the journalism profession has largely forsaken its bravest and most valuable mem

...Maybe you'd like 'em if you got to know some?

The Zionist prayer: It didn't happen and if it did they deserved it.

Evidence of targeting journalists?

Evidence the sun rises in the East?

he was ordered to do war crimes. and he followed those orders. you see, he had no reason to do them and from the article it seems like he didnt even want to do them. but he just had to follow the orders. he was just following the orders.

no mention on if they executed the slaves afterwards like in so many other cases.

seems fine

the kids are probably antisemitic so its fine.

never forget who the real victims are

by rafiki k

Evidence of targeting journalists?

208 have been killed by Israeli forces. So there's that.

Israel has long been obsessed with American public opinion and news media. They have an established motive. Again, the corpses are there. There are details of situations given by witnesses where press credentials were clearly visible and the journalist was still targeted.

Basically all the evidence that one could ever need short of an internal communication from Israel expressing directives or intentions to target journalists.

Now, hand to God, I know of no such internal communication. But I'm thinking it's about 50/50 that one exists and can be found on the interwebs. The Zionists like to flaunt their unaccountability. They really aren't too careful, make a lot of strategic leaks, and their own press is fairly truthful if not too critical.

What would you need to see as proof given that circumstantial proof is already abundant.

Basically all the evidence that one could ever need short of an internal communication from Israel expressing directives or intentions to target journalists.

we even have that. they put out kill lists of journalists all the time. Hassan Shabat and Ismail Ghoul were on them. soon they will kill Anas Al Sharif and Abubaker. and the Israeli supporters on twitter and telegram will celebrate in ecstasy like they have been doing for each and every journalist killed over the last year.

anyone with humanity that reads Israeli twitter gets radicalized by their own words very quickly.

300 terrorist supporters have had their visas revoked by the US. President Trump is making it abundantly clear that being given a visa is a privilege. You shouldn't come to our country and support Hamas and other terrorist groups who want to kill Americans and Israelis. This country deserves to be picky about the people it lets in and stay. Every other country in the world(except Canada) would do the same thing.

I agree that it is a good thing. these very smart people should not devote or lend their talents to the USA. keep the brain drain going.

by mongidig k

300 terrorist supporters have had their visas revoked by the US. President Trump is making it abundantly clear that being given a visa is a privilege. You shouldn't come to our country and support Hamas and other terrorist groups who want to kill Americans and Israelis. This country deserves to be picky about the people it lets in and stay. Every other country in the world(except Canada) would do the same thing.

The Trump Cult has really coalesced on the Canada hating in the last couple days. I'm sure now they think it's always been this way.

Because they returned the favor on tariffs? Because they had the audacity to not jump at the chance to be the 51st state?

by microbet k

The Trump Cult has really coalesced on the Canada hating in the last couple days. I'm sure now they think it's always been this way.

Because they returned the favor on tariffs? Because they had the audacity to not jump at the chance to be the 51st state?

Well, in fairness most of the backlash against Canada specifically is a direct result of the rhetoric and actions of Canadian politicians. Numerous Canadian politicians have used extremely inflammatory rhetoric, saying things such as "this is war" and they will make the "American people pay", etc. etc. etc. And they have even gone so far as to say they are going to target red states.

Mexico, Japan, China are examples of countries that have had similar actions taken against them, but have handled it very differently. The "Canada hating" is an extremely predictable direct result of how Canadian politicians have chosen to handle the situation.

The most ironic part of this is that the President of Mexico is a Marxist Jew; so you would think she would be super red meat for the so called antisemitic right. But because she has handled the situation very differently, the backlash from the Trump base against her and Mexico has been much less (part of this is because the narrative of right wing antisemitism in 2024 America is way overblown by leftists)

by Victor k

I agree that it is a good thing. these very smart people should not devote or lend their talents to the USA. keep the brain drain going.

They can take their terror rally organizational skills to another country.

by Dunyain k

Well, in fairness most of the backlash against Canada specifically is a direct result of the rhetoric and actions of Canadian politicians. Numerous Canadian politicians have used extremely inflammatory rhetoric, saying things such as "this is war" and they will make the "American people pay", etc. etc. etc. And they have even gone so far as to say they are going to target red states.

