Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 50 Views 50
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11270 Replies


by topg2024 k

Skater Nomad is back on the road back to Vegas with a $2,000 Prius with a dented fender and busted front bumper but it has a title at least unlike the prior vehicle.

He then cooks himself and locks himself out of the car.

The back seats fold to allow a sleeping area.

He takes his girlfriend to Yamava and she got rinsed and he reports from the Yamava parking garage and then discovers his Serrano card has $50 freeplay.

Wow this is all so interesting.

by Petrucci k

Hilarious stuff, LMAO that one drooler thought he was worthy of a GPI nomination and he is passing out of joy.

Likely a troll job that went right to his ego and over his head.

by parisron k

I'm not sure what Rice is talking about, he seems to think the GPI awards are in California each year? They are held at Aria each year.

I'm not sure either but just lol at the posters ITT who thought he was joking when he complained about not being nominated. His subsequent video on it indicates that he was not joking at all. People still don't realise that Rice genuinely believes he is the best in the world at everything he ever does.

by angle_shooter k

I'm not sure either but just lol at the posters ITT who thought he was joking when he complained about not being nominated. His subsequent video on it indicates that he was not joking at all. People still don't realise that Rice genuinely believes he is the best in the world at everything he ever does.

But he's the only one who puts of video every day! Surely his half assed lazy videos filled with nonsensical yammering and almost no poker content is the best poker content out there. He should get all of the awards.

Besides it's only been a few months since the aces meltdown at Red Rock. He still needs time to get over the injustice of it- cut him a break!

by Steve00007 k

Wow this is all so interesting.

Despite a new channel Skater Nomad now has 15,000 subscribers twice that of ELD and he expands on the Nomadic Method, besides condiments, he instructs on how to obtain free Mountain Dew from Taco Bell:

What is Rice missing?

His last 2 vlogs have 0 views on YT.

Fox Vegas reports government workers in yellow t-shirts are attempting to move Nomads to Nomadic barracks filled with cots and Nomads can be arrested since after February 1, 2025.

Nomads face sentences of 10 days in jail for being Nomadic in Clark County. Ideally this should be struck down to sentencing Nomads only to Weekend jail time on Fridays and Saturday nights and let them out Sunday through Thursdays.

Hopefully ELD can provide legal analysis of the anti nomad law.

Page 1 of 9[Bracketed] and/orstrikethrough material is that portion being deletedUnderlined material is that portion being addedDouble Underlined material is added on November 5, 2024Double Strikethrough material deleted on November 5, 2024BILL NO. _______________________________SUMMARY – An ordinance to amend Title 12 ofthe Clark County Code to add a new Chapter 12.49related to the prohibition of encampments, camping,lodging and similar activities; and providing forother matters properly related thereto.ORDINANCE NO. ________________________________(of Clark County, Nevada)AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 12 OF THE CLARK COUNTYCODE TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 12.49 RELATED TO THEPROHIBITION OF ENCAMPMENTS, CAMPING, LODGING ANDSIMILAR ACTIVITIES; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERSPROPERLY RELATING THERETO. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF CLARK,STATE OF NEVADA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Title 12 of the Clark County Code is hereby amended by adding a newChapter 12.49 to read as follows:CAMPING, LODGING AND SIMILAR ACTIVITIES12.49.010 Purpose and Findings.A. Public places, public rights-of-way, and other paths within the county are created andmaintained for the primary purpose of enabling pedestrians and lawfully permitted vehiclesto safely and efficiently move about from place to place, facilitating deliveries of goods andservices, unobstructed access for first responders in an emergency situation, and providing allpotential customers and visitors with convenient access to their destinations. The acts ofsleeping, laying down, or storing, maintaining, or placing personal property in public placesand public rights-of-way that interferes with the primary purposes of those public placesthreatens the public health, safety and welfare of the public. It is the obligation of the county

Page 2 of 9to keep its public places, public rights-of-way, and other paths within the county clean andavailable for public use, and to protect the public health, safety, and access for all citizens.B. Public places and paths are prone to congestion and should be kept available to serve theirprimary purposes as set forth in this section.C. The obstruction of overpasses, underpasses, freeway ramps, tunnels, bridges, and pedestrianbridges creates a hazardous condition to the public by disrupting the flow of traffic, whichmay result in the death or serious bodily injury of the individuals who create such obstruction.D. The obstruction of flood channels, washes, and spreading grounds creates a hazardouscondition to the public health and safety by interfering with the flow of stormwater drainage,which may cause death or serious bodily injury during unexpected flash floods.12.49.020 Definitions.As used below, the words and terms defined in this section have the meanings ascribed to themunless a different meaning clearly appears in the context where used, or unless specifically definedin an applicable section. Authorized officer means any peace officer, fire inspector, code enforcement officer or otherofficers, inspectors and employees charged with the enforcement of county ordinances.Camp orcamping means:1. Setting up or remaining in any place where bedding, sleeping bag, or any other materialused for bedding purposes, or any stove or fire is placed, established, or maintained forthe purpose of making a temporary place to live, whether or not such place incorporatesthe use of any tent, lean-to, shack, or any other structure, or any vehicle or part thereof;2. Setting up or using camp paraphernalia, a tent, a shelter, a vehicle, or other structure orpart thereof as temporary living accommodations;3. Sleeping outdoors; or4.Carrying on cooking activities using a personal cooking apparatus or fire.Camp paraphernalia means equipment or supplies that are used by a person or persons to facilitatecamping, which includes but is not limited to lanterns, latrines, tents, huts, cots, beds, sleepingbags, bedrolls, knapsacks, hammocks, canvases, or other similar type of equipment or supplies.Contaminated property means any personal property which may pose a health risk to countypersonnel, their vendor(s), or the public. Contaminated Property shall include all property whichmay be:1. Visibly soiled with feces or urine.2. Stained with blood.3. Items which are wet, presenting mold concerns.4. Oils, chemicals, unknown liquids, or any other fluid containing vessel which is notfactory sealed.

Page 3 of 95. Any other personal property which the Nevada Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration, the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection or the SouthernNevada Health District deems to be a health hazard. Dangerous items mean, for purposes of this chapter, those items that present a hazard to the healthand safety of county personnel or the public. These items include, but are not limited to, hazardousmaterials, flammable materials (e.g., propane tanks), fabric contaminated with human or animalwaste, fabric contaminated with flammable substances (e.g., oil or petroleum products), or wetfabric (mold hazard).Personal property means an item that is:1. Reasonably recognizable as belonging to a person;2. In its present condition has apparent utility and/or value; and3. Is not hazardous or unsanitary.Public place shall have the same meaning as in county code 12.08.010.Public building shall mean any real property, structure or facility, owned, leased or occupied bythe county which is used for the transaction of public or quasi-public business.Owner means any person, whether residing, located or domiciled within or outside the State ofNevada, having title to the subject property. For the purposes of service of notice, owner shall alsomean the owner's local designated agent or representative.Special events may include, but are not limited to, programs operated by the county departments,youth or school events, marathons, sporting events, or music festivals.Spreading ground means an open area of public land that collects or conveys surface watergenerated through a natural process such as rainfall or through artificial means via irrigation ordust control, resulting in the percolating and infiltration of water into groundwater basins.Temporary shelter means tents, tarps, huts, lean-tos, tarps, cardboard boxes, or any type ofstructure or cover that provides partial shelter from the elements, other than clothing.12.49.030 Camping – Prohibitions.A. It is unlawful for any person to camp in the following areas, except as otherwise provided bythis code or where specifically designated by the owner of such property:1. Any public right-of-way;2. Any trail, park, or park facility;3. Any public building, publicly-owned parking lot or publicly-owned land, improved orunimproved; or4. Any public property where camping obstructs or interferes with the intended public useof the property.B. Exceptions:1. In the event of an emergency circumstance such as earthquake, fire, flood, explosion, orother natural disaster, temporary camping may be authorized as decreed in a declarationof emergency issued pursuant to county code 3.04.060.