Mexico, Japan, China are examples of countries that have had similar actions taken against them, but have ha

I just want to piggy back this by saying Canadians should know that tipping is customary in the US.

by Dunyain k

Well, in fairness most of the backlash against Canada specifically is a direct result of the rhetoric and actions of Canadian politicians. Numerous Canadian politicians have used extremely inflammatory rhetoric, saying things such as "this is war" and they will make the "American people pay", etc. etc. etc. And they have even gone so far as to say they are going to target red states.

Mexico, Japan, China are examples of countries that have had similar actions taken against them, but have ha

Yet under biden all was fine with canada...
so trump attacks canada under false pretexts, lies about it, threaten canada to lose its sovereignty , put unfair tariffs to try to killed the canadian economy, disrespected our PM many times....but its canada fault ?
lol gtfo...

Whos canada got problem with beside trump prior to 2 months ago ?

lets see with trump :
Denmark, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Ukrayne, China, Panama, and im leaving out all the groups inside the US....

Ho yes its canada all right.

ps: you agree with israel reacting like genocidal maniac but if canada just reply when being threaten its canada that is bad, what a joke u are...

by Victor k

I agree that it is a good thing. these very smart people should not devote or lend their talents to the USA. keep the brain drain going.

America is so horrible that people want to come here and have to be forcibly removed to get them to leave.

Not that I agree with this administration and think they should be allowed to stay unless illegal acts have been proven, but I can’t help but find it ironic how even the America hating third worldist will make a pilgrimage to benefit from our (usually) great institutions.

With Trump they finally have someone to really hate and might have a taste of what a truly racist, imperialist, fascist America is like. Here’s to hoping that doesn’t happen.

by checkraisdraw k

America is so horrible that people want to come here and have to be forcibly removed to get them to leave.

Not that I agree with this administration and think they should be allowed to stay unless illegal acts have been proven, but I can’t help but find it ironic how even the America hating third worldist will make a pilgrimage to benefit from our (usually) great institutions.

With Trump they finally have someone to really hate and might have a taste of what a truly racist, imperialist, fascist Am

are u sure that didnt changed in the last couple weeks ?
seem many scientist and people in universities are having a change of heart...
i hope canada will make great massive incentives to bring them home.

by mongidig k

300 terrorist supporters have had their visas revoked by the US. President Trump is making it abundantly clear that being given a visa is a privilege. You shouldn't come to our country and support Hamas and other terrorist groups who want to kill Americans and Israelis. This country deserves to be picky about the people it lets in and stay. Every other country in the world(except Canada) would do the same thing.

President Trump is acting as though Netanyahoo's arm is up his rectum and controlling all his actions. He is bought by Zionists.

What would you do if you were born into Gaza? Not fight back in any way? You can't call people terrorists for simply doing whatever anyone would in their situation. Doing so makes you a hypocrite. Let's hear a definition of terrorism which labels Hamas as terrorist but not the USA.

by Montrealcorp k

are u sure that didnt changed in the last couple weeks ?
seem many scientist and people in universities are having a change of heart...
i hope canada will make great massive incentives to bring them home.

Sure, but it’s not like people that are antizionists started believing that America was bad the day Trump got elected.

The point isn’t that I think it’s good what Trump is doing. In fact, Trump stands in stark contrast to the alternative, which is exactly what he said he would be and set out to do.

by mongidig k

I just want to piggy back this by saying Canadians should know that tipping is customary in the US.

It's also customary in Canada. You should travel more.

by Deuces McKracken k

208 journalists in Gaza killed since the escalation.

My source is sounds about right to all who have been following and we all know it's true. Israel has intentionally targeted journalists for assassination.

Here is something I can't source, just my opinion. It is utterly disgusting how the deliberate targeting of journalists in Gaza has gone largely unreported in the U.S. media. Through Zionist control and influence, the journalism profession has largely forsaken its bravest and most valuable mem

Rename this thread The Comedy Club.

by tame_deuces k

Yes, this was a bit confusing. Victor is on record stating that he supports the Trump administration and wanted it elected, as he thinks it will lead to the downfall of the US. I don't know how he actually voted, so I have only those words to go on.

It becomes a bit disingenuous to then flaunt images of a member of the Trump administration's callous use of emojis in regards to a bomb strike, and somehow hold it against others.

Bold of you to assume he even voted.

in fact, its completely idiotic to think I voted. but liberals have trouble reading words even though I said 100s of times that I dont vote for genocide. for most Westerners, it is inconceivable to not support genocide.