Page 4 of 92. The County Manager or his or her designee may, at his or her discretion, issue a permitto establish, maintain and operate a camp or a temporary shelter in connection with aspecial event. The County Manager, or designee, may consult with county departmentsor other public entities, such as the health district, and the public prior to issuing anytemporary permits. Those consulted may provide comments and suggestions regardinghealth, safety, and public welfare, thereby providing recommendations on whether thetemporary permit should be issued outright, issued with conditions, or denied. Thecounty may establish a fee to be paid for issuance of the special event permit to operatea camp or a temporary shelter in connection with a special event.a. If a permit is issued for a special event, that permit shall be posted in a conspicuousplace during the duration of the camp or temporary shelter's existence at the event.b. Should the special event's camp or temporary shelter(s) violate any terms set forth bythe permit issued by the county, the permit shall be revoked immediately until the setterms are met again.C. No person shall camp upon any private property without the express written consent of theproperty owner or the owner's agent, and only in such locations where camping may beconducted in accordance with any other applicable county law.1. It is not intended by this section to prohibit overnight camping on private residentialproperty by friends or family of the property owner, so long as the owner consents andthe overnight camping is limited to not more than one night where the camping is in therear yard, or in an area of a side yard or front yard not within view outside of the privateproperty line.2. It is not intended to prohibit or make unlawful, activities of an owner of private propertyor other lawful user of private property that are normally associated with and incidentalto the lawful and authorized use of private property for residential or other purposes;further, nothing is intended to prohibit or make unlawful, activities of a property owneror other lawful user if such activities are expressly authorized by the county code or otherlaws and regulations.3. Nothing stated is intended to make it unlawful to possess or transport camp facilities orcamp paraphernalia on private property or county park or park facility with a properlyissued special event permit pursuant to county code.D. If an unattended campsite appears to be abandoned on county property or upon privateproperty without the owner's consent, removal of the campsite may occur by the appropriatecounty agency after the written notice required by subsection12.49.070. is provided.12.49.040 Laying down, sleeping, or storing, maintaining, or placing personal property inpublic places, public building, the public right-of-way, or other paths.A. No person shall obstruct or interfere with the access to any public place, public building,public right-of-way, or other paths:

Page 5 of 91. By laying down, sleeping, or by storing, maintaining, or placing personal property, in amanner that impedes passage, as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act of1990, Pub. L, No. 101-336, 104 Stat. 328 (1990), as amended from time to time;2. By laying down, sleeping, or by storing, maintaining, or placing personal property,within ten feet of any operational or utilizable driveway or loading dock;3. By laying down, sleeping, or by storing, maintaining, or placing personal property,within five feet of any operational or utilizable building entrance or exit;4. By laying down, sleeping, or by storing, maintaining, or placing personal property,within two feet of any fire hydrant, fire plug, or other fire department connection;5. By laying down, sleeping, or by storing, maintaining, or placing personal property,within the public right-of-way in a manner that obstructs or unreasonably interfereswith the use of the right-of-way by the general public; or6. By laying down, sleeping, or storing, maintaining, or placing personal property, in orupon any public place, public building, or other public right-of-way within anyoverpass, underpass, freeway ramp, tunnel, bridge, pedestrian bridge, wash, spreadingground.B. No person shall obstruct any portion of any public place other public right-of-way open touse by motor vehicles, or any portion of a bike lane, bike path, or other public right-of-wayopen to use by bicycles, by laying down, or sleeping, or by storing, using, maintaining, orplacing personal property, anywhere within the street, bike lane, bike path, or other publicright-of-way, as specified.C. No person shall sleep or store, use, maintain, or place personal property, in or upon anypublic place or other public right-of-way within the distance stated on the posted signage(up to a maximum of 500 feet) or a property designated as a sensitive use. For a property tobe designated as a "sensitive use," the property must be a park, recreation facility, trail, ortrailhead.12.49.050 Enforcement.A. Before issuing a citation or making an arrest to enforce sections 12.49.030 and 12.49.040,an authorized officer charged with its enforcement who observes a violation must:1. Notify the person engaged in the prohibited conduct that he or she is in violation of thischapter; and2. Notify the person of the location and availability of the homeless shelter services; and3. Direct the person engaged in the prohibited conduct to move to another location.4. If an individual refuses to cease to engage in the prohibited conduct,or refuses to go toan available shelter, or returns to the same area, a citation or an arrest may be madepursuant to this chapter.B. It is an affirmative defense to any prosecution under subsection A. if:

Page 6 of 91. Any person so notified as described in paragraph 1. of subsection A. of this sectionpromptly ceased, within a time reasonable under the circumstances, to engage in theprohibited conduct following such notification;2. The person is in violation of this chapter due to a medical emergency,which includes amental health medical emergency;3. The person is utilizing an object, placed in public place or other public right-of-way, inthe manner in which it was intended, such as sitting on a bus stop or bench waiting fortransportation;4. The conduct is in conformity with the conditions of any permit issued pursuant to thecounty code;5. The individual in violation is a passenger that is asleep while being transported byanother person in or on any device or by any method otherwise legally permitted in thepart of the right-of-way or other public path for vehicular or pedestrian travel beingused for such travel;6. The individual is participating in or attending a parade, festival, performance, rally,demonstration, meeting, or similar event conducted on the public place or public right-of-way pursuant to a special event or other applicable permit;7. The individual is operating or patronizing a business with permission to occupy thesidewalk; or8. The individual is engaging in constitutionally protected expressive activities whichwould otherwise be restricted by the limitations in this chapter.C. If the minimum requirements set forth in subsection A. are met, the authorized officershould use reasonable efforts to perform the following actions prior to arrest or issuing acitation:1. Ascertain if the subject is in need of medical attention to include mental health medicalattention;2. Use reasonable efforts to contact appropriate available social services agencies ifservices are needed or requested;3. Provide information to the person of the availability of social services;4. Coordinate with the appropriate county agency for the collection of personal property,as needed.D. If no shelter or services are available, no arrest or citation will be rendered. If the violatorrefuses to receive the offered available assistance, the violator may be cited or arrested forappropriate violations under this chapter.12.49.060 Stored property — Impoundment.A. All stored personal property in violation of this chapter may be impounded by the county. Inthe event personal property placed on public property interferes with the safe or orderlymanagement of the premises or poses an immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare ofthe public, it may be impounded by the appropriate county agency at any time.

Page 7 of 9B. Personal property placed on public property shall be deemed to be stored personal propertyif it has not been removed from public property within 24 hours of service of the writtennotice required by section 12.49.070, which requires such removal, and the county maycause the removal and/or impoundment of such stored personal property.12.49.070 Notice; storage and disposal.A. The written notice required to be served by subsection 12.49.060(B) shall be deemed tohave been served if a copy of the written notice is served on the person storing the personalproperty or is posted prominently and conspicuously on the stored personal property. Thewritten notice shall contain the following:1. A description of the personal property to be removed (such description may refer to anattached photograph).2. The location of the personal property.3. The date and time the notice was posted.4. The section of the code that is being violated.5. A statement that the personal property will be impounded if not removed within 24hours.6. The location where the removed property will be stored and clear instructionsexplaining how to retrieve the property.7. A statement that the impounded property will be sold or otherwise disposed of if notclaimed within 30 days.B. Impounded personal property shall be moved to a place of storage.1. All personal property except contaminated property, dangerous items, or other itemsthat present any health and safety risk shall be impounded.2. The property shall be stored for a minimum of 30 days during which time it will bemade reasonably available to any individual claiming ownership. Any property thatremains unclaimed after 30 days may be disposed of.3. Weapons, drug paraphernalia and items that are believed to be stolen or are evidence ina crime shall also be impounded or appropriately disposed of by law enforcement.12.49.080 Outdoor fires prohibited on public land without permit.No person shall kindle or maintain any open fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled ormaintained on or in any public street, alley, road or other public ground without a permit fromthe fire department.12.49.090 Outdoor fires prohibited on private land without permit.No person shall kindle or maintain any outdoor open fire or authorize any such fire to be kindledor maintained on any private land without first having obtained a permit from the firedepartment. Nor shall any fire be kindled or maintained in any outdoor container unless suchcontainer has been approved by and a permit issued by the fire department. Nothing in this

Page 8 of 9section shall be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the construction and use of barbecue pits,grills or outdoor fireplaces for the preparation of food for consumption by individuals on theirown private property or with the permission of the owner of the private property.12.49.100 Penalty.Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not
to exceed six monthsten (10) daysor by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.SECTION 2. If any section of this ordinance or portion thereof is for any reasonheld invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shallnot invalidate the remaining parts of this ordinance.SECTION 3. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, chapters, sections, subsections,clauses, phrases or sentences contained in the Clark County Code in conflict herewith arehereby repealed.SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on January 1, 2025 February 1, 2025, after its passage and the publication thereof by title only, together withthe names of the County Commissioners voting for or against its passage, in a newspaperpublished in and having a general circulation in Clark County, Nevada, at least once a weekfor a period of two (2) weeks.PROPOSED on the _____ day of ______________________, 2024.PROPOSED BY:PASSED on the _____ day of ____________________ 2024.AYES:

Page 9 of 9NAYS:ABSTAINING:ABSENT:BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSCLARK COUNTY, NEVADABy: Tick Segerblom, ChairATTEST:LYNN GOYA, County Clerk This ordinance shall be in force and effect on January 1, 2025 February 1, 2025.

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by angle_shooter k

I'm not sure either but just lol at the posters ITT who thought he was joking when he complained about not being nominated. His subsequent video on it indicates that he was not joking at all. People still don't realise that Rice genuinely believes he is the best in the world at everything he ever does.

Yeah I was very surprised that people thought rice wasn't serious about that. They have zero understanding of how he operates and thinks. In his mind he 100% deserves an award

by topg2024 k

Despite a new channel Skater Nomad now has 15,000 subscribers twice that of ELD and he expands on the Nomadic Method, besides condiments, he instructs on how to obtain free Mountain Dew from Taco Bell:

You must be trolling at this point. Nobody else in here cares about non poker related Nomads nor other types of vagrants

by borg23 k

But he's the only one who puts of video every day! Surely his half assed lazy videos filled with nonsensical yammering and almost no poker content is the best poker content out there. He should get all of the awards.

Besides it's only been a few months since the aces meltdown at Red Rock. He still needs time to get over the injustice of it- cut him a break!

Now see if other vloggers recognized his greatness and watched his videos they would know you don't have to spend $20 to get from Harrah's AC to Borgata.

I'm talking to you Eyring and Brantzen.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

More Mean, Stupid Comments. He tells what his plan is during retirement. Go to Mets games, play 50 hours of poker per year and eat jambalaya at 4am while watching King of Queens. lol

What is stopping him from doing that now exactly? Seems like he’s already there

by LuvDaVlogs k

What is stopping him from doing that now exactly? Seems like he’s already there

That is the paradox of Rice's retirement. Retirement is usually viewed as a time where you cut back and slow down. Since Rice is already practically at rock bottom of the slow down and cut back thing, there really isn't much to retire from.

Also LMAO at having the plans for retirement to watch youtube videos or kings of queens at 4am eating garbage food. Legendary stuff.

by Petrucci k

Also LMAO at having the plans for retirement to watch youtube videos or kings of queens at 4am eating garbage food. Legendary stuff.

Hence why he claims it would only take him a few short years to reach retirement if he was getting $50k to $80k gifted to him each year. Rice probably figures he could retire in his 30s with just 250k to his name. And that's with no property; other than his car, his rice cooker, and his trusty pocket knife.

I'm debating whether to give him a click so I can witness this train wreck and give him more "mean and stupid comments" to review

by Petrucci k

Also LMAO at having the plans for retirement to watch youtube videos or kings of queens at 4am eating garbage food. Legendary stuff.

That he thinks Kevin James and Leah Remini are even remotely entertaining tells me all I need to know about this nitwit. JFC. This guy needs an intervention.

Bike king has been fixing up another van to live in I guess? Anyway now he’s teasing a return on Instagram

by angle_shooter k

Hence why he claims it would only take him a few short years to reach retirement if he was getting $50k to $80k gifted to him each year. Rice probably figures he could retire in his 30s with just 250k to his name. And that's with no property; other than his car, his rice cooker, and his trusty pocket knife.

I've been practicing law in DC since 1998 -- two year clerkship, a decade at "big law" and partner at a spin off of the Big Law since . . .. I hate practicing law and I hate most lawyers. I'm planning to retire within the next 1 to 3 years (because there has to be more to life than this . . .) and am actively working through retirement modeling on programs like Boldin. The hardest part for me is trying to estimate expenses in retirement, largely because I feel like my expenses over the last nearly 3 decades may not be representative of what they'll be in retirement (The only perk of hating my job for nearly 30 years has been the ability to spend without thought. To paraphrase Lucile Bluth -- "it's a banana. What could it cost? $10? . . .). But my gut feeling is that it takes A LOT of money to retire comfortably early (i.e., early 50's). According to a Rice comment from several weeks ago, given my background, I should have been able to retire 20 years ago. I guess I did something wrong. But as I watch his videos, I'm not sure if I should applaud his frugality or laugh at his level of ignorance about what an even half-way decent retirement lifestyle will cost, particularly over the span of decades. Most guys like Rice live for the now and don't seem to think about the future -- how they'll afford healthcare; how they will live when the poker/YouTube/whatever money runs dry... But Rice is a special breed. He claims to have that future all figured out. I suspect he'll be in for a rude awakening. Of course, while I don't think Rice is a "trust fund" guy, it's possible he's just waiting it out until his parents die and he can live off some huge inheritance. If that's the case, kudos to him I guess.

Also, for the record, Rice does not have a job. He has a hobby. And if he's truly deluded himself into thinking otherwise, god bless the boy.

by Pete_Peters k

I've been practicing law in DC since 1998 -- two year clerkship, a decade at "big law" and partner at a spin off of the Big Law since . . .. I hate practicing law and I hate most lawyers. I'm planning to retire within the next 1 to 3 years (because there has to be more to life than this . . .) and am actively working through retirement modeling on programs like Boldin. The hardest part for me is trying to estimate expenses in retirement, largely because I feel like my expenses over the last

Once you own a house in a cheap cost of living area you can retire according to ELD. The housing costs is the biggest factor in living. Food can be reduced to minimal amount . Transportation can be reduced to taking the bus.

by topg2024 k

Once you own a house in a cheap cost of living area you can retire according to ELD. The housing costs is the biggest factor in living. Food can be reduced to minimal amount . Transportation can be reduced to taking the bus.

I managed to live in DC for 30 years without stepping foot on a bus. I don't intend to start in retirement.

if you can't have fun eating good food what's the point of living

by Pete_Peters k

I've been practicing law in DC since 1998 -- two year clerkship, a decade at "big law" and partner at a spin off of the Big Law since . . .. I hate practicing law and I hate most lawyers. I'm planning to retire within the next 1 to 3 years (because there has to be more to life than this . . .) and am actively working through retirement modeling on programs like Boldin. The hardest part for me is trying to estimate expenses in retirement, largely because I feel like my expenses over the last

sounds like Rice is way ahead of you in the retirement department

it's no surprise that while others fumble in the dark full of self-doubt, El D effortlessly skates through life completely immune to inflation

his brilliant mind is on full display as he's already made plans for the next 50 years

by Pete_Peters k

I managed to live in DC for 30 years without stepping foot on a bus. I don't intend to start in retirement.

Amazon Fresh or Walmart can deliver rice and sardines and one can just drink tap water and then there is not a reason to go out. Just relax and enjoy the dividends and download King of Queens.

by Alpha Fish k

sounds like Rice is way ahead of you in the retirement department

it's no surprise that while others fumble in the dark full of self-doubt, El D effortlessly skates through life completely immune to inflation

his brilliant mind is on full display as he's already made plans for the next 50 years

Make no mistake: the first time that guy gets a meaningful illness, he is done. he’d be at least a +1500 dog to survive cancer given his current health.

You’re fine Pete. Just assume 25x your spending needs in retirement as a nest egg target and shoot for that. It’s all plus or minus a chunk anyway.
